Thursday, April 30, 2020
What caused the collapses of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the People's Socialist Republic of Albania?

books about North Korea (specifically, questioning Western narratives around North Korea)

French pan painting 🎨🍝🗼🇫🇷
Submitted April 30, 2020 at 09:13PM by fucktheregoesmyheart https://ift.tt/3aUI1Ds

Stream Boss Bitch by Doja Cat I’m gay
Submitted April 30, 2020 at 08:40PM by RaeRaeGay https://ift.tt/3f8ej1d
We found and tested 47 old drugs that might treat the coronavirus: Results show promising leads and a whole new way to fight COVID-19 | Progesterone possibly one source of fighting against Covid
Submitted April 30, 2020 at 08:51PM by trans_tacos https://ift.tt/2KOKm8z
What was the Soviet Union's role in Africa?

Golden Girls Theme 👵👵👵👵
🎶Thank you for 🅱️eing a friend 👫. Travel ✈down the road🛣 and 🅱️ack ⏪ again. Your heart💕 is true, you're a pal🤝 and a confidant 😏.
And if you threw🗑 a party🎉, invited everyone📨 you knew. You would see the 🅱️iggest gift🎁 would be from me and the card 📝attached would say, thank you😁 for 🅱️eing a friend🎶.
Submitted April 30, 2020 at 07:07PM by fjdklrueiopj https://ift.tt/3bU04LA
An African American soldier during the Vietnam War looks at a wall monument built by the Việt Cộng that reads: "U.S. Negro Armymen, you are committing the same ignominious crimes in South Vietnam that the KKK clique is perpetrating against your family at home."

What’s an easy inspiring communist autobiography? Feeling very apathetic and want to get back into politics. I’m a filmmaker and want to think of good content but need inspiration. HMU if you have any recommendations 🖖🏽👋🏽💖

Books and Documentaries on the Vietnamese Resistance War Against America

New documentary about the GDR from german communists

Ayyy My Turn!
Submitted April 30, 2020 at 05:22PM by Kalleris https://ift.tt/2VTlD9x
The Left Party of Sweden are organizing a may day celebration in World of Warcraft.

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 04:28AM by GeOrGiEkoala https://ift.tt/2SkqaQb
Weekly Discussion Thread - (April 30)

PANsexuality PAN eating PANicking PANcakes
Submitted April 30, 2020 at 03:14AM by satou_monika https://ift.tt/2KRQFrL
Pansexuality pony in Dergun Town!
Submitted April 30, 2020 at 02:09AM by satou_monika https://ift.tt/2SlGXlO
That Is prime minister od Czech republic 🤣🤣
Submitted April 30, 2020 at 02:41AM by kolapsus92 https://ift.tt/3eZiiNH
Nature of the resistance war against the U.S imperialists for national salvation is undeniable
Today marks the 45th anniversary of Vietnam's Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day (30th April 1975 - 30th April 2020)

Diss Track of Vaush

Does anyone get this feeling as well?
So I claim myself as a demi-pansexual.. but like times I feel so terrible because I've dated mostly men (they also they are cis males). I did date one woman but she broke up with a week later and said she was just using me to make her ex jealous. We kissed like once, but I've never really dated anyone besides cis males. It makes me feel like shit that maybe like I'm lying to myself but as soon as I see a female, or even before a non binary person I've been super attracted to them and get flustered. Sometimes I feel like I get even get more nervous females but since I've like technically never had a proper relationship its really gets to me. Anyone else have this feeling? What do you think? What do you do?
Submitted April 30, 2020 at 01:41AM by goreisthenewpink https://ift.tt/3bQ30cb
So I made this
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 11:39PM by S0RTBYNEW https://ift.tt/2KHTSKG
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Hey 👋 guys👦gals👩and non-binary pals🧒! Let’s go 👥 bully an emoji🥱police🚨🚔
Hey 👋 guys👦gals👩and non-binary pals🧒! Let’s go 👥 bully an emoji🥱police🚨🚔
They🚔think🤔they can stop🅱️us? Fools🗡. They should✅know💡that we😂have 1️⃣5️⃣3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ members! Stupid😅police🚨🚔
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 10:55PM by IdiotInATree https://ift.tt/3aSH4vs
Comrades, every capitalist pig in TLOU 2 except Ellie dies! This is a victory for zombie comrades everywhere

penis 😳😁
It has been 4 4️⃣ hours 🕓 since I successfully sucked 😜💦 my own 😩 penis 🍆🍌. Things are different now. As soon 🔜🔜🔜 as mouth 👄-to-penis contact was made I felt a ✴️ shockwave through my 🧘♂️ body. I have 🧐 reason 🤔 to believe I have super 💪🏻🦾strength and telekinesis 🤩 now... three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ hours after contact I noticed a van 🚐 parked on 🔛🔛 my street but no 😣 one 1️⃣1️⃣ has entered or exited the car 🚌 since it’s arrival. I fear for my 🔞safety, I’m not sure what 😅 sort of power 🔋🔋 I may have 🕺 stumbled upon but it’s possible that the 😡 government 🏛 has found out 👀. If I don’t upd
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 07:23PM by nate0590 https://ift.tt/3cY72iH
Woops wrong emoji 😳
Hey my queen, tips fedora 😎
woops wrong emoji
wait speaking of emojis holy aha- doesn't that look like im fucking you with my dick?
I mean you should thank me I dont give my dick to anyone 😮
aha wait could it mean something? 😳 I mean want to? aha jk unless
aha sorry for spamming you,
wait if im doing that use your phone vibration to masturbate 😳 aha jk call me 📱
cartwheels away into Satans anus 🤸♂️🔴
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 07:12PM by FoxySilv https://ift.tt/2W9NTn3
Who’s the new kid 😂
👈T-pose!👉 Sorry 🙇 I was just 👊asserting 👊my 👊dominance😤... So 👉👈you’re new 🙋♂️here, right🤷♂️? Heh, I’ve noticed you’re a 🤏bit 🤏small 👇there 👇, you’re a little bit 🤏 of a quiet 🤫🤫🥔potato🥔. 👉Me👈, I’m a big 🐰Chungus 🐰 as you can 👀see👀. Yeah, 🤔I’m in the 🎸band🎸, uh, I play trumpet🎺. Yeah and maybe a little bit of trombone🎷, y’know? If I’m ♨️feeling♨️ it, yeah? Do you go on 🦍reddit🦍? Do you like 🥒Rick 🥒 and Morty? 👉Me too!👈 Do you watch 📞callmecarson🎮?
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 07:19PM by SweatyDickPrint https://ift.tt/2KHyKnI
Ok, so I have a question for a friend
One of my friends recently came out to me as enby. And they haven't picked a name to go by yet. So, I offered to find some names for them to consider. So, if y'all have any suggestions please just leave them in the comments of this post. Thank you all
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 06:03PM by Player_X7 https://ift.tt/3aQWYXo
Maybe I’m bi?
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the differences between bi and pan and honestly I’m so confused. I’ve been out as pan for a few years now and, because I haven’t been in many community settings I was pretty comfortable. Lately I’ve been thinking about all the frying pan jokes and people just not knowing what it is and people saying it’s no different then bisexual and I’ve been thinking maybe I should say I’m bi just for simplicity’s sake, it wouldn’t change who I am or how I identify it just means less awkward conversations.
I’m really confused about what I should do and would love hearing any thoughts about it
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 03:24PM by OwenBoi1257 https://ift.tt/2xkzZGt
Technically, Jesus is pan (don’t know if this has been posted here before)
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 12:37PM by Pancake666666 https://ift.tt/35hWYyl
A page that I followed on Facebook was raided by transphobes (and the poor girl had to shut it down), I reported the post from where they came and Facebook replied that everything is okay. I'm mad and have no idea what else I can do.
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 05:33PM by enoriel24 https://ift.tt/3f3iPhx
🍋♪┌|∵|┘♪ └|∵|┐♪🍋
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 05:20PM by Thefirstofthree https://ift.tt/2YdGO7M
Idk what the hell this is tbh
I've come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog's a bitch-ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife. That's right. He took his hedgehog fuckin' quilly dick out and he pissed on my FUCKING wife, and he said his dick was THIS BIG, and I said that's disgusting. So I'm making a callout post on my Twitter.com. Shadow the Hedgehog, you got a small dick. It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. That's right, baby. Tall points, no quills, no pillows, look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the earth. That's right, this is what you get! My SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'm pissing on the MOOOON! How do you like that, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT! You have twenty-three hours before the piss DROPLETS hit the fucking earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too!
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 05:34PM by LuvlyDomi https://ift.tt/2VPIAKL
yyeeessssssssss picreww comme tthrruuuuu
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 04:53PM by Alexisporter10 https://ift.tt/3aO0UYV
I show I watched made a pan joke
Ola: took a test. Turns out I’m pansexual Adam:so does that mean you’re into pans and shit
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 05:00PM by terific-toph-fan32 https://ift.tt/3f07HlH
The Left has to take advantage of this situation - The environment & COVID-19

Wanting to see more pan characters
I watch more content with people like me in it, I don’t mind if it’s tv or video games but does anyone know of any entertainment with Pansexual characters in it?
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 06:31AM by rotten-teeth https://ift.tt/3f87ddl
Hellow I'm just wondering if panromantic people are allowed on here?
Hey I'm a panromantic asexual and I'm just wondering if I can be on here? Or is it a problem? Hope you all have a good day (:
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 06:41AM by mincrafterrrr https://ift.tt/2WcInjJ
Dm me on kik: mistressemily120 if you are interested in serving me as your mistress
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 05:13AM by goddess_for_slave https://ift.tt/2yYqQUf
Western Hypocrisy. NATO is a Terrorist Organization by its own Definition

Communist Party of Canada: Hands off Venezuela!
I need help
So after a night of drunken talk, I came out to my friends as pan. I need help putting it in perspective the difference between pansexual and bisexual lol. I know for a fact that I am pansexual, I just don't know how to put in words that I'm not attracted to both genders, rather all genders as a whole. PLS HELP
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 03:09AM by TheShanoMac https://ift.tt/2VNRhoT
A flag and a Borker
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 03:37AM by A_random_folf https://ift.tt/35dYce9
Another botched victim of Bart Van de Ven, 2 Pass. Please share!
Submitted April 29, 2020 at 01:22AM by Federal-Tension https://ift.tt/2KJY6BC
Drugovac massacre

SpongeBob pan?
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 11:33PM by kittybomb8 https://ift.tt/35cq1DA
I’m pan
So I’m pan. I always seen myself likening everyone,especially on TikTok cause everyone pretty- trans,girl,boy,non binary all so just saying. Not like anyone cares lol
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 11:35PM by melanie_fan_18377373 https://ift.tt/3aGdVDO
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Nonbinary people who play uke
Idk what it is but a person who plays ukulele and is both a little masculine and a little feminine is super hot to me. Like please play me a song and sing to me with your beautiful alto/tenor voice. I can listen to that shit all day. Serenade me with Twenty Øne Pilots and Billie Eilish songs.
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 09:23PM by Sick_but_not_broken https://ift.tt/3aLzMJW
The penis song 🍆🍆
Ladies and gentlemen Introducing The penis song (Oh no 😣😣 he didn't) (Honk a dick 🍆) This ⬆ is 🈶 my penis song I wish 🙏🙏🙏 that I had a bigger shlong One 1️⃣1️⃣ that was quite a bit more ➕➕ thick and way ↕️ more ➕ long One 1️⃣ of those porno king 🤴 kong 🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰 dongs Check it out 🏎🏍, yo 👋 uh I wish 🙏🙏🙏 my dick 🍆 was bigger yeah 🙌, I can admit it I'm above 🆙 average on 🔛🔛 inches but I want 😋 a damn double digit If I had a big ol' cock 🐓 what 😅 would I do? I'd probably go to Florida and show 📺📺📺 it Katrina and screw Get 🉐🉐🉐 buck 💲💲💲 naked and start 🆕🆕 streaking at my school 🎓🎓 And get 🉐 arrested but at least the girls 👩👩👩 would be impressed 😮😮😮, with My third 🥉🥉 leg and, and then I'd go to a keg and Do a keg stand, get 🉐🉐🉐 drunk 🍻🍷🍸 and do the running 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️ man 👦👦👦 With no 😣😣 clothes 👗👗👗 on 🔛🔛 just to show 📺📺📺 off My dick 🍆's bigger than yours 👉 when ⏰ mine is 🈶 cold 🤒 and soft Haha 😂😂😂, oh yeah 🙌 I forgot that's not really the cock 🐓 that I have 🈶🈶 I went out 🏎🏍 and party 🍕-bagged 'em and quickly opened the package 📦📦 And it fit me like 😄😄 Kriss Kross's old 👴👴👴 school 🎓🎓🎓 starter jackets Trying to convince myself like 😄, "Size doesn't matter, " Anyways I'd probably just put it on 🔛🔛🔛 backwards 'cause 🎗🎗🎗 I mean 😏😏😏 I know 🤔 that god made us all different and special 🌟 But shit 💩 did he really have 🈶🈶🈶 to invent lopsided testicles? I don't have 🈶 them I just feel bad 📉📉 for the like 😄 you know 🤔 the guys with like 😄😄 Their left 👈👈👈 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hangs like 😄 lower than the right 👉👉👉, kinda like 😄😄😄 a lazy eye 😉😉😉 like 😄 on 🔛 your 👉 balls 🏀🏀🏀 I mean 😏😏 I don't know 🤔, I just hear 👂👂👂, I feel bad 📉📉📉 This ⬆ is 🈶 my penis song I wish 🙏🙏 that I had a bigger shlong One 1️⃣1️⃣ that was quite a bit more ➕ thick and way ↕️ more ➕➕ long Fellas if ya'll feel me sing 🗣🗣 along Don't front, don't front, don't front Yo 👋 do this ⬆ yo 👋 Ay 👽 yo 👋 ladies (yeah 🙌?) Ladies! (Yeah 🙌?) Do you want 😋 a guy 👦 with an average dick 🍆? (Hell no 😣😣) Then wait 🚏🚏🚏 you don't? (No 😣😣 you honkey dick 🍆) Okay 👌👌 that's cool 😎, no 😣 that's fine I promise, I'm so self conscious That's why 🤔 you never ❌ see 👁👁👁 me skinny dippin' in August Always 🕔 walkin' around with my hands 🤲 in my pockets Trying to pump blood 💉💉💉 into my guy 👦 Alfonso I mean 😏😏😏, goddamn I don't think 🤔🤔 you girls 👩 understand I've 🙋 had a complex since that song Short Short Man 👦👦👦 And even though girls 👩👩👩 have 🈶🈶 told me that I'm big When ⏰ I watch 👁 a porno I feel like 😄 a little kid 👦 I mean 😏, let's take Ron Jeremy Now if a girl 👶 sees him she'll compare him to me And every MC 🇲🇨 in hip hop has got a huge cock 🐓 Or at least talks about it in every song that they've drpped I mean 😏, shit 💩 If I was really hung I'd make a whole album called Me and My Dick 🍆 With interludes of all the girls 👩👩👩 that I'd been with And talk 🗣🗣 about my package 📦📦📦 and multiple orgasms 'Cause 🎗🎗🎗 all that I see 👁👁 is 🈶 that size does matter We got Enzite, penis pumps 👠👠👠 surgery 🏥🏥🏥 to Viagra But when ⏰ it all adds up ☝☝☝ you can't really change 📈 it I'm not a porno star ⭐⭐⭐ I just gotta face 😀😀😀 it You know 🤔, I mean 😏😏😏 what 😅 can I do, nothin' right 👉👉? This ⬆ song goes out 🏎🏍 to like 😄 all the like 😄 little bit above 🆙🆙🆙 average dudes So like 😄 all the small dudes, medium dudes but all you big dudes stop ✋✋ This ⬆ is 🈶 my penis song I wish 🙏🙏🙏 that I had a bigger shlong One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ that was quite a bit more ➕➕➕ thick and way ↕️↕️ more ➕➕ long (way ↕️ more ➕ long baby 👶👶👶) Fellas if ya'll feel me sing 🗣 along Don't front, don't front, don't front
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 09:01PM by generousdonkey7 https://ift.tt/2KIXD2l
Let it go❄❄😎😎😎👌👌🍆🍆🍆
The ❄️ 🌟 🔦 ⚪ on the mountain 🌙 🌠. 🙅🏻 a👣 to 🐝 👀. A 🏰 of 😢, and it 👀 like☝️️ the 👑. The 💨 is 🐺 like this 🌀 ❄️ ☔️ 🏠. 🙅🏻 keep it in, ☁️ 💡 ☝️️ tried. 🙅🏻 let 👬👫 in,🙅🏻 let 👬👫 👀. 🐝 the 👍 👧 👇 always have to 🐝. 🙅🏻, don't 👐, 🚫 let 👬👫💡. Well now 👬👫 💡. 👐 it 🚗,, 👐 it 🚗,,🙅🏻 ✊ it back anymore. 👐 it 🚗,, 👐 it 🚗, turn ✈️ and 🔨 the 🚪. ☝️️ 🚫 care, what 👬👫 going to 👄, let the ☔️ ⚡ ❄️ 😡 on, the ❄️ ⛄️ 🙅🏻 bothered ☝️️ anyway. It's 😜😂 how some ✈️ 🚆 makes everything 😳 🐜. And the 😱 that once 👮 me, 🙅🏻 get to☝️️ at all. It's 🕓 to 👀 what☝️️ can do. To 📝 the 📊 and 🔨 through. 🚫 👍 , 🚫 👎, 🚫 👮 for ☝️️. ☝️️ 🏃. 👐 it 🚗,, 👐 it 🚗., ☝️️ am ☝️ with the 🌀 and 🌌. 👐 it 🚗,, 👐 it 🚗..👇 🙅🏻 👀 ☝️️ 😭 . 👉 ☝️️ 🚶, and 👉 ☝️️ stay. Let the⚡ ❄️ 😡 on. ☝️️ 💪 ❄️ through the 🌀 into the 🌎.☝️️ 👤 is 🌀 in ❄️ ⛄️ fractals all 🔁. And 1️⃣💡 💎 like an ❄️ 📢. ☝️️ 🙅🏻 🏃 back, the past is in the past. 👐 it 🚗,,👐 it 🚗,. And ☝️️ 🚀 like the 💔 of 🌌. 👐 it 🚗,, 👐 it 🚗.. That 💁 is 🚫. Here ☝️️ 🚶, in the 🔦 of ☀️. Let the ⚡ ❄️ 😡 on, the ❄️ ⛄️ 🙅🏻 bothered ☝️️ anyway.
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 08:55PM by generousdonkey7 https://ift.tt/3eWVq1c
CIA Debunks Collectivization Failed in China Myth

I👁😼🤣caught🎣a loach!🗣😜🐟It’s...😝🧬looking at👀😭me👩🧑👨with reproach.👣🥺🔪Haha😜😆😃hahahahahaha😁😅😂😂😂🤣😂😂
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 08:07PM by emmaiskool1130 https://ift.tt/2yNIsCl
I finally made one!
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 08:19PM by AlyxWolf https://ift.tt/2SdJK0g
Biden announces he will reinstate transgender military policy Trump killed
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 07:22PM by HenryHenrietta https://ift.tt/3f2r7q0
The World Bank: The Hard Fist of American Imperialism (Grayzone interview with Michael Hudson)

Welcome🚪to We🅱️kinz World🏆
Hey gamers! 😎🎮 Tomorrow 🗓 is the 15th 1️⃣5️⃣ anniversary of Webkinz, 🌈 so don't forget 🎗👆 to un-archive 🗄 your account 👨💼 24 hours ⏰⌛ in advance (today!) 📅⚙ and be 🐝 prepared to set 🖊 a new 🆕️ password, 🔐 as some dastardly 💩 hackerman 🕵️♂️💻 breached security 🔏 while trying to steal 👮♂️ Arte's 🐶 mythical Crown of Wonder 🌟👑😲 and may have gotten yours! 😱 What's that? 👀👂 Your account 😜 has long 📏 been unrenewed 🔄 and you're afraid you 🤡 won't have 🚫 the paid 💵 experience? Don't worry! 😌 All day 🏞 long you'll have access 🤩👍 to full membership, 💳 as well as DELUXE 🎩🧣💍 MEMBERSHIP. 💲🤑 Now you can finally flex 💪 on that kid 🧠♿ down the street 🚗🛣 whose parents 👭 let him use 😠 Kinz Chat Plus rooms 🤴👸 where he says 🗣 words like "fr-ck" 😡 and "h-ck." 😱🙊 So what are you waiting 😴⏱ for? Log on for the festivities, 🎡 spin 🌀 the Super Wheel, ☸😵 and collect the ✔ 15th Webkinz Day 😏 gift box! 🎁😬
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 05:38PM by Jocowa1999 https://ift.tt/3bLMLwt
A little love from a Bi
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 06:40AM by Jameson-Junkenstein https://ift.tt/2YfBEb9
Vanilla yogurt incident 🍦🍦🛏🤤🤤🤤😅😅
Yesterday 👉🕑 i found 👀👈 some vanilla 🌸😋 yogurt 🍦🍦in my dads 👨😊 bed🛏😴it smelt🤢😵 funky ♨️♨️♨️but i wanted 👉😄👈 to eat it 😗😛🍏🍎🍐🥠🍘🍛🍤 anyway 😏😏 so i did 🙂🙂👍😋🍦and it tasted 😋🤗🤤🤤🤤 pretty unique 😗🙂☝️but 🍑👉 i was confused 🤷♂️🤨🤔why dad 👨👨 would have🤔🤔🤔🤔 vanilla yogurt🍦🍦🤷♂️🌸 in his bed🍦👉🛏 so i asked🧐😏🤓😎😎🤪 mom👩👩why❓❔🤔dad has👨✋🤠vanilla yogurt 🍦🌸😋in his👉👉bed🛏🧐🧐🧐and she said😃😀👩👉thats actually🤓😎🧐😏semen🥛🥛🥛but why🍑🍑👉🤔would dad👨👨❓have sea men🚢⛴🛳🌊👴in his bed?👨❓🛏🤔🤔silly mom 😂🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪👩smh 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅sea men🌊🛳 arent ❌❌🙅♀️vanilla yogurt🍦🍦🌸😋😋anyways 🙂🙂👉👉i hope🙂😙😙dad👨😅leaves behind👋🍦😋more of it😛😛😝😝🤪🤪😝😛🙂🙂🍦🍦🍦to eat😋🍦😋🍦😋🍦😋🍦😋🍦🌊🛳🌸🌸please tell😀👉🙂me💁♀️😲what brand👟👕🤑yogurt🍦🍦😛this is😉😉☺️😳so i can👉😁👈buy more💵💸👉of it😀😀😀😃😄😀
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 05:47AM by the_mango_man101207 https://ift.tt/3cW69Y2
Pro-NATO Censorship

“Cake Day, Quarantine selfie Queen”. I hope all of you are doing well! 😘
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 05:06AM by brittanybanksthanks https://ift.tt/2KIHhH7
Jennifer Finney Boylan on why dogs understand gender better than humans. "Your dog loves you for who you are, not who you need to be."
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 03:26AM by Hado0301 https://ift.tt/2KH9Kgk
Made some cat toys :)
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 02:49AM by yosoyunamujer27 https://ift.tt/3eZaoUs
Text/analysis on viability of a general strike or tax strike to destroy empire, not to achieve specific monetary benefits?

I 🚫 don't 🙅 like 👩👸 girls 👧👵 because girls ❤ like 🐔 dick 🍆 and that's 👬 gay af 😤⛪
I 🚫 don't 🙅 like 👩👸 girls 👧👵 because girls ❤ like 🐔 dick 🍆 and that's 👬 gay af 😤⛪
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 01:26AM by SuurSiga https://ift.tt/2KD8fzF
Idk where to post this but it creeped me out last night
Submitted April 28, 2020 at 12:25AM by darth-millennia https://ift.tt/2xe5vps
Ummmmm i have never posted in any subreddits and this is my first one so I wanted to make it special and this song is special to me and the message of this song relates to what I have been through a while back and accepting who I am
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 11:59PM by supasapa https://ift.tt/2W3ELAp
Monday, April 27, 2020
Tips on Starting Local Org

Pandi Kandi
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 08:34PM by FlowersofIcetor https://ift.tt/2YawKMI
Found on r/holdmyredbull
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 08:53PM by TrotskiKazotski https://ift.tt/3cSBOtb
Lenin: Theses for an Appeal to the International Socialist Committee and All Socialist Parties

Aha, I found the site and made one aswell (search sangled to make one of your own!)
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 08:18PM by CyberPikachuBlitz https://ift.tt/2Yb7aY4
National Petition to Cancel all Rents and Mortgages

Cuba Continues to Aid the Poorest and Least Influential Nations

Okay okay okay, “regardless of gender”?
So originally, at the start of my “Who the heck am I?” journey, I thought I was bi. Then I met this really awesome trans/non-binary person (it was complicated, he/they were figuring stuff out) and then I figured I must pan, because, ya know, people are cute.
So I joined a few pan groups and in every single one, I kept seeing the definition of pan as “liking someone regardless of gender” or gender being “invisible” to pan folks. These descriptions of pan never really sat right with me because why the heck would you just ignore something so important?
I did some more research on different sexualities and found “omnisexual”. Some said it was the same as pan, others argued that it meant you saw the gender (or lack there of) of another person, but still are attracted to them.
So here’s my question (my intent is NOT to invalidate anyone, so I’m truly sorry if this does). If they are in fact, different, then aren’t pans just ignoring a major part of who someone is? And omnisexuals are looking at the full picture? I’m genuinely confused lol, so if someone could help me separate the two, explain how gender being “invisible” works, etc. I’d be really grateful! <3
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 06:27PM by kovan_empire https://ift.tt/2VJcUGK
Featuring my big ass hand. Oh well. Hands are hot
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 06:37PM by thetwitchingone https://ift.tt/2W2ZRiv
Homemade pride flag
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 02:39PM by Queenofthepans https://ift.tt/2xd7QAY
Minimum wage

Labor Theory of Value

pansexual 3x3 piston door
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 05:36PM by emrldmanlol https://ift.tt/2VWTZac
i🤛🏾🤟🏻😍 identify😋🥳👾 as a😌 zootopian😋🥰🙋♀️😂
Hi👋My🥴name➡️is Judy Hopps🐰and🤔I want🤭to be😧a cop😳👮♀️🚔🚨
No❌🚫🙅♂️❎Judy, you🐰cannot🚫be a cop👮♀️because➡️you are🙄a bunny🐰🐇and😑bunnies🐇cannot🙅♂️be cops👮♀️🚓
Jokes😂on you🐃👈, I🐰have😌 been hired🤝💪🤩🥳, so➡️you🐮🐃 must😏make😲 me😊a cop👮♀️🍩🚨
Actually🖐😂😏🥴Judy🐰, you🐇are just😌🥱going🏃🏻♀️to be➡️a meter maid😂😳🚗📁🧭
Jokes😂🤣😎🥳🤪😝😋on you🤭again, pal🤓🤣because➡️I🐰🐇have found👀🧐all👥141️⃣4️⃣missing🧐mammal🦦🐅🦏🐘🐆cases📂🗂📒📄with😉the help🤝of a fox🦊that I🐇blackmailed😳🖐👅👀🤙🤪🤩😏
Wow😳😱😨😧😲Judy🐰🐇, I🐃guess🤷♂️🤔you🐰can✅be➡️a cop👮♀️🚔🚓🚨🔗🍩🕶after➡️all☺️😧🤭😄
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 09:31AM by bishwtfum https://ift.tt/2Sd1tVF
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 09:39AM by Bro_Cha_ChoIF https://ift.tt/2xgt2WU
A Pan-Themed dragon I drew!
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 07:37AM by Silver_Maple11 https://ift.tt/2zxQAHr
Bouta turn on this whole subreddit
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 07:54AM by Softest_Boyo_ https://ift.tt/2YgDYit
Grassroots actions continue to be the answer to government negligence

Oregon Hospitals Rely on Prison Labor to Do Their Laundry During the Pandemic Throughout the pandemic, Oregon’s prison laundries have continued to accept soiled linens from hospitals across the state with few changes to working conditions.

Sad that first post that pops up when u type up pansexuality on insta is shaming it
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 04:40AM by rotten-teeth https://ift.tt/2xhlSSk
New Haircut Finally!
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 04:57AM by ZaruTheRaven https://ift.tt/3ePbXUZ
What is to be done? (USA after COVID)

[Poll] Is technology important in establishing communism?

Can Estrogen and Other Sex Hormones Help Men Survive Covid-19?
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 03:22AM by StuckInABadDream https://ift.tt/3cOG3pJ
I can sense the hunger games.....
Who will be the.....
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 03:04AM by idrawlilbeans https://ift.tt/2yQXoiU
Big surprise
Found this beautiful pin browsing online
Submitted April 27, 2020 at 12:26AM by HolaItsKarli https://ift.tt/3eVVIpa
Junior high Instagram bios be like
Submitted April 26, 2020 at 11:23PM by lshqpyari https://ift.tt/2yLkLL2
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Honoring the 75 years of the WFTU historic course, we give the slogan of the fight in order to demand at world level: 35 HOURS OF WORK PER WEEK
Am I actually pan?
For the last two years, I’ve identified as bisexual. But recently I’ve realized that I don’t care who I love no matter who they identify as. Male, female, non-binary, I’m okay with all of it. Does this mean I’m still bisexual? Am I really pan? How am I supposed to explain “switching” a sexuality? I have an estranged friend who has a penchant for victimizing herself who is also pan, and I’m afraid she going to tell people I “changed” sexualities to “copy” her (which is sounds insane but is something she would do) I’m really confused.
Submitted April 26, 2020 at 09:45PM by shewatches-sheknows https://ift.tt/2VZZVzs
Me when asked about my sexuality
Processing img ihnye5j3pav41...
Submitted April 26, 2020 at 10:20PM by Mael_Jade https://ift.tt/2y1P2VQ
👀Do you🤔 get to the cloud district☁️🏙️ very often?
👀Do you🤔 get to the cloud district☁️🏙️ very often? ... 😌What am I saying? Of course you don't 😂😂😂😂😂💯
Submitted April 26, 2020 at 08:39PM by vibQL https://ift.tt/3cWlPKV
this time I missed selfie saturday and selfie sundayy but hey better late than never 💛💛
Submitted April 26, 2020 at 07:59PM by ameliashoney https://ift.tt/3aB7ulf
USDA let millions of pounds of food rot while food-bank demand soared
pan man here (he/him)
Submitted April 26, 2020 at 06:30PM by FellowCouchPotato https://ift.tt/2VFOmyz
Ricky’s Roll
We're no 😣😣 strangers to love 😍 You know 🤔 the rules 🚷🚷 and so do I A full commitment's what 😅 I'm thinking 🤔🤔 of You wouldn't get this ⬆ from any other guy 👦👦
I just wanna tell 🗣 you how 🤔 I'm feeling Gotta make you understand
Never ❌ gonna give you up ☝☝ Never ❌ gonna let you down ⬇⬇ Never ❌ gonna run 🏃 around and desert 🐪🐪 you Never ❌ gonna make you cry 😂 Never ❌ gonna say 🗣🗣 goodbye 👋👋 Never ❌ gonna tell 🗣 a lie 🤥🤥🤥 and hurt 🤕🤕🤕 you
We've known each other for so long Your 👉 heart 😍😍's been aching, but You're 👉 too shy 😊😊😊 to say 🗣🗣 it Inside, we both know 🤔 what 😅's been going on 🔛 We know 🤔 the game 🎱🎱 and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how 🤔 I'm feeling Don't tell 🗣 me you're 👉 too blind 🦇🦇🦇 to see 👁👁👁
Never ❌ gonna give you up ☝ Never ❌ gonna let you down ⬇⬇ Never ❌ gonna run 🏃 around and desert 🐪🐪🐪 you Never ❌ gonna make you cry 😂 Never ❌ gonna say 🗣🗣 goodbye 👋👋 Never ❌ gonna tell 🗣 a lie 🤥🤥🤥 and hurt 🤕🤕🤕 you
Never ❌ gonna give you up ☝ Never ❌ gonna let you down ⬇⬇ Never ❌ gonna run 🏃 around and desert 🐪🐪 you Never ❌ gonna make you cry 😂😂 Never ❌ gonna say 🗣🗣 goodbye 👋👋👋 Never ❌ gonna tell 🗣 a lie 🤥🤥 and hurt 🤕 you
(Ooh, give you up ☝☝) (Ooh, give you up ☝☝) Never ❌ gonna give, never ❌ gonna give (Give you up ☝☝) Never ❌ gonna give, never ❌ gonna give (Give you up ☝☝)
We've known each other for so long Your 👉 heart 😍😍's been aching, but You're 👉 too shy 😊 to say 🗣 it Inside, we both know 🤔 what 😅's been going on 🔛🔛🔛 We know 🤔 the game 🎱🎱 and we're gonna play it
I just wanna tell 🗣 you how 🤔 I'm feeling Gotta make you understand
Never ❌ gonna give you up ☝☝ Never ❌ gonna let you down ⬇⬇ Never ❌ gonna run 🏃 around and desert 🐪🐪🐪 you Never ❌ gonna make you cry 😂😂 Never ❌ gonna say 🗣🗣 goodbye 👋👋👋 Never ❌ gonna tell 🗣 a lie 🤥🤥🤥 and hurt 🤕 you
Never ❌ gonna give you up ☝ Never ❌ gonna let you down ⬇⬇ Never ❌ gonna run 🏃 around and desert 🐪🐪 you Never ❌ gonna make you cry 😂😂 Never ❌ gonna say 🗣🗣🗣 goodbye 👋👋👋 Never ❌ gonna tell 🗣 a lie 🤥 and hurt 🤕🤕 you
Never ❌ gonna give you up ☝☝ Never ❌ gonna let you down ⬇⬇ Never ❌ gonna run 🏃 around and desert 🐪🐪 you Never ❌ gonna make you cry 😂😂😂 Never ❌ gonna say 🗣🗣 goodbye 👋 Never ❌ gonna tell 🗣 a lie 🤥🤥 and hurt 🤕 you
Submitted April 26, 2020 at 05:05PM by Spysbody2 https://ift.tt/2xg5mC4
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Colors of the Wind
Have you ever heard👂💌 the 🐺wolf🐺 😭cry😭 to the blue🔵 corn🌽 moon🌛? Or 🤷♂️asked❓ the 😁grinning😁 bobcat 🐱 why he 😁grins😁? Can you sing👩🎤 with all the voices🔊😃😃😃📢 of the 🏔mountains🏔... Can you 🖌paint🖌 with all the colors🎨🔴🔵⚪⚫ of the 🍃🍃wind🍂🍃?
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 06:52PM by EAliterallyHitler https://ift.tt/2S8GIuf
hey! the names Laya! Nice to meet you! You’re all beautiful/handsome/perfect in your own ways!
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 07:33PM by uwu_or_whatever https://ift.tt/3cR1Flw
An oldie but a goodie, selfie Saturday (featuring a P!NK drag queen)
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 07:39PM by Johnah_in_hiding https://ift.tt/2xZb5wm
Today I got bored and made a pan turtle! :)
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 07:47PM by luna2305 https://ift.tt/3cLekpV
This and black and white seem to be my go to filters and I love it so much💛
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 07:53PM by Minnara https://ift.tt/3axjaWk
U.S. Presidents are Responsible for At Least 30 Million War-related Deaths Since WWII

Hi, How Are You?
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 07:24PM by ciciplzz https://ift.tt/3aEnEdV
Hi Babes!
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 05:11PM by CozyGurlVT https://ift.tt/2Kwh7Y5
Confused and old
So I'm a bisexual identifying person, who is starting to feel like just a old fart. I describe my sexuality the same way pansexual folks do: I am attracted to people regardless of gender. I can't help but feel I'm just not keeping up with the times. Below is a list of concerns with embracing the pan label. I really want people to give me a fresh perspective and challenge me. 1) Many bi folks have done amazing work under the label bisexual and I feel a bit disrespectful using the word pansexual. For example, Brenda Howard "the mother of pride " was a bisexual activist. Also, all the literature on non-monosexual people is written under the word bisexual e.g: the journal of bisexuality 2) Historically the bisexual community have been the most accepting of trans people. They have not the perfect allies, but have been far more supportive than than gay folks. I'm uncomfortable with pan, because I've heard pan people call bi folks transphobic and not inclusive to non-binary people.The "Bisexual manifesto" written in 1990 states-" Do not assume there are only two genders". There are countless examples of bi people being inclusive to the trans community. I fear embracing pan implies lies about bis. 3) As a black person, I know the black community and I would fight back if people outside the black community suggested we should not use the word "black". Despite it being a less than perfect label. But it seems that non-monosexuals do not have that sense of pride. After all aren't we the B in LGBT+? Does it say something that non-monosexuals are willing to let the bi label go? Is the pan identity symptomatic of something else? Or am I just a panphobe?
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 04:09PM by KelseyGoldi https://ift.tt/354ZXdv
I have a girlfriend?????
So me and this girl decided to date a week or so ago but we haven’t talked since. It may be that we are both awkward and we both know that we are. what should i do?
sincerly, troubled pansexual teen
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 06:50PM by Existing_Place https://ift.tt/2S5OLrE
So was Yezhov actually working with German intelligence?

Pan shower head
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 05:52PM by joan-of-arcadia-bay https://ift.tt/3aHS7Yd
A thread on the DPRK and African liberation movements.

A VERY cool Saturday
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 05:41PM by KyeTheMovieGuy https://ift.tt/2S8xqhK
Pan shower head
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 05:52PM by joan-of-arcadia-bay https://ift.tt/3aHS7Yd
Is the cpusa worth looking into

Are there any ML parties in the USA that actually have any major following?

Hey 🙂
Hey 🙂love your pics ☺️if I booked hotel near you 🏩🏖when this is over would you meet me? 😘😏I'm just after a good night/ weekend 😍💧would love you to come over kiss you 😘💧lie you on the bed 🧘♀️🛌and kiss you and your neck 👄💧as I rub you nice and slow 🍆🍑get you all wet 💧I as I suck your boobs 🍉💧then go down on you 😍💧and eat your pussy 👅🌮nice and slow 😍😏keep going 😝😝until I make you cum 🤩👅💦💦💦💧🥰then slide my nice hard cock in 🍆😏and fuck all night💦💦🍆🍆🌊🌊
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 05:46PM by LiamBrad5 https://ift.tt/2KzYEK1
Selfie Saturday 20 M
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 05:06PM by namel02 https://ift.tt/2VGUwOZ
Been on here for six months, ready to post my first selfie. Exactly six mos ago, I came put as pansexual, and I have never felt so much better in my life.
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 05:12PM by authorraysostre https://ift.tt/2Y6UzFk
happy selfie saturday??? sorry if this burdens anyone
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 05:21PM by slinkyborf https://ift.tt/355c0Yd
Damn kulaks are at it again comrades.

Very Smart 🧠🧠🧠
Supposing we hit 👊the body 🧘♀️with a tremendous 🙆♀️, whether it’s ultraviolet 🌞or just very powerful 💪 light🔦, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked ✔ but you’re going to test it 🧪. Supposing you brought the light 🔦 inside of the body 🧘♀️, which you can do either through the skin 👨 or in some other way 💊. And I think you said 🗣 you're going to test 🧪 that, too. Sounds interesting 🧩. And then I see the disinfectant 🧼 where it knocks it out 👊 in a minute ⏲. And is there a way we can do something... by an injection 💉 inside or almost a cleaning 🛀? It would be interesting 🧠 to check ✔that. That, you’re gonna have to use 🚑medical doctors🚑 with.
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 02:18AM by ErnestoPresso https://ift.tt/3ePm1x0
8️⃣ by 🅱️illie Eilish
wait 🤚a minute ⏰ let me finish ✅ i know you don’t 🙅 care 😓😓 but can you listen? 👂🔉
i came committed 💍 guess i overdid it 😅😬😬 wore my heart 💔 out on a chain ⛓ around my neck 🙍 and now its missing❓🤯🤯
da-da-da-da-da-da 🤩🤩🤩 da-da-da-da-da-da-da 😝😝 oh, hmm
so i think 💭 i better go ➡️💃🚪 i never ❌ really know 🧐 how to please 😁 you 🙄🙄 you’re looking 👀 at me like i’m see thru 🚫👁🌫 i guess 🤷 i’m gonna go 🚶 i just never know 🤨 how you feel 🤔🤔 do you even 🤭 feel anything 😨😨😨
da-da-da-da-da-da 🎶🎶 da-da-da-da-da-da-da 🥰😍😍 oh, hmm
you said 👄 don’t ❌ treat me badly 👎👎 but you said 🗣 it so sadly 😖😖😖 so i did 💪 the best i could 😁✔️ not thinking 💭 you would have 👍 left me gladly 🚮😨😨
i know you’re not 🙅 sorry 🙇 why should you be ❓🤔 cuz who am i 🤨😞 to be in love ❤️ when your love 🖕never is for me 💔💔 me 💔💔💔💔
da-da-da-da-da-da 🙁🥺 da-da-da-da-da-da-da 😞😓😓 oh, hmm
so i think 💭 i better go ➡️💃🚪 i never ❌ really know 🧐 how to please 😁 you 🙄🙄 you’re looking 👀 at me like i’m see thru 🚫👁🌫 i guess 🤷 i’m gonna go 🚶 i just never know 🤨 how you feel 🤔🤔 do you even 🤭 feel anything 😨😨😨
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 02:23AM by ido_song_copypasta https://ift.tt/3cXLrHl
I had depression, a mental disorder (still have) and loneliness, I told about it to my friends and sisters, and sadly I felt they didn't care , But I had to be strong and overcame it all on my own, I came out as Pansexual and made video "10 Things I learn Before My 20s" hope to inspire someone else.
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 01:12AM by Yugvijay https://ift.tt/2zvglIv
😤😤😤👏Why👏don’t👏you👏gamers👏just👏under👏stand👏that 👏 ninja👏is👏hitler👏and👏Fortnite👏is👏 Auschwitz👏 😤😤😤
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 11:27PM by ThePureCalvin https://ift.tt/2Yb0CZc
Interview with Danielly Drugge
Submitted April 25, 2020 at 12:16AM by Monka_Kowalska https://ift.tt/3bGYGvC
Friday, April 24, 2020
COVID19 and The Dark Heart of Capitalism | Militant Monthly | — Australian Communist Party

i met 👩❤️💋👨 youin✈️california
Imet👩❤️💋👨youin✈️california🏙youtold🙋♀️meyou💁♂️lovedme🥰ingeorgia🇬🇪myheart❤️intheground🥵frozen❄️over🥶myhearts💕inthe sky🌫supernova🎆
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 09:52PM by what_the_penis https://ift.tt/2KBpvVW
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 08:39PM by MauritanianSponge https://ift.tt/3554lZY
Israeli energy company, Energix Ltd. (‘Energix’), is taking advantage of the COVID-19 lockdown in the occupied Syrian Golan (‘Golan’) to develop sites for its harmful wind farm project

COVID-19 and basic facts of Marxist economics
Be honest, how do you feel about that post? Also, don’t attack the people who posted that.
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 08:12PM by mintythemeowstic https://ift.tt/2Y2PqxS
Liz Truss, Transphobic British Minister For Women and Equalities, Pledges "Protection Of Single-Sex Spaces", Banning Trans Women From Women's Restrooms And Restriction Of Trans Teens Healthcare From "Decisions That They Could Make, That Are Irreversible In The Future."
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 07:16PM by way26e https://ift.tt/2S6FbVx
Made a little pan heart! One side is kinda wonky
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 06:52PM by Ramsey_Murdoch https://ift.tt/3cDqIIy
Trump administration moves to allow doctors to refuse trans patients as COVID rages
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 06:30PM by AbelBound https://ift.tt/358agxh
Poll: please answer the following with complete honesty (no arguing or debates please) answer as simply as you can

fried chicken 🍗
fried chicken🤤🍗fried chicken 😖🍗i really like 😋 that with my bacon 😚🥓 with a side of fries🍟😤and a nice apple😊🍎 pie😍🥧 and a large soda drink🤗🥤
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 06:02PM by AshPidgey2 https://ift.tt/3axTedf
🌽🌽 Corn🍿🍿🍿 POP🍿🍿🍿
I learned💛 a lot.👇🏽 And♓️2⃣ I🐂 learned🎎 that it makes🍭 a🙎🏾💅🏿👓 difference.📣 This🔯 was the diving board area, and I📈 was one👼🏿 of👼🏿🎵👰🏻 the⚡️ guards,🆎💆 and👶🏽🛄 they🍁 weren’t allowed🍇📚🔐 to –😣 it8⃣ was🏦 a🐟↘️🌴 3-meter🔨🚒👼 board. And🏄 if🕢👰🏼 you📢🏃👆🏿😑 fell off sideways,🔦 you💝 landed🔙 on👎🏻👶🏾🏂🎅 the🙅🏻😠🍯 damn,🍟 er, darn🐚 cement🐧 over there. And Corn Pop was🚭 a bad🚹 dude. And he ran👍🏼 a🌰 bunch of👐🚔👧🏼👵🏿 bad boys. And🔻 I🚣🏿 did👭💁🏿 and🆚🐃🔒💑 back🔩 in those🌵 days – to👳🏻📗❔ show how👜 things💲 have🔕 changed🙇🏿 – one👨👨👧👦♈️✋🏽 of the things👳🏿 you📂 had🍳✨😴🚶🏿 to use,🔻 if👨👨👦👦👈 you💪🏻 used👳🏻 Pomade🐛✊🅰 in your🙆🏻 hair, you had🐖 to wear a📈🚎 baby cap.👲 And🆚 so he🈵👨👨👧👧👵🔊 was♓️ up👼🏿 on🌸🚌📴 the🏄🏼 board☝🏽 and🏃🏾 wouldn’t👎🏻 listen to me.✋🏽 I👧🏿 said,🙆 ‘Hey, Esther,📓💞 you! Off🎂 the board, or I’ll👂🏼 come🕤 up📤 and drag🏊 you💇🏾 off.’👉🏽😰🕖 Well, he❕🏬🎠 came off,3⃣🍕🕣 and🚨 he💁🏽🐮🏇🏽 said,🔙💰🚟 ‘I’ll🍎 meet🔅🐵 you outside.’ My👶🏾✖️ car🐶 this👉🏿🚶🏽↗️ – was👶🏼🔪😀🙆🏻 mostly,👵🏼 these🍃 were🎊 all💇 public💣 housing behind us,” Biden continued.🈯️ “My🕛 car –🐂👂🏾🚴🏾 there was🐼◾️👩🏼 a👱🏿👌🏻🔴 gate👉🏾 on here. I👧🏿 parked my📊 car outside the gate. And IⓂ️ –🐁🚴🏼 and he📶 said, ‘I’ll👱🏻 be♨️6⃣ waiting🎫👌 for👰 you.🌽 He7⃣💪🏾👈🏼 was waiting for me👃🎅🏿📇🚫 with🍋 three guys with straight👹 razors. Not a joke.⛺️🚦🚃 There✊ was🏇🏿💪🏽↪️😉 a💐 guy👉🏽 named👳🏿 Bill🆑✌🏿❔ Wright Mouse the only white guy💂 and📞🈁💁🏼 he did🚧 all👮🏼💅🏾 the👭 pools.🏧👨❤️💋👨🎦🌄 He💅🏼 was a mechanic. And⌛️ I⚠️ said, ‘What🏃🏾 am I gonna🚬 do?’💻 And he said. ‘Come🏮↩️ down here in🅾 the✔️ basement,🕔 where mechanics –4⃣🆖 all🆑😎👗😻 the mechanics-👋🏻 –🐗 where all🎅🏼🌱 the👵🏾🔆🚬 pool👨🏼 builder👋🏾 is.’➕👋🏿👂 You♣️ know🍒👩❤️💋👩 the🚴🏻 chain, there📪 used✋♎️⤴️ to🐩 be🈸👚📟🚌 a🏇 chain🚲 that😗👊🏿 went🆔 across the🍹 deep🀄️🔯❌ end.🎍 And he💒👍🏻 cut🔹 off a🍪 six-foot📱 length🏠 of👋🏼 chain,😚 and folded it⛄️🎷🚵🏿💝 up🈸 and he⌛️ said, ‘You👦🏾 walk⚽️ out👩🏻 with❓🏂🔵🐃 that chain,👱🏽▪️🎯 and⏬🎅🏻 you🐨 walk✌🎲 to the🎡🕥 car and⛳️ say, ‘you👦🏾 may🐉 cut🔧 me👃 man,👉🏼👴🏽🎁 but◼️ I’m🙅👩👩👦🙆🏿➖ gonna wrap🎇📅 this🙅🏽 chain around🕒👱🏿🍦 your👨🏼 head.’ I said,👵🏾 ‘You’re📙😾 kidding me.’☔️ He said,🚺 ‘No♦️ if💅🏽👞 you👨🏼 don’t,🚀 don’t😅 come back.’ And🚃 he🐵🚢😤😺 was right. So I🍞🛃 walked🚥 out with📶🏈 the chain.💃 And I walked🍴 up to my car.✊🎠 And in🏃🏾 those👶🏼 days, you🔄📃🙍🔻 remember🐱 the😆 straight👀 razors,🚾 you👷🏼😓👰🏼🚱 had🙋🏼🈸 to🕕 bang👌🏾 ’em on the curb,🔝↘️ gettin’👩❤️👩🍦🙊 em👽 rusty,🈶👳🏿🐔 puttin’💖 em🚐📣 in the rain barrel,😟 gettin’ em😼 rusty?✋🏻🐓 And👰🏿 I👂👨👨👦👦🕓 looked at him,📓 but🍒🚶🏽 I👨🏽🗾🔲✋🏻 was smart,👶🏾 then.👧🏻🐀💶 I said,🐣 ‘First👋 of all,’😥 I said,🈴🅾▪️ ‘when I👃🏻🍉👊🏼 tell you👏🏾✊🏿 to get🚡 off🙇🏿💑👶🏾 the board, you🙍🏽 get💪🏻🏉 off the board,🐝 and🌰 I’ll kick you out👚✌🏼🔘 again,🔄🏄🏻⤴️ but👳🏿 I👼🏾 shouldn’t↖️🍷🚵🏾 have called🍬👆🏿💑 you Esther Williams,👃🏽 and💥🛀🏽 I🏇🏼 apologize for😈 that.🔢 I🎩 apologize.’ But I🎬 didn’t📀 know📃👨👨👧 that👌🏽 apology🙎 was gonna👂🏼 work. He👮🏼 said,📟🚴🏻⭐️ ‘you▪️ apologize💦 to me?'”👟☝🏽👮🏽😉 Biden went🍥 on.🙊👮🏾🈚️🎅 “I said,🏦💂🏿 ‘I🌝🌘🔸 apologize🎅🏿 but not📢 for☝🏿 throwing👐🏿🙆🏻 you🍒 out,🎰 but🚳 I🌏🎽 apologize✌🏼 for💸 what🏤📖👘👨👩👧👦 I said.’🐯🚌 He said,❎ ‘OK,’ closed💼📅😭 that😧 straight razor,👼🏻 and🎳🌍 my heart💃🏿👲 began🎼 to beat🌛🛀🍨🔃 again.🏂
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 06:17PM by JrdHanson https://ift.tt/2x5Ebtp
Class action lawsuit demands ICE release all transgender detainees
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 06:15PM by AbelBound https://ift.tt/2S7Yk9z
My new sub
If you want to join r/pansexual_gamers feel free to do so
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 01:41PM by Pancon08 https://ift.tt/3cRFdst
Is anyone else in the closet like me? Or pantry lol
just saw this while watching community!
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 12:33PM by PandaPup140 https://ift.tt/2S7WjKx
pan eyeshadow
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 04:56PM by GabiMann https://ift.tt/3aCXtnR
coming out
i want to come out to my parents soon but I'm scared about what they will think I need some help my mom does support but imnot bwire out my dad
ps: im a 13 year old male
Submitted April 24, 2020 at 05:06PM by Bigdaddybigmac24 https://ift.tt/2zuJQKv
With every day capitalism pushed us further towards extinction my love for Stalin grows

Chinese Academic Study on Why the USSR Collapsed

Thursday, April 23, 2020
This seems to be a trend
Submitted April 23, 2020 at 09:42PM by Sestearion https://ift.tt/2KupN0T
You mean to tell me that there's a dedicated protocol to connect to my computer, why haven't I heard of this!
Submitted April 23, 2020 at 09:59PM by jqmarkow https://ift.tt/2S5qQsp
I (once again) was hit by a reminder of someone I’ve admired for long and wished to be. It took me 6 years (2013 to late 2019) to find the courage to talk to him face to face. This FTM had reached his dream body. However, April 3rd, he jumped out of a window. It wasn’t enough. This is his website.
Submitted April 23, 2020 at 09:07PM by olivernotwist https://ift.tt/34ZHO0s
I blasted tho soviet anthem during online class

Submitted April 23, 2020 at 08:55PM by JacobDoesStuff https://ift.tt/2Y0Jp4F
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s role in the international communist and labour movement
This is the last🚫 thing I'm going to say📣🗣 about the slander 😩against me.😤
I'm not a zoophile🚫 or pedophile🚫. I don't have sexual👉👌 attraction to animals🐕, or children🧒. I've never🚫 abused an animal 🐕or a child🧒. I don't🙅♀️ condone it, I dont🙅♀️ support it, and believe anyone who abuses💥 a animal🐕 / abuses💥 a child🧒 in ANYWAY deserves to be shot down.
Drawing feral🐕 x feral🐕 is does not🚫 make me zoophile. Drawing characters like Kion 🦁and Angel 🐕AS FULL GROWN ADULTS WELL OVER THE MATURITY LEGAL AGE does not🚫 make me a pedophile. Having NSFW🔞 feral🐕 art in my favorites💖does not🚫 mean I'm a zoophile / pedophile.
The one "dutchess" piece was favorited💖 years ago🙄 when I mainly only had my phone📱 and was sharing my work laptop💻 with my sister👱♀️. So when I wasnt🙅♀️ working, I was viewing👀 art on my phone📱.
I often draw NSFW🔞 Disney and through it would be a good✔ reference for a cat pose🐈 in future commissions.
I did not see 👀the animation. I was on my phone📱, phones don't play🚫 animations, I only saw dutchess🐈 and what I believed to be a ANTHRO standing next to her🙄 -- NOT🚫 A HUMAN🧒. I favorited💖 it to view👀 at another time and just never got around 🤷♀️to it, then just completely forgot about it🙄.
If I had known it was a human💁♀️, I definitely would not🚫 have favorited💖 that piece. I do not🚫 support beastiality🐈.
I have never🚫drawn a human🧒 fucking👉👌 a animal🐈.
I have drawn human🧒 x anthro🦁 ONCE -- when I was first starting out drawing art. ( which still is not🚫 beastiality, especially if you're separating ferals SO FAR👉👀 from anthros )
I will be completely😤 transparent and truthful😤 : tags on the one human x anthro post, it does✔ have "beastiality" and "zoo" which is being removed.🚫
I didn't🚫 think about it at the time, it was definitely not🚫 thought out right, and was a mistake🙄.
I definitely don't🙅♀️ want to be associated with those monsters🧟♀️, it was my first couple years on FA and I was just trying to get more views 👀and watchers 👀no matter who they were.
I didn't think🧠 about how it fed👅 the disgusting monsters🧟♀️ I distance myself from in the fandom.
Now, as a well respected artist😤 who has grown and learned from her mistakes 💁♀️- I now block🙅♀️ anyone who posts CP, beastiality, any of that disgusting shit😤 I want nothing to do with.🙅♀️🚫
The same basic thought🧠 process goes for my feral artwork. I don't draw🚫 ferals with the intention to be zoophillia, and I definitely don't🚫🙅♀️ draw underage🔞 characters in NSFW🔞 situations unless they are 100% adults and matured.
A lot of you are also forgetting all this stuff I'm getting attacked for is commissioned art🙄. Art that someone else thought 🧠up the idea, the characters, the situations, and I drew 🖌them. Things that I just have no 🚫personal interest with is getting tied onto me just because I drew🖌 it.
Also, a lot of people have said that I'm saying all the Furaffinity screencaps are fake🙄.
No, they arent😤. Those are my favorites💖, what I was claiming to be fake🙄 -- and still will to my last breath😤😤 -- is the blurry as hell "evidence" where I supposedly claim I drawn human🧒 x feral🐈.
It's so fake 😤that the sentence doesn't even make sense🤷♀️ after someone adds the word👅 ( with a capital in the middle of the sentence mind you -- something I NEVER🚫🚫 do ) "human"💁♀️.
For anyone who truly knows 🧠me, I am a kind💖, good hearted person😤 who only wants to make people happy with the art 🖌I make.💁♀️
I don't 🚫create my art for evil intentions👹, or for monsters to feed off of👺.
Believe 🧠what you will, this is the last🗣 statement I'm putting out about this situation.😤
Honestly, if out of the six years🤷♀️ of me doing art🖌 for this fandom, and your main evidence is just some favorites💖 and the ONE controversial piece drawn🖌 out of thousands of pieces... your evidence is pretty lacking😤🤷♀️.
If I was actually a zoophile / pedophile don'🚫t you think I would definitely have a bunch of MY💁♀️ artwork🖌 of that stuff going around?
Even if it wasnt🙅♀️ posted to my FA, other people 🧒repost, it wouldn't be hard🙅♀️ to find if I was ACTUALLY producing🤷♀️ that disgusting garbage.😤
Wanna know why you can't find it💁♀️? Because I refuse😤🚫 to draw🖌 morally wrong🚫art like CP🧒 and beastiality🐈. It doesn't exist🚫🚫.
Submitted April 23, 2020 at 07:52PM by SatanicJewggalo https://ift.tt/2zu7uqF