Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How Brazil government is preparing for the riots and a minor story about the Brazilian dictatorship

Dear comrades, I fear the future like I have never feared before.I'm gonna stick to some facts before making any sort of analysis on the situation, but this sequence starts on October 31st.Carlos Bolsonaro, the president's son, suggested on the legislative house that a new AI-5 should be created, specially in the case of a harder left radicalization.The fact that the government is a fascist one is no secret to anyone, but on November 25th things took a turn. The president talked about creating a GLO (Garantia de Lei e Ordem - Law and Order Warranty) for the rural regions, which is a "Exclusรฃo de Ilicitude". This is a double-0 license for the military and the police. Any action done by them will not go to trial for any reason.This is similar to the legislation passed in Bolivia by the fake president where it removes any kind of legal repercussion by the actions of the military.At the same time, the Ministry of Economy, Paulo Guedes, also known as the Chicago-boy who screwed over Chile, stated to investors to not be afraid if anyone asks for a new AI5 on Brazil.Before we move on, let's just clarify what is AI5, starting with the 64 coup. Due to a series of misfortune of events, the United States were afraid of more social revolutions in LatAm, and supported the military to overthrow then President Joรฃo Goulart.The English Wikipedia article is quite good on the subject if you have more interest.During the dictatorship a series of Institutional Acts were passed. They were edited by the commanders in chief of the army, navy and aeronautic, or the president, with the support of the National Defense Counsel.It's imperative to understand that these 'laws' were above everything, including Brazil's constitutions.The first 4 acts prepare the ground for the 5th, which is called AI5 - or The Coup Within The Coup.This is when shit hits the fan the democracy fades away.The AI5 gave the president power to remove politicians from wherever he pleases, to intervene in states or cities, suspend political rights of any person, and more importantly, dissolve Congress and take its legislative functions for himself.Basically the president was a legal dictator.Brazil is again on this path and there's little to be said.To live without fear is the greatest form of protest, but I feel that the streets will start to run red with blood. Just like in Chile and Bolรญvia.And while the situation might seen horrible, it seems that the president lacks support. The authoritarian speeches remind me of a saying that goes "the barking dog never bites". The government is not as strong as they show, the situation is now as they picture it.I think revolution might be upon us. And I hope we're organized enough. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/33hSeGx

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