Thursday, October 22, 2020

Re-read The Conquest of Bread as an anarchist-turned-ML....

I'm actually surprised that I took The Conquest of Bread so seriously, at one time. Damn. I guess this just shows the degree of my political development.Kropotkin has some noble ideals. But it's all flowery language and no in-depth analysis of capitalism or its structural mechanics (wage labor, capital, mystification, alienation, exchange value) . When I read Capital or The German Ideology, I actually see I'm reading something analytical and concerned with trying to dissect a system. When I read The Conquest of Bread I feel like I'm reading a deeply felt commitment to great ideals, but no clearcut analysis. It's all about abstractions over any actual practical struggle. It just feels so analytically and politically moribund compared to Marxism. via /r/communism

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