Friday, May 29, 2020

PSA: Decolonize this Place is Embarrassment to the Left and NYC, Please Organize Without Them

So if you’ve been in NYC since October, you’ve seen the DTP protests do these marches/actions related to the MTA/NYPD that lead to no action. Ever wonder who is behind these half baked actions where a bunch of white NYU kids get arrested in the name of “social justice”?You guessed it: an NYU professor, Amin Hussein, a white Palestinian who gained notoriety by starting the Decolonize this Place organization. DTP started as a liberal art collective that had good politics on Palestine and BLM. However recently, they’ve been doing COINTELPRO-esque work, splitting up the NYC Leftist groups by race. Hussein then hides behind black organizers who have been misled of his intentions. I talked to an NYU student who, having been within Hussein’s academic department, say he believed his organization would “singelhandedlh conceive the revolution in the US”.In one long winded post on instagram around September 2019, they claimed that capitalism and communism were “two sides of the same coin”.Meanwhile, in the streets, actions would fall apart as soon as they began, as they quite literally segregated the crowds of protestors. Time that could have been spent rallying the working class people in attendance was instead used to shit on comrades in attendance who were Latino, Asian, Arab, anything not-Black. Many working class non-Black protestors immediately left in disgust, and with complete reason. Again, the lead organizer/ring leader isn’t even Black!Tonight in response to the spontaneous demonstrations appearing across the country. DTP literally called them “Imperialist” and “DNC funded”, urging POC to not participate in “white supremacist riots”.Now, everyone knows that the DNC does NOT want these demonstrations continuing. They’re raising awareness to the racism within their own party, as virtually all people in power in Minneapolis are Democrats. Amy Klobuchar literally refused to investigate Floyds murderer’s past misconduct.For DTP to in bad faith say they express solidarity with the demonstrators. and then call them “white supremacist”, it’s beyond the pale. Please spread this news, and let actually revolutionary organizations take up the task of uniting the working class, not separating them by race. via /r/communism

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