Friday, November 22, 2019

The West Is Stirring Sinophobia Fears and Stereotypes to Generate Support for Something More Sinister.

"Chinese defector provides intelligence trove to Australia"This just smells like BS. Not only are they going off another "defector" story (which should not be taken as truth (see DPRK defectors)), but the ludicrous claims being made match Falun Gong cultists."1 in 5 corporations say China has stolen their IP within the last year: CNBC CFO survey"Surprise! More about "stealing IP", which is another Sinophobic allegation. God forbid countries developing their own technology avoid the assistance of white westerners is a crime since they thought of it first, right? /s.Let's not forget the brutal incarceration of a minority group through arbitrary arrests simply due to their ethnic identity, rounding them up into cages, and separating their families in the meantime, while ignoring UN condemnation and violating international law.Oh wait, nvm. That's the USArresting and torturing Muslims in camps without due process?America did it.Attempting to control territories through repression and economic imperialism?Already done.Western hypocrisy is overwhelming, and they refuse to raise that mirror to themselves and see their grip loosening, too communist no less.The fact is is that capitalism is decaying fast. China is prospering in every economic way possible, while lifting its people, mutual diplomacy, and technological revolutions. And the capitalists will do whatever it takes to tear that down. via /r/communism

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