Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Communist Vote in 2020

Comrades, I am interested to hear your decisions on whom to vote for in this upcoming election. In full disclosure I was a fellow for the HRC campaign in the previous election and following much self-criticism have come tot he decision that I will be voting for Howie Hawkins in the Green Party, in the likely event he, as frontrunner nominee, will win the primary at the Green National Convention.The way I see it, we are realistically faced with three viable candidates at this point: Biden, Hawkins, and in the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Gloria La Riva and her running mate, the great Leonard Peltier of the Oglala Lakota. Biden is out of the question, as a lifelong enemy of the working class, racial minorities, queer folk, and the Indigenous Nations of Turtle Island.I am still quite torn between La Riva and Hawkins, as the issue mostly comes down to which party is most capable of building the mass base for a socialist revolution in the United States. Obviously the Greens are not this party yet. As a PA Green, the state party has achieved far more than explicitly Marxist-Leninist or (my tendency) Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties have at least in rural areas like where in Lancaster (though as a college student since 2017 I have been unable to participate in any local organizing work). I know PSL Philly does a lot of great work and I know great people among the rank-and-file. I would be remiss if I wasn't concerned about the many reports of rampant and consistent misogyny and homophobia within the PSL nationally however, particularly among the national leadership. These allegations are detailed here: did not convince me the PSL was not worth my time, it was actually the Party's OWN response, which seemingly did not address the central issues raised by their former comrade and all in all just patted themselves on the back regarding womxn/LGBTQ issues: Additionally, I've heard from personal comrades in the Party that their is an obsession with prioritizing fundraising over all other goals, and that this mostly goes into leadership salaries and office spaces.I love my comrades in the PSL and think most of the Party does great work. I think La Riva is fabulous and an excellent organizer and Leonard Peltier is perhaps the greatest living hero serving time in the carceral state, up there with Comrade Mumia Abu-Jamal. But I cannot with the engagements I've had with the party support their candidate, especially when it comes at the cost of helping the Greens secure a ballot line in PA. I have posted this with the hope that fruitful and respectful debate among comrades can grow off of this primer, and I am especially interested in hearing from Green and PSL members.TL;DR: I'm voting for and probably organizing for Howie Hawkins in the Green Party, who are you voting for and please explain why? Thank you comrades, health and wellbeing to you all.For those who will not be voting, I can only refer you to Lenin: via /r/communism

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