Monday, June 29, 2020

Can I still be Bi?

I've identified as Bi for a few months, but today decided to join some Pan subreddits because some of the topics and memes are similar. I know Pan and Bi are different, and I had mainly thought of it as Bis are people attracted to Men and Women, often with a preference, and Pan people are attracted to Men, Women, Non-binaries, and everyone else (sorry, I don't know all of them) often without a preference. After browsing this subreddit though (specifically this post, I realized preference doesn't always play into whether you're Bi or Pan after they had described exactly what I feel, but they identify as Pan (which is great! :). I known they're a valid Pan, and I'm a valid Bi, so I was confused. After thinking about it, I could be attracted to Non-binary+ just like Men and Woman, and since having a preference doesn't seem to really play a part in sexuality, I don't know if I could still stay Bi. I already came out to the people I'm closest to, and I've already identified myself to them as Bi. I totally understand if this could offend some people if I'm misinformed and I'm really sorry, I'm not trying to invalidate anybody, I'm just trying to figure out what it means to be Bi or Pan :)

Submitted June 29, 2020 at 10:21PM by MarioMan2006

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