Tuesday, March 24, 2020

This is what I want to tell Bernie supporters

When Bernie Sanders loses, I want his supporters to realize a few things:The government, the political parties, the media, and the police are all parts of a state that is run exclusively by capitalists for capitalists. It has always been a tool of exploitation and will be until it is destroyed. George Washington, Franklin Roosevelt, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden are all members of the same class.Capitalism is a mode of economic production built on putting limitless growth and maximizing profits over the wellbeing of people and nature. It is by far the primary force of climate disruption and habitat destruction. The only way to stop the ecological disaster is to replace capitalism with a sustainable mode of production that puts people and nature first.The wealth and comfort that even working-class Americans and Europeans enjoy is extracted from colonized peoples across the globe. This includes medicare and all other social safety nets. Our student loans, tax breaks, and subsidies in addition to the massive profits of billionaires are stolen from workers in the rest of the word. This extraction destroys people’s lives and the environment through war, pollution, and deforestation. Medicare for all, cancelling student debt, legalizing marijuana, the green new deal, and taxing the rich would not change this reality. Bernie Sanders is not against imperialism, he’s just ok with using it to benefit workers domestically.White activists and leftists need to de-center themselves, give up their comfort, and support the liberation of black and brown working people everywhere in order to achieve true justice. The resources and value that have been extracted from black and brown folks over the centuries must be returned, even as people in the west take a hit to standard of living.Historically, racism was harnessed and developed by the emerging capitalist class to justify imperialism and colonialism. Likewise, different forms of sexism and patriarchy were also developed and cultivated by the capitalist class to place the burden of further unpaid labor and production on the shoulders of women. These social evils support capitalism and simultaneously are perpetuated by it. They must all be destroyed together purposefully in revolution.The imperial capitalist state machinery cannot be used to bring about this liberation or reverse the harm being done to the planet. This has been demonstrated historically countless times by the failures of reformism and “social democrats.” The only movements that have begun to come close to succeeding at this have been those rooted in the living tradition of Marxism-Leninism.Voting for the “lesser evil” as “harm reduction” simply allows the exploitation of the global south and internally colonized people to continue. Harm reduction for whom? It also legitimizes the settler-colonial state’s clam to this stolen land and to control over the rest of the globe.There is no end to perpetual capitalist violence except by meeting it with violence sufficient to stamp it out for all eternity, with the goal of achieving lasting peace and harmony.Please read Marx and Engels, Lenin, Luxemburg, Gramsci, Connolly, Stalin, Kollontai, Mao, Castro, Guevarra, the Black Panthers, Sankara, Fannon, Althusser, Federici, and others. Discuss them, Learn from them, Criticize them, Apply them in struggles to unify and organize your communities against imperial capitalism!What do you think? I kindof want to post something like this in a Bernie subreddit and see what happens. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/33GTzZg

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