Monday, July 20, 2020

Stay alive Hamilton👁️👄👁️

Stay alive😩 stay alive😩I have 😯never😳 seen👁️ the General🎩 so despondent😔I have✨ taken over😒 writing🖋️ all his 👄correspondence✒️Congress writes✍️ George💅 attack⚔️ the British🇬🇧 forces⚔️I shoot🔫back😯 we have👁️resorted🏖️to eating🍴our⚒️horses🐎 local😭merchants😩deny✖️us equipment🔧 assistance 😔they only😐take British 🇬🇧money💰so sing🎤a song🎶of sixpence₱The Cavalry's🏇not coming 😒But, sir 😣Alex listen😯there's only one🅱️ way for‼️ us to win💯 this🔪Provoke outrage🔥, outright ⚔️That's right😏Don't❌ engage💍, strike🎳 by night🌃Remain relentless😎 'til their troops💂‍♀️ take flight✈️Make it impossible😯 to justify⚖️ the cost💰 of the fight⚔️Outrun 🏃‍♂️Outrun🏃‍♂️Outlast🚶‍♂️Outlast🚶‍♂️Hit🔪 'em quick,💨 get out fast🏃‍♀️Chick-a-plao😏Stay alive😩 'til this horror😱 show is past🏚️We're gonna fly✈️ a lot of flags🏴‍☠️ half-mastRaise a glass🍻I go back🏃‍♂️ to New York🗽 and my apprenticeship😒I ask for French aid🇫🇷, I pray🙏 that France🇫🇷 has sent a ship🚢I stay at work with Hamilton🙌We write essays✍️ against slavery🗽And every day's🌁 a test🤫 of our camaraderie👬And bravery🕊️We cut✂️ supply lines, we steal🔒 contraband🔪We pick and choose😩 our battles👨‍🚒 and places to take a stand🚶‍♂️And ev'ry day🌁Sir, entrust me😩 with a command And ev'ry day🌁No ❌He dismisses😩 me out of hand✋Instead of me 👉👈(stay alive😩)He promotes⬆️Charles Lee👎Makes him second-in-command 🙄I'm a General Whee😆 Yeah 🙄He's not the choice ❌I would have gone with🙄He shits 💩the bed🛌 at the Battle of Monmouth Ev'ryone🤵 attack⚔️Retreat🏃‍♀️Attack⚔️Retreat🏃‍♀️What🤬 are you doing, Lee?Get back on your feet🦶But there's😩 so many of them🏃‍♀️I'm🏃‍♀️ sorry, is this not🙄 your speed?🏃‍♀️Hamilton😏Ready, sirHave Lafayette🇫🇷 take the lead😒Yes, sir A thousand soldiers💂 die⚰️ in a hundred 💯degree heat🥵As we snatch👛 a stalemate 🌰from the jaws🦈 of defeat😔Charles Lee👎 was left behind👍Without ❌a pot🍲 to piss☔ in He started 😒sayin' this to 🙄anybody who would listen👂Washington cannot 🙅‍♀️be left alone🚶‍♂️ to his devices📱Indecisive, 🤔from crisis to crisis😩The best👍 thing he can👍 do for the🙄 revolution Is turn↩️ n' go back🔙 to plantin' tobacco🚬 in Mount Vernon🏞️Don't❌do a thing😠History👨‍🏫 will prove😒 him wrong✖️But, sir😣We have a war🐗 to fight🤼, let's move🏃 along↩️Strong💪 words from👁️ Lee, someone👀 oughta hold👄 him to it 😠I can't disobey😣 direct orders🤐Then I'll🚶‍♂️ do it😦Alexander,😢 you're the😕 closest friend👬 I've got😩Laurens,😭 do not 🙅‍♀️throw away🗑️ your shot🔫

Submitted July 20, 2020 at 11:19PM by lizzardtown

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