Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Anglo-Saxon Mission and it's possible relation to the coronavirus

I've been a medium-time lurker of this sub. Mainly because I'm tired of the biased "news" that's always shoved in my face, and I just need to read more news with more backing to it. On the subject of the coronavirus. I never believed the source to be in China. By this I mean that the virus was not made by the Chinese government nor was it from some animal that was being consumed by the Chinese population. Without getting into a discussion on whether it's right or wrong be consuming those animals (I don't think it's right but that's just my human sentiment), I find it questionable that the virus didn't appear sooner as it's not only recently these animals are being consumed. Just the other day I heard from friends and family who have heard from news that there was a confirmed case of someone who's exposures cannot be traced back to Wuhan. This is something very unlikely to be proved, but I thought I'd do some research anyways to see if there might be anything. I came across this site. The YouTube video was uploaded in 2010. I can't say this is credible, but I want to share this and get input from the rest of you on what you know and whether there is anything else to substantiate this. via /r/communism

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