Tuesday, November 10, 2020

My Girlfriend dumped me for being Pansexual

Hi there if you saw the selfie i posted like two days ago thank you πŸ’“πŸ’›πŸ’™ you made my day a little less sucky but if you haven't then

Hi im Nate im 18yrs old and live in the Philippines and being Pansexual here is also as hard as being gay

Cause Yes I got gaslighted, pegged, blocked, and then dumped in a single day it wasn't even like a personal dump it was literally just two quick texts then blocked me afterwards

So like any normal person would do in my situation i cried a bit and afterwards i decided to do a little experiment i posted a selfie of me and to see how would people react i was expecting some hard criticism so i can understand why she left me

But i genuinely wasn't expecting people to be sooooo nice and wholesome

So yeah in conclusion my girlfriend probably dumped me cause i admitted to her that i was pansexual and told me that i was just a hole for her to fuck

It heartless and mean but i forgive her anyways

I made this for all the WONDERFUL people who gave such kind and wholesome words and made my day a little better and also to you who read this to completion so from the bottom of my heart Thank you and love ya ❤️

Also im scared on posting this might make people hate me : /

Submitted November 10, 2020 at 06:33PM by Rad-iationfox https://ift.tt/3pken2S

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