Monday, August 31, 2020
A classic.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 11:09PM by generic-crappyname-3
CPUSA: Belarusian communists say EU is backing a “coup” in their country

You guys are probably tired of me by now, but here I am once again to remind you, yes, YOU- that you are VALID! You are BEAUTIFUL, and remember this: All of us here, we’ve got your back. You are loved, and you are appreciated. You. Are. Amazing!
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 09:59PM by _-SLAYER
It also happens to be this pan gals birthday as well!
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 09:12PM by CYB3R_F1R3
Paid Research Survey for Trans & Gender-Diverse College Students
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 09:18PM by graduatestudenthell
But why ?
Why do y’all like pans so much ? They don’t even have a hole to fuck ?
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 09:37PM by Aary_b_30
Fascists have short attention span. [Discussion]

Sources on the decline of quality of life in Eastern Europe after the dissolution of the USSR

Thoughts on the possibility of a Communist Revival this decade?

Cuban Resources

Specific Examples of U.S imperialism?

I just love this-
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 09:09PM by cons_rat
It also happens to be this pan gals birthday as well!
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 09:12PM by CYB3R_F1R3
Paid Research Survey for Trans & Gender-Diverse College Students
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 09:18PM by graduatestudenthell
cummy is based ??!!
The Syrian 🇸🇾 🇸🇾 people 👨👦 👩👩👧 are 👉 👉 in the street 🛣🚧🚦
For the one 🔂👆🏼who tilts up heads 💆👨🏻🦰
Three 🥰🥰🥰 words: God 🧔🏼Syria 🇸🇾 🇸🇾 and Bashar 👨🏻
We 👩👩👦👦 are 👉 👉 your men, 🤼♂️ oh Bashar! 👨🏻
Church ⛪⛪⛪ 🛐 and mosque 🕋 🕌 united 🇦🇪in the love 👨❤️💋👨 ❣💚 of the title of religion ⛪
Millions of Syrians 🇸🇾 🇸🇾 only want Bashar 👨🏻
We 🌿 👩👩👦👦 are 👉 👉 your men, 🚹 👬 oh Bashar! 👨🏻
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 07:53PM by nigosss
nae 😧🕺nae😡 🕺fore😤 you 😱get 😎a 😍whoppin 🧑🏿🦲you 🥴bet- 😪better😬 nae🕺 🙄nae🕺 🤭fore🤗 you 😳get🥶 a 😣whoopin👨🦼
nae 😧🕺nae😡 🕺fore😤 you 😱get 😎a 😍whoppin 🧑🏿🦲you 🥴bet- 😪better😬 nae🕺 🙄nae🕺 🤭fore🤗 you 😳get🥶 a 😣whoopin👨🦼
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 08:12PM by DaivianWasHere
Trying to learn on the Vaush question

I had to tho- didn't know what flair to put this into honestly :/
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 07:52PM by baby_dont_you_cry
Vegan 🌿
The aliens don’t want anything to do with us 👽👽🛸 ! We are psychopaths ! We eat corpses 🧟♂️🦠💩🍔🍖🍳🔴🐷🐮🐟🐣⛓🔨😈🔪 Innocent animals, bludgeoned to death, for a hamburger !!!! That is a coward ! Totally a coward !!! Which is the psychopath ? Vegans ✅❤️😬💪? Or murderers 🧟♂️💩🦠🍖?? Which is the Hypocrite ? Vegans ✅❤️😬💪? Or murderers 🧟♂️💩🦠🍖??? . Rotting flesh, sit inside your stomach, for 5 days 🧟♂️🦠💩🐷.... Actual video ! Flies, maggots 🤮. Inside your guts, rotting meat. Meat has NO fibre, 0% !! Deodorant mask your symptoms, but you still smell like a corpse !! Scientific fact !! 7 minutes !! Please watch this ! It’s incredible !!! Fish have Mercury 🎣☠️. One fish 🐟, 5 by catches 🔴🐠🦑🐡🦐🦞 throw overboard 😈, so you can have fish !!! 2.7 Trillion animals !!!!!! 5 minutes... 😈 . Go plant-based, please !!! 100% poop, that’s right, Turds, Faecal matter🧟♂️👄🦠💩🍔🥓🍗🍣🔴🐮⛓🤮 in your mouth💩(actual pictures). Science rules. That’s the science. 10 minutes, please watch everything. Why don’t you stop 👄💩🦠🍔 dirty poo boy !!! You’re absolutely disgusting !!! “Everyone is doing it. Follow the leader, it’s a Cult👄💩🦠🍔👄💩🦠🍔..........“ No poo, if you have vegan burgers ✅🍔, vegan tacos, vegan curry... on YouTube, Low price, no murder.. COVID-19 is meat and fish and chicken.... et cetera Spanish flu, 1918s, 100 Million died, from pigs 🐷💩🦠🍖😵. Coronavirus, From Bats, et cetera 🦇💩🦠🍖😵. Bird Flu, From Chickens 🐔💩🦠🍗🐣😵. Swine Flu From Pigs 🐖💩🦠🍖😵. Mad Cows Disease, From Cows 🐄💨💩🦠🤪🥩😵. SARS, From Bats 🦇💩🦠🍖😵. 👆Hint hint 🐷🦇🐒🐮🐔🐣🐟.... 💩🦠🍖😵!!!!! Stupid does, what stupid do 🧟♂️🦠💩🍖,🧟♂️🦠💩🍖....👈are you stupid ??? Stabbing animals to death🧟♂️🦠💩🍔🔴🐮⛓🔫😈🔪. Don’t do it with your cute little dog 🐶, or a parakeet 🤗🦜, or piggies 🐷, oh wait, murder them, bludgeoned to death !!! Like Hitler and Stalin 🔴.... . Murder is murder. Killing is killing. Holocaust is Holocaust, no matter WHAT !!!! I don’t stab animals, I’m vegan ✅❤️😬🦷💪. Five years vegan, gaining muscle on a plant-based diet. Like a gorilla 🦍✅❤️😬🦷💪. Try it. Cheap, really good, muscle ✅💪. Delicious vegan food, from YouTube. For vegan curry, or vegan tacos 🌮, or vegan oats ✅😋🌾🍏🍊🍓🥝........ 80,000 plant foods that’s edible...... Try it now, or you’re just a coward, and a hypocrite 🧟♂️🦠💩🔴🐷⛓🔨😈🔪....………Show lessREPLY
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 06:57PM by xXx_Popmen_xXx
Probably the most true sexuality picture there is-
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 05:03PM by iiLavender_loafxox
Asian ⛩️ Females 😷
Indian females🛣💩, black females🙈🙉🙊, hell even white females👻👻 don't breed out at the rate📊 that Asian females😷😷do. So what's the answer💡💡 to this? I hate😡😡 when I'm doing customer service🤼, I feel all weird😳😬😳😬serving Asian 🦇🦇🍵🍵female🎛🧹 non-Asian 👌🏻👌🏻male 😏😏couples👫👫 cause they just make me feel uneasy😖😖 like I'm offending 😤😠😭them or that I'm just there so they can feel good 😀☺️😊about themselves, like I'm the racist🇩🇪🇩🇪👃👃🔥🔥🎛🎛 one1️⃣1️⃣ or something like that. And they usually laugh 😂😂🤣🤣all the time⏱⏳🕛. A few are okay 👍👍not gonna say they're all like that👀👀, it's usually the older couples🧑🦳👨🦳⚱️⚱️.
Anyways, everytime I see a black female🔊🔊, Indian female🧕🏾☄️☄️, they're never with a bf 👳🏾♀️or husband👳🏾♀️😡 of a different race🚴♀️🏃. I notice they have a pride 🚫🚫🏳️🌈about themselves, and no one cares🤗🙄 if they prefer their own. When it comes to Asian😑🍴🐱 males, oh *💩💩 here comes the trash👳🏾♀️👨🏿🦲🗑 starting *💩💩. I mean do they think🤔🤔 they're starting a positive 👍🙏🥰trend that people will look👀👀 and say👄👄 now that's a couple👩❤️👨 to model ourselves after Yeah right, you see the *👨🏿🦲👳🏾♀️they stir🥣🥣, and they give a **💩💩 about what people think of them.
As for Asian males😞🗡⚰️ and White females🤡🤡, everyone thinks they're not special, like it's been done before or that Bruce Lee 😣💪👊was setting a trend, lmao😂🤣😅. Someone congratulates🥳🎊🎉🎈 a Latino😴😴 for marrying a white woman😈😈, maybe even Asian🥢🥡 and thinks that's something special💘💝.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:26PM by Uzinero
A movie for young Pan people 🇦🇷
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 03:01AM by D3m1god_
I do not believe slave labor is consensual.

Can someone please explain trotskyism to me?

chicken wings lolll
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 11:53PM by Sosihiyagaming
you 😡🤡 crunchy faced 👿👃rubber lip 🤢👄 mustard coochie 👀🩲 flea rat 🐀😾
you 😡🤡 crunchy faced 👿👃rubber lip 🤢👄 mustard coochie 👀🩲 flea rat 🐀😾
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 12:04AM by sari_bihh
Sunday, August 30, 2020
My Ultimate Plan To Make America Communist

Happy Nine Years /r/pansexual!!!
Wow! This month we’ve turned nine years old, and this week reached over 80k subscribers! Happy birthday pans!
This community is an example of love, empowerment, acceptance, and celebration of who we are. Every day I see an outpouring of love, support, beauty, humor, joy, and adorableness. This is one of the greatest communities on Reddit.
It continues to be an honor to hold the space for this place to grow and flourish, and now we have a killer moderation team which works hard to keep this place safe.
Love and blessings to everyone!
— Erik
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 10:45PM by erikpdx
tiktok comments be like 🤪🤪🤪
like if you Stan Charlie ✨✨✨✨—->
so are we all up now?? 😺😀😀
sigh drags nutsack across screen 😏😏😏🍆
why are these comment so ✨fresh✨
turnip 2002🇲🇾🇲🇾
I farted about ا ago 😁😁😁💨💨💨
Who else is watching without ✨socks ✨🤭
Anyone still awake?? 👁️👄👁️
R.I.P Chadwick Boseman👑❤️🥺🕊️💕💖
Pov: your from the duet 👁👄👁
POV: you couldn’t click off the ad 😂😂😂
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 10:34PM by DaivianWasHere
Elon Musk uses jokes. It is not very effective...

Have my first boyfriend who accepts me for who i am and im so happy
Its been 6 months that we've been together and hes been supportive of me the whole time. Hes even started sending me cute little pan memes hes found. I dont have any pan friends, so i came here to happy vent!
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 08:27PM by Tattooedcumslut
How do I cope with my internalized homophobia?
I’m like 70% sure I’m pansexual because I’ve had crushes on multiple genders, but there is a part of that really wants me to be straight and is questioning all the time. I honestly think it’s because of my own internalized homophobia. How can I cope with it and finally be able to accept myself for liking girls?? Please help 🥺
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 08:48PM by pizzadurga
Standing Up For What Is Right... Portland man beaten during downtown protest: What a new 32-minute video reveals
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 08:47PM by HenryHenrietta
What is it like being pan?
I think I might be Pan but I also think that I’m either just bi or something else. I’ll start off by saying that gender isn’t really something I care about, however I do prefer feminine traits over masculine traits, Although that could be due to internalized sexism, when I thought I was a guy, I acted how I thought guys acted (which is younger immature guys) and that’s mostly what contributes to my dislike, but when I think about it I think I could be attracted to masculine traits. So I guess my question is- do you have preferences like this? Do you like all body traits and types? Are there any questions I should be asking myself?
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 08:08PM by EmilyIncoming
Pan fox tail keychain I made :3
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 08:22PM by PeterPansexualOwO
Popman Prase
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 07:53PM by Devasauruswrex
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 07:32PM by NoodleSnekk
My good friend showed me a program called Lospec Pixel Editor. He allowed me to take a sword design of his and create a Pan form of it. No clue if Sword Pansexuals is still happening but here ya go. His original is the red one i added here. :)
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 07:23PM by LuigiGuy7
Raining here
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 06:08PM by SnooDonuts1214
I dunno if you guys feel the same :/
I just feel like being pan is the forgotten part of the LGBTQ+ community. Everyone knows what gay, trans, lesbian, and bi is. Most people on the internet have a pretty good understanding of what nonbinary from what I have seen. I mostly hangout in artsy places though so take that with a grain of salt. I just feel like there are little to no pan representation. I was looking up new wallpapers for my laptop. I was looking for something subtle, pan and easy on the eyes. Like a nice sunset or something like that. What I did find is 2 that were pan in the LGBT Subtle section. 1 was really nice, a bit more saturated than I would like but great. too bad is was for a phone. The other one I saw on this subreddit, so someone plagiarized this subreddit or the website. Do you guys feel way underrepresented too or am I weird?
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 06:09PM by StarrySkiiess
Communists say that fascism is capitalism in decay. What’s “capitalism in decay”?

Read Settlers
The 🏀 NBA ⛹🏿said 🗣NO Obama 👨🏿said 🗣 YES 👅😻
The 🏀 NBA ⛹🏿 players 🛑 said 🗣NO! 🗣 NO! 🗣 NO! Obama 👨🏿said 🗣 YES 👅🗣 YES 🤗 Lebron 🤴🏿 🦁 said 🗣 MORE 🚨than a 👑athlete 💯 Obama 👨🏿 said 🗣 SHUT UP 🤐 🤫 and DRIBBLE 🏀🥺
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 05:40PM by BrianLeFeve93
Looking for advice: how can I deal with the ache I feel when attracted to someone I know I’ll never be with?
I’m attracted to a lot of people, and I’m the kind of person that feels my feelings very intensely/passionately. It’s very easy for me to be attracted to someone - doesn’t matter whether it’s someone I personally know or not - and it feels like 99% of the time it’s someone I will never have any opportunity to start any kind of intimate relationship with. Maybe they’re already in a committed relationship, maybe they’re emotionally unavailable, maybe they’re not even attracted to my gender or people like me.
I also wish I could practice casual intimacy with my friends/people I’m attracted to, but I feel like the general consensus is that it’s either taboo or undesirable by most other people. I just feel really stuck having really strong feelings with no outlet. And I’m afraid to tell anyone about them because I feel like they’ll reject me, then think I’m weird or a perv. Or worse they’ll become uncomfortable around me, which would make me feel terrible.
Can anyone relate? How do I even begin dealing with these feelings?
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 05:25PM by 1MockZ
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Teacher wanted us to design a journal (idk) and I found this so thats kinda cool
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 06:02PM by i_cant_name_stuff
Hi! I’m new here. I’m 19 year old female.✨ I enjoy taking pictures and doing hair❣️
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 09:07PM by Embarrassed-Screen-7
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 01:52PM by ApaHaya
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 06:57PM by Trapchoices
found this in fall guys! there’s actually a lot more pride flags hidden in the game!
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 03:57PM by LegallyMisty
It's still Saturday here! Happy Selfie Saturday, you beautiful creatures 💞
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 09:00PM by complexdesign
Having a good night, so thought I'd join selfie Saturday
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 08:32PM by Nurse_MD
Selfie Saturday!! :3
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 08:32PM by Affectionate-Cause58
This slinky reminded me of something...
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 08:40PM by theweairdone
An interesting title
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 08:55PM by THE-ONE3434555343455
I 😎 was raised ⬆️ in a household 😳 👀 where 👀
I 😎 was raised ⬆️ in a household 😳 👀 where 👀 if you didn’t ❌🙅♀️ know what ❓a word meant☝️ you opened 📖 that dictionary 📚 and you looked 🔍 it up for yourself🤧🤧🤧...✌️❤️😙
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 08:29PM by sloth_mami
45 mins left, but it’s still Saturday! :)
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 08:14PM by UndeadBat
Good night! Happy Selfie Saturday! (I braided my hair all day and then let it down just now)
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 07:55PM by JTSmolAlien439
Scottish independence

Very curious 2019 article from a Jesuit American magazine regarding communism and christianity. Hope you enjoy it

I keep missing selfie Saturday but today I remembered
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 06:39PM by Thebluebean06
My friends keep telling me I look like the white wolf. I dont see it but in light of recent events and it being selfie Saturday. Wakanda forever. Rest in peace king.
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 06:55PM by SunkenN1nja
Hanging out, listening to music! What's everyone listening to tonight?
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 06:06PM by XyeetstickX
Hi all, new here. 31 yo pan transwomen here. How yall doin?
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:28PM by ShiroHikari43
Heard it was Selfie Saturday
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:53PM by Makena_The_Eddhead
a safe, amazing place!
welcome to the cave! we’re a lgbt targeted server that provides a safe and active community for everyone. With plenty of bots and rooms that can prove to be a creative outlet for most. We’ve just undergone a massive redesign of the server, to make it a better experience for our members.
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 05:16PM by jaydenbootch
🙉🙉🙉i killed your mom 😅😊😊 jk🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳🔫🔫😳😳😳🔪🔪🔪not jk😒😒😒😒😒😎😎😎
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:52PM by Myselfandi0

Please help
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 01:42AM by _NISRANDOM
Selfie Saturday, here I come (first one I do-). (With the reflection within a reflection within a reflection...)
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 01:57AM by white_trauma
Friday, August 28, 2020
Just needed to share
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 11:48PM by binayo_rath
Is syndicalism a viable, and/or worthwhile idea in today's world?

Good morning fellow pansexual beings! Happy selfie Saturday.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 11:05PM by Sticcystic
If this was a poster I’d buy 50 to burn :)
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 11:20PM by iiLavender_loafxox
Interested in what Turkish comrades have to say. Not sure what's going on (US)
Can the US be saved?

Ah, the chasers of Omegle.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 09:08PM by Theo0033
Pansexual aka Romania
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 08:03PM by CookieSan97
My s/o thinks I’m fat, what do you think?
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 08:14PM by Maz1X
haha comedy genius never seen before lmao lol frying pan joke
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 08:25PM by cleetuss_brother
A joke I thought of today
Pansexuals don't hide in the closet, we hide in the cupboard
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 08:37PM by fairlywitchy91
Had to mark this nsfw
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 08:46PM by DontSubToT-Series
Pls look at this
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 08:50PM by itskilo122
Man Freed From Jail Pending Investigation Into Attack on Eden the Doll, Jaslene Whiterose and Joslyn Flawless
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 07:10PM by Breaking_Down_Walls
How to support my oppressed peoples as a cis male comrade

Transgender activist Marsha P. Johnson will get a monument in her New Jersey hometown
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 06:37PM by Breaking_Down_Walls
Judge finds Andrew Vrba guilty of first-degree murder of trans woman Ally Steinfeld
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 06:52PM by Breaking_Down_Walls
Unless you’re working to create a dictatorship of the proletariat, you won’t defeat capitalism

we got another idoite here
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 05:20PM by Doc_Coomer
Got these in Washington D.C. during the protest ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿💖💛💙
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 05:27PM by ShadowEyez4
Lucky find at the grocery store today!
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 05:46PM by fatpotato49
FYI: Someone's Gender Can Be Different From Their Sex
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 01:37AM by jackmolay
How Trump inspired "Lingua Franca," Isabel Sandoval's romantic tale of a trans Filipina immigrant
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 01:38AM by jackmolay
'Tell Me Why' is the first blockbuster game to feature a playable trans character
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 01:39AM by jackmolay
Omg 😆 you’re in college 🙀 older guys are my type 😳 maybe we should date 😏
Omg 😆 you’re in college 🙀 older guys are my type 😳 maybe we should date 😏
Don’t say no 😢 I know I’m 17 😱 but I’m very mature😤 I can 🤤 make a cheese sandwich 🥪 and i am vEry hawt🥴 TEE HEEE 😆
Be my boyfriend 😍🥰
NO⁉️ how could you ❕🤬 Elizabeth ARGH 😠 has a college boyfriend 😑 and I WANT ONE TOO 😡😡
Be my boyfriend 🔪🩸
Or we will see blood tonight luv 🧿🩸👄🩸🧿
TEE HEEE 😉 TEE HEE ☺️ EEEEKKKK 😖 I’m so BAarKA 😉😌 tee heee teee heee
I’ll still 🙄 make you a chess ♟ sandwich 🥪 dummy💔
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 01:18AM by THEAVERAGE_SPIDERMAN
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Ushy Gushy
ushy 🧜♀️ gushy 👰 my 😵 pussy 😻 he 🤳 wanna 👤 take 🚑 him 🛢 a 🔥 looky 🎎 got Ⓜ️ your 🦄 huddy 🤴🏿 in 🤚 love 😍 he 👶🏻 said 🗣📣 i 🤫 dont ❌ fuck 💩 like 🙋♀️ no 👻 rookie 😏 if 🤔 i 🌐 give 🏩 him 🥃 the ✨ cookie 🥨 he 🍑 gotta 🤫 pay 😤 just 💸 to 🙄 book 📖 me 💔 cashapp 🤑 is 👮♂️ shayydee5 🤭 take 👩🦲 it 👣 all 🚯 im ➡️ a ⚠️ fuckin 🏚 bully 🤬 he 😋 tell 🧠 me 🤟 stay ⛵ the 🌦 night 🌙 shit 🏢 i 🤫 might 🤗 if 🤔 that 👇 huddy 🤴🏿 spend 🤔 a 🤣 check ✔ then 🤔 imma 😋 ride 🕳 it 😎 like 👍 a 💣 bike 🚲 make 😙 that 😋 huddy 🤴🏿 give 🙀 me 🏨 neck 🇦🇱 then 🥜 i 🍢 told 🙅♂️ him ❣ take 💨 a 🥿 hike 🚶♂️ if 📚 he 🐱 special 🐣 then 🤙 ill 🤒 sing 🐖 into 👩🦲 that 🧠 dick 🍢 just 🥕 like 🥃 a 🧄 mic 🎤 its 🍭 aight 🥱 good 👍 pussy 🤣 dont 🤩 never 👾 gotta 💋 wait 😤 and 👃 good 🤰 pussy 🥰 gon 🤪 forever 👩👧👧 stay 👩🌾 payed 🤭 gave 🏚 him 🕠 sloppy ⚠️ head ⬇️ and ☢ then 🥔 he 🥕 clean 😊 up 😱 like 🌲 a 💮 maid 👨🦰 always 🤲 been 👜 a 🔖 queen 🧹 take 🔓 your 🚪 huddy 🤴🏿 call 📞 it 🧏♂️ spades ♠️
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 11:27PM by Onion_Anteater
I’m sending this to my friends UwU
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 10:59PM by PanPolyQueen
relating to coming out
so idk if this is a thing other people do although if i do it most likely others do too but basically i remind my family and friends like every year or once in a while that i'm pan/bi. kind of as a joke but kind of seriously b/c since we dont talk about my sexuality at all i feel like they dont actually believe me or forget that i'm pan. i should probably try to start conversations about sexuality and gender more often with them. maybe that way i'll feel more seen and understood. anyway what are your experiences with the people around u and coming out?
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 09:33PM by maridoesntknow
LFC chant
I’ve 💰 conquered all the chippies I’m never 🚫👅 gonna stop Chips 🅱🔚 and 🏻😖 peas and ➕☺ gravy, I’ve 🌈 ate the fucking 🍆😡 lot. 🍑🍑 Pepperoni 😋😋 Pizza and 🍇 Chicken Vindaloo, I’m 👁👱 a ⚒ big 🍆 fat bastard that’s why ❓ I ❌ love my fucking food🥗🍜🍲🍝🌯🌮🧆🥙🥘🍛🍣🍱
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 09:01PM by calebcheah
How does one tell if one is pan or bi
I'm honestly not sure which I am, anyone got input?
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 08:33PM by MLGgarbage
Schrodinger's Pansexual
Schrodinger cat is both alive and dead at the same time until the cat is observed. Pansexuals are a Schrodinger's box of love because you may never know what they like until they are observed liking someone. Therefore, pansexuals exist in a superposition of love. This makes them Supersexuals, the superior sexuality. Welcome to my Ted Talk.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 08:51PM by measurethisman
🤣Let's 🐝 be 🐝 honest 😎, this 👇 video 🕶 was 🙅♀️NOT 🙅♀️ in your 🔔recommended 🔔, ⛎YOU ⛎ 🔎searched 🔎 for it! 🤣
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 08:33PM by pAstAsALAdUgH
Kenosha and our Strategic Orientation

ok cool
🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑 🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑 🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗 🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑 🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 07:52PM by ThrillerBongo
bark daddy~ 😩😩😩😩
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 08:08PM by redconditioner
Ight I got a question
Okay so I've been falling for boys more (i know thats so weird) but my question is... would that be preference or just feelings? Helppp meeee im confused for the first time since 4th gradeee
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 07:38PM by rastgelekaltak_1005
at least I know this isn't true :'(
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 06:31PM by SapphireLacedTea
a wetter 2 my ex 😔💔
a wetter to my ex: 😔💔
im sowwy😔😭 fow how i tweated yu 😓😥💔when we 👉🏻👈🏻wur togever🤝👫👩❤️💋👨, i made a fucky 😩🖕wucky 😰🤬and now i hath 🤷🏻♀️2️⃣to go to 2️⃣😕the fowever🤞🏻box ⚰️🛌😪wifout yu.❤️➡️💔i hwope yu 🥺😭find it in your hort ❤️🧡💛💚to fowgive me 😋🤪🤩and maybe🤭🤫 even take me back?😳😳🥵🥺😭
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 06:24PM by babyysaint
I’ve found out the way to put the difference between pan and bi into words!
Sorry if this doesn’t do it for you, it’s kinda weird but makes perfect sense for me
Bi people like everyone, pan people like anyone.
P.S. I’m going to come out to my parents on Halloween
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:29PM by somelatinnerd
This game has so much of the pan colours
fall guys all I need to say fall guys
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:33PM by IsaacIA_p1
Bacon Pancakes 🥓🥞
bacon 🥓 pancakes 🥞 bacon 🥓 pancakes 🥞 i take some😏bacon 🥓and put🥰it in🍆a pancake 🥞 bacon 🥓 pancakes 🥞 that’s what 😌 i’m gonna 🛵 make 😘
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:40PM by whenyouleavetheroom
What 😖the😒 actual🤬 fuck 😬is 🤔wrong 🙄with 🤯you?😡
What 😤in 😣the 😔name 😧of 😠pussy 😇😇lord 🐱🐱🐱made 😐you 🤥think😓 that🤑 what😐 you 😔said🤪 was 😍okay?😝 You😯 really 🥴need😭 to 🥺evaluate 🤷♂️your 😌choices 🐶and 😂think about 😎what 😱you 😢did. 🤤Because😈 that ☹️totally 💃crossed ❌🚶♂️the 🙃line. 🙅♂️
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:43PM by DaivianWasHere
Turkish lawyer Ebru Timtik dies after 238 days of death fasting

I'm Looking for Guests for an Upcoming Podcast Show on YouTube

Is criticism of communism allowed on this sub?

So my s/o made this for me and I thought I would share it here because it is Soooo Awesome!!!!! (I have the best s/o)
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:32AM by Embarrassed_Impact_2
The subtle hints are there.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:54AM by Maz1X
Weekly Discussion Thread - (August 27)

How would you go about corruption?


#hastag postsinggg
hello every one my name is jasmine nim like's my tiktok
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 11:55PM by Lillysss
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
i need advice reall baddddddd
I think i'm pan or bi i don't know. i need help and i want come out to my parents but i'm scared.
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 10:06PM by Bitch_Fuck_Off
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 10:11PM by AkariPeach
Thoughts on the "Alternativa Popular Revolucionaria"

Another win for juche necromancy

I've been doing doodles with my phone and finger as a coping mechanism
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 09:05PM by Nikoli_jhonson
Hello! I am a broke college kid who does not have the means to support the medical operation of my cat. At only 5 months old, she needs to have her ovaries removed to avoid further infection of her urinary tract. The operation alone costs a lot. I simply cannot afford it plus her after operation medicines will surely cost a lot. It's the middle of a pandemic in our country that is why job openings come rarely. Any amount will surely help us. I'll link my paypal below and I will also attach photos of lovely Maya.
Please do not hesitate to send a message to me here on reddit for verifications. You can also email me at []( for proof that this real and not a scam.
Please help us. I will regularly post updates regarding this sweet little girl. Thank you so much!!
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 09:11PM by fnkgirl
Billy Graham grandaugther fearmongers about trans people in GOP speech.
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 09:08PM by JudyWilde143
history of the entire world I guess 👀🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎😳🌎🌎🌎🌎
hi, 🤚 you're on a rock 🗿 floating in space. 🌖 pretty cool, 😎👍 huh? 😕❔ some of it's water. 🤽♂️ fuck it. 🚮 actually, most of it's water 💦 . 🐃⛲ i 😀 can't even 🌒🌒🌒 get 🉐 from here 📍 to there without buying 🛍 a boat. ⛴⚓ it's sad. 🙍 i'm sad. 🙁😔 i 😭😭😭😭😭miss you😭😭😰😰😰.
a long time 🕗 ago... actually, never 🙅♂️. and also now. nothing 🚯 is nowhere. when? never. makes sense, right 🤓? 🗯 like 🥰 i 😊 said, it 🚮 didn't happen 🤷♀️. nothing 🚯 was never anywhere🤷♂️. that's why it's been everywhere 😱. it's been so 🆘 "everywhere," you 😊 don't need a "where." you 😀 don't even 🌃 need a "when." that's how "every" it 🚮 gets. 🉐
forget this 😤. i wanna be something 👨🔧. go somewhere 🇵🇰. do something 🏀⚽️. i 😊 want things to change. i 😀 want to invent time ⏱ and space. 📡👨🚀📡👨🚀📡👨🚀 and i 😀 know it's possible because everything is here, 📍🈁 and it 🚮 probably already happened. i 😀 just don't know when to start. 🆕
and that's exactly where it 🚮 started 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
big bang — pause ⏸
woah. i 😊 paused it. 🚮 i 😊 think 🤔💭 there's a universe now. what's 😦 it 🚮 made of? quarks and stuff. ah, that's a thing! in a place! 🥈 don't like 🏩😻 it? 🚮 try a new 🌚 place, 🏆 at a different Time™. try to stick 🥍 together, because the world 🌏 is gonna get 🉐 bigger and emptier. but it's not 🚯 empty 🈳 yet! it's still very full, 🈵 and about a kjghpillion degrees. 🎓
about no 📭 seconds 🥈 later
great 🇬🇧 news! 🇵🇬 the quarks are 👉 now happily married in groups 👥 of three, 🥰 called a "proton" and a "neutron." and there's something else flying 🥏 around that wants to join 🈴 in, but can't cause 🎗 it's too HOT.
ten minutes later
great 🇬🇧 news! 🆕 the protons and neutrons are 👉 now happily married to each other! some of them even 🌘 doubled up.
about 380,000 🤭 years later
great 🇬🇧 news! 🌑 the electrons have 🈶 now joined in. congratulations! 🎉🎆 the world 🌍 is now... a bunch of gas 😤 in space. 🌕 but it's getting 🉐 closer together...
ten million years later 👴
and it's getting 🉐 closer together...
500 million years later 👴
and it's getting 🉐 closer togeth—
star is born
it's a star
new 🆕 shit 💩 just got made!
some stars ✨ burn out 😛 and die. ⚱ bigger stars ⭐⭐⭐ burn out 😝 and die 🎲 with passion! and make some brand ™️ new 🇳🇨 way crazier shit.
space dust!
which allows for newer 🌑🆕 and more ➕ interesting stars 🎇🤩🔭 to be made, and then die ⚰ and explode 🧨 into even crazier space 🌖 dust!
so 🆘 now, stars ☪✨ have 🈶 cool 👍 stuff 🥙🥙🥙 around them, like 👭😄 rocks, 🧗♂️🧗♀️ ice, 🏒🍧⛸ and funny 😃 clouds, 🌨 which can make some very interesting things. like 😚 this ball 🏐🏐🏐 of flaming 🔥 rocks, 🧗♂️🗿 for example.
meteor hits 👊 earth
holy shit, 💩💩💩 we 🌿 just got hit 👊 by another ball 🍙 of flaming 🔥 rocks. 🧗♂️ and it 🚮🚮🚮 kind of... made a mess. which is now the moon
weather update: it's raining ⛈🌧 rocks 🗿🧗♂️ from outer 😝 space. 🌘
weather update: those rocks 🗿🧗♀️ might've had water 🚰 inside 💠 of them and now there's hot 🍨 steam 🚂 in the sky. 🌈
weather update: cooler 😎 temperatures 🤒 today and the floor 🤣 is no 😶 longer lava.
weather update... it's raining. ⛈🌂
severe flooding alert, the entire world 🌎 is now an ocean. 🐋
volcano alert 🚨 .
that's land!
what? 😦
hello I am u/THEAppleMan_
*something's alive in the ocean 🌊 *
oh, cool. 🆒 like 👩❤️💋👩 a plant, 🍀 or an animal? 🦐 no! 🚳 a microscopic speck. it 🚮 lives in the bottom ⤵️ of the ocean 🇮🇴🇮🇴🇮🇴 and eats 🍽 chemical soup, 🥫 which is being served hot 🍧 and fresh, ⛲ made from gnarly space 🌌 ingredients left 🤛🛅↙️ over 🌄 from when it 🚮 was raining ⛈ rocks 🧗♀️ or whatever.
microscopic speck asexually reproduces
oh yeah, and it 🚮 can do that.
reproduces three 🍆🥰 more ➕ times
it 🚮 has secret 🤐㊙️ instructions written inside 💠 itself telling 🗣 it 🚮 how to build 🏪👷⚒ another one 🔂 of itself. so 🆘 that's pretty nifty, i 😊 would say. 🗣
tired 💤 of living at the bottom ⏬🔻 of the ocean? 🐙
now you 😊😀 can eat 🍽 sunlight!
using a revolutionary technique, you 🤟😀 can convert sunlight into food. 🍽
taste the sun!
side 🚄 effect, now there's oxygen everywhere and the sky 🌆 is blue. 🈳
then the earth 🌎🌍 might've been a snowball for a while. maybe even 🌜 a couple 👩❤️👩 of times. ⌚⌚⌚
it's a sponge... it's a plant... it's a worm, 🐛 and some other types ⌨ of weird 😕 strange water ⛵ bugs 🐛 and strange fish. 🦈🦈🦈
it's the Cambrian explosion: "wow, ❕😮 that's animals 🐷 and stuff" 🥙
but we're still in the ocean. 🇮🇴 hey, can we 🌿 go on land? 🛫
the sun 🌤 is a deadly ☠ laser
oh okay. 👌
not anymore, there's a blanket
now the animals 🙊🐥 can go on land. 🛫 come on, animals, 🐙 let's go on land! 🛫
"nope, 🙅 can't walk 🏃 yet."
"and there's no 📵 food 🥐 yet, so 🆘 i 😊 don't care." 💅
100 million years later
okay, 👌👌👌 will you 😀 learn 📖 to walk 🚶♀️ if there's plants 🏡 up here? 📌
"maybe," said some bugs. 🐜 and fish. 🐬
fish gasps for air 💨
five million years later
okay, 👌 so 🆘 i 😀 can go on land, 🛫 but i 😀 have 🈶 to go back 🤚⬅️🤚⬅️🤚⬅️ in the water 🚣 to have babies!
idea: learn 📕 to use an egg. 🐣
"i 😊 was already doing that"
use a stronger 💪 egg. 🍳 put 🚮 water 🚰 in it. 🚮 have 🈶 a baby, 🐤🐣🐤🐣🐤🐣 on land, 🛫 in an egg. 🐣 water 🚰 is in the egg. 🥚 baby, 🐥🤰 in the egg, 🍳 in the water, 🤽♀️ in the egg. 🐣🐣🐣
works 💼 for me. bye bye ocean
50 million years later
and now everything's huge. including bugs. 🐜🐝
wanna see 👁 a map 🗺 of the land? 🛫 sure.
Permian extinction
oh, fuck, now everything's dead. 💀⚱
just kidding, here 🈁 are 👉 the survivors. keep your eye 👁😚 on this one, 🔂 because it's about to become
75 million years later
the dinosaurs. 🦖
here's 📍 another map 🗺 of the land. 🛫 yeah, it 🚮 broke apart. don't worry about it, 🚮 it 🚮 does that all the time. ⌛🕦🕥 here 📍 comes a meteor.
meteor strikes
and the dinosaurs 🦕 are gone
it's mammal time, 🕰🕛 here 📍 come the mammals. look 👀👀👀 at those breasts.
now they're gonna dominate the world, 🌎 but one 🔂 of them just learned how to grab stuff. 🥙 and walk. 🏃♀️ no, 🚳 like, 😄 walk 🚷 like 👬 that. and grab stuff 🧸 at the same time. 🕕 and bang rocks 🗿🧗♂️🗿🧗♂️🗿🧗♂️ together to make pointed ✴️ rocks. 🧗♂️🧗♀️
and set things on fire. 🕯
and make crazy 🤪 sounds 🔕🔊 with their voice:
which can mean 😏 different things.
that's a human 🏊♀️ person!
and now they're everywhere. almost.
ice age!
what? 😦 you 🤟 can walk 👣 over 🤭 here? 📌 cool. 🆒
not anymore
well i 😀 guess we're stuck 😝 here 📌 now.
let's review: there's people 👨👨👦👦 on the planet. 🌗 and they're chasing their food. 🥟
fuck it. 🚮 time 🕚 to plant 🌱 some grass. 🍃
look 👀 at this. i 😊 get 🉐 to control 🛂 the food 🍑🍿 now. now everyone will want to be my 😀😀😀 friend 🐶 and live near me. let's all build ⚒ houses, 🏚 except mine is bigger because i 😀 own the food. 🍽
this is great! 🇬🇧 i 😀 wonder if anyone else is doing this.
tired 💤 of using rocks 🗿🧗♀️ for everything? use metal. 🤘 it's underground.
better 🎰 farming 🚜 was just invented in a sweet 🍯 dank valley right ↔️ in between these two ✌ rivers, and the animals 🐻🏇🦖 are 👉 helping. 🆘
guess what 😦😦😦 happens next?
more ➕ food. 🧀🍩 and more ➕ people, 👩👦👨👧👧👨👧 who came to buy 🛍 the food. 🍲 now you 😀 need people 👨👨👧 to help 🆘 make the food 🥮 and keep track ⏭ of the sales. 💰 and now you 😀 need houses 🚪 for people 👭👭👭 to live in and people 👩👩👧👦 to make the houses 🏡 and now there's more ➕ people 👩👦👩👩👦👦 and they 👩👩👦👦 invent things which makes things better 🎰 and more ➕ people 👨👦 come and there's more ➕ farming 🚜 and more ➕ people 👨👧👨👨👦 to make more ➕ things for more ➕ people 👨👩👧👦 and now there's business, money, writing, laws, power,
coming soon 🔜 to a dank river valley near you. 🤟😀
meanwhile, out 😝 in the middle 🖕 of nowhere, the horse 🎠🐴 is probably being tamed.
why is all my 😀 metal 🤘 so 🆘🆘🆘 lame and lumpy?
tired 😪 of using lame, sad 😔 metal? 🤘 introducing: bronze. made from special ingredient tin from the far lands of Tin Land. 🛫 i 😀 dunno, my 😊 dealer won't tell 🗣 me where he 💁♂️ gets 🉐 it. 🚮 also, guess what? 😦
meanwhile, out 😜 in the middle 🖕 of nowhere, they 💁 figured out 😝 how to put 🚮 wheels 🎡 on a horse. 🏇 now we're getting 🉐 somewhere. also,
and did i 😊 mention
indus river valley civilization
society count: 5
norte chico
the middle east 🌏 is getting 🉐 more ➕ complicated. maybe because it's in the middle of the east. 🌏
knock knock, er, clop clop. it's the... people 👨👨👧 with the horses? 🏇 and they 👩👩👦👦 made an empire. and then everyone else copied their horses. 🏇
ah look, 👁 it 🚮 must be the greeks! er, a beta version of the greeks.
let's check ☑️ in with the indus river valley civilization: they're gone. guess who's not 🚯 gone? china.
new arrivals 🛬 from india... maybe it's those horse 🐴 people 👩👩👧 i 😀 was talking 🗨 about... or their cousins or something...
and they 👩👩👦👦 wrote some hymns and mantras and stuff...
you 🤟🤟🤟 could make a religion ⛪🔯 out 😜 of this.
there's the bronze age collapse.
now the phoenicians can get 🉐 down ⤵️⬇️ to business
also, can we 👩👩👦👦 switch to a metal 🤘 that's a little easier to find? 🔍 thanks. 🙌
look 👁 who came back ↩️ to israel, 🇮🇱 it's the twelve tribes of israel. 🇮🇱
and they 💁 believe in God
just one 1️⃣ though, and he's 💁♂️ got like 👫👫👫 a ten-step 🔟🚶 program. 📻
here's 📌 some huge heads. 💆♂️ must be the olmecs.
the phoenicians make some colonies. the greeks copy their idea 💡 and make some colonies. the phoenicians made a colony so 🆘 big it 🚮 makes colonies.
here 📍 comes the assyrian empire. never mind, 🤯 it's the babyloni— media—
it's the Persian Empire: "wow, ❕ that's big"
ah, the buddha was just enlightened. who's the buddha? this guy, 👨 who sat under a tree 🍃 for so 🆘 long that he 💁♂️ figured out 😜 how to ignore the fact that we're all dying. you 😊 could make a religion ⛪ out 😝😝😝 of this.
oops, 💦😖 china 🇨🇳 just broke. but while it 🚮 was breaking, 💔 confucius was figuring out 😜 how to have 🈶 good 🙅♂️ morals.
ah, the greeks just had the idea 💡 of thinking 🤔 about stuff. 🥙
and right 🤜 over 🤬🤬🤬 here, 🈁 alexander just had the idea 💡 of conquering the entire persian empire. it's a great 🇬🇧 idea. 💡 he 💁♂️ was... great. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 and now he's 💁♂️ dead. ⚰ hopefully, the rest 🛏 of the gang will be able to share the empire evenly between them.
knock knock, it's chandragupta. he 💁♂️ says 🗣 "get 🉐 the hell out 😜😜😜 of here. 📌 will you 😀 get 🉐 the hell out 😜😝 of here 📍 if i 😊 give you 🤟 500 elephants? 🐘 okay, 👌 thanks, 🙌 bye"
time to conquer all of india
most of india
but what 😦 about this part? 〽️ that's the tamil kings. 🤴 no 🚳 one 🔂🔂🔂 conquers the tamil kings. 👑 who are 👉 the tamil kings? 👑 merchants, probably. and they've got spices!
who would like 💛👩❤️💋👩 to buy 🛍 the spices? "me!" said the arabians, swiftly buying 🛍 it 🚮 and selling it 🚮 to the rest 🛏 of the world. 🗺🌎
hey, china 🇨🇳 put 🚮 itself back ⬅️🤚 together again, with good 🦸♀️❇️ morals as their main philosophy. actually, they 💁 have 🈶 three 🥰 main philosophies:
confucianism: have 🈶🈶🈶 good 🉑🌟🙅 morals
taoism: go with the flow
legalism: fuck you, 😀 obey the law
out 😝😛 here, 📌 the horse 🐴🐴🐴 nomads run wild 🐯 and free, 🆓 and they 👩👩👦👦 would like 👩❤️💋👩 to ransack your city. 🇻🇦
nomads ransack china
let's check ✔️ the greekification levels 🎚 of the greekified kingdoms: 🇬🇧 greekification overload. bye, said the parthians. bye, said the jews. hi, said the parthians, taking over 🤬🤭 the entire place. 🏟🏟🏟
heyyyyy, said the romans, eating 🍽 the entire mediterranean for breakfast. 🥓 "thanks 🙌 for invading our homeland," said the jews, who were starting 💫 to get 🉐 tired 😫 of people 👩👦 invading their homeland.
"hi, everything's great," 🇬🇧 said some guy 👨 who seems to be getting 🉐 very popular and is then arrested and killed for being too popular, which actually makes him more ➕ popular. you 🤟 could make a religion 🛐 out 😝😛 of this.
want silk? 🕸 now you 😊 can buy 🛍 it 🚮 from china. 🇨🇳 they 💁 just made a brand new 🇵🇬 road 🛣 to the world.
conquers vietnam
or you 🤟😀 can get there on water
"sick! 😷 new 🇳🇿 trade routes!" said india, 🇮🇳 accidentally spreading their religion ☦ to the entire southeast. ↘️
hmm, that's a good 📈 place 🚩 for an epic trading kingdom. 🇬🇧
there goes buddhism, ☸ travelling 💱💱💱 up the silk 🕸 road. 🛣 i 😀 wonder if it'll reach china 🍚 before it 🚮 collapses again.
remember the persian empire? yep, said the persians, making a new 🌚 one. 🔂
axum is getting 🉐 so 🆘 powerful, they 💁 would like 💒 to build 👷♀️ a long stick. 🥍
has anyone populated madagascar 🇲🇬 yet? let's do it 🚮 together.
china is whole again...
...then it 🚮 broke again
still can't cross ✝ the sahara 🇪🇭 desert? 🐪 try camels. 🐪
"hell yeah! now we've got business," said the ghana 🇬🇭 empire, selling lots of gold. and slaves.
"hi, i'm a member of the roman empire, and i 😊 was wondering
is loving 💑💝 jesus legal 📝 yet?"
"no" 🇳🇴
"actually, okay 👌 sure," said constantine, moving 📦 the capital 🔠🔠🔠 way ↕️ over 🤭 here 📍🈁 to be closer to his 🐍🐍🐍 main rival. don't worry about rome, it 🚮 won't fall. 🍁
it's the golden age of india
there's the gupta empire, not 🚯 chandragupta, just gupta. first 🌛 name 📛 chandra. the first. 🌓
guess who's in rome? barbarians. what's 😦 a barbarian? "non-romans," said the romans, being invaded by non-romans. r.i.p. roman empire. actually just half of it, 🚮 the other half is just fine, but it's not 🚯 in rome anymore, so 🆘 let's give it 🚮 a new 🇵🇬 name. 📛
the mayans have 🈶 figured out 😛 the stars
oh, and here's 📌 a huge city, 🇻🇦 population: everyone.
the göktürks have 🈶 taken over 🌄🤬 the entire eurasian steppe. great 🇬🇧 job, 💼 göktürks.
how's india? 🇮🇳 broken. 🏚 how's china? 🍚 back together.
how's those trading kingdoms? 🇬🇧 bigger, and there's more ➕ of them.
korea 🇰🇵 has three 3️⃣ kingdoms. 🇬🇧 japan 🍥 has a kingdom, 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 it's the sunrise 🌄 kingdom. 🇬🇧
deep in the arabian desert, 🏝 on the top 🔝 of a mountain, 🌁🗻 the real god whispers in muhammad's ear. 👂 so, 🆘 he 💁♂️ goes down ⏬🙃 to the cube where everyone worships 🕍 gods and he 💁♂️ tells 🗣 them their gods are 👉 all fake. and everyone got so 🆘 mad 💢 at him that he 💁♂️ had to leave 🍃 town and go to a different town. you 🤟 could make a religion 🔯 out 😜 of this, and maybe conquer the world 🗺🌍 as well.
the roman empire is long gone, but somehow the pope is still the pope. plus, ➕ there's new kingdoms 🇬🇧 all over 🌄 europe. i 😀 wonder if there's room 🧖♀️ for moors.
here's 📌 all the wisdom. in a house. 🚪 it's the baghdad house 🏡 of wisdom! just in time 🕟 for the islamic golden age!
"let's bring stuff 🥙 to the coast 🇨🇮 and sell it, 🚮 and become the swahili on the swahili coast," 🇨🇮 said the swahili on the swahili coast. 🇨🇮
remember this tiny space 🌕 you 😊 have 🈶 to go through to get 🉐 from here 🈁 to there? someone owns that now.
wanna get 🉐 enlightened in the middle 🖕🖕🖕 of nowhere?
the franks have 🈶 the biggest kingdom 🇬🇧 in europe, and the pope is so 🆘 proud 😤 that he 💁♂️ invites the king 👑 over 🌄 for christmas. 🎄 "surprise! 🤭 you're the new 🇳🇨 roman emporer!" said the pope, pretending to still be part 〽️ of the roman empire. then the franks broke their kingdom 🇬🇧 into what 😦 will later 🕡🕗 be called france 🇫🇷 and not-france. 🚯
the northerners, er, just "norse" if you 😀 don't have 🈶 much time, 🕔 are 👉 exploring. they 💁 go north, 🇰🇵 from the north 🇰🇵 to the northern 🇬🇧 north. 🇰🇵 and they 💁 find 🔍 some land— two 👬 types ⌨ of land!— and they 💁 name 📛 them accordingly.
they 💁 also invade some other places 🏆 and get 🉐 called many names, 📛 such as "vikings."
there's the rus! the kievan rus! are 👉 they 👩👩👦👦 vikings? "i 😊 don't think 🗯 so," 🆘 said the kievan rus. okay, fair enough.
the pope is ready to make some more ➕ emperors of the roman empire. the holy roman empire! it's actually germany, but don't worry about it. 🚮 new 🇳🇨 kingdoms—
which brand ™️ would you 😀 like? 💖
"mine's better"
"mine's better"
"mine's better"
"time 🕥 to conquer england," 🏴💷 said william.
it's a bird! 🐥 it's a plane! 👨✈️ it's the seljuk turks!
"aah!" said the byzantine empire, who's getting 🉐 so 🆘 small 🌤 and almost doesn't exist anymore. "we 🌿 need help!" 🆘 they 💁 need help! 🆘 so 🆘 they 💁 call 🤙 the pope.
"hey pope, can you 😊🤟 help 🆘 us get 🉐🉐🉐 rid of the seljuks? maybe take back ↩️ the holy land 🛫 on the way? 🌌 come on, i 😀 know you 😊 want to take back 🤚 the holy land." 🛫
"yes, ☑️ i 😊 do actually want to do that. let's do a crusade."
they 👩👩👦👦👩👩👦👦👩👩👦👦 did many crusades. some of which almost didn't fail. 💩 but at least the italians 🍝 got some sweet 🍪 trade deals.
goodbye 👋👋👋 mayans. hello toltecs! goodbye 👋 toltecs. hello mississippi! look 👁 at those mounds.
there's the pueblo. i 😊 always wondered how to build 🏨🏛🏨🏛🏨🏛 a town in a cliff.
guess who's here? 📍 khmer. where? here! 📌 and pagan is there. vietnam 🇻🇳 unconquered itself, korea 🇰🇷 just became itself, and japan 🍥 is so 🆘 addicted to art 🎭 that the military 🎖 might have 🈶 to take over 🌄🤬 the government.
china 🍚 just invented bombs, 💣 and typing. ⌨⌨⌨ and the mongols just invaded most of the universe. nice going, genghis! i 😀 bet 🎰 that will last 🌗 a long time. 🕤
some of the islamic 🇮🇷 turks 🇹🇨 were unaffected by the mongol invasions because they 💁 were busy invading india. 🇮🇳
is it 🚮 tonga 🇹🇴 time? 🕛 i 😊 think 🤔 it's tonga 🇹🇴 time. 🕚
i 😀 just figured out 😛 where the swahili gets 🉐 all of their gold.
look 👁 at this chad! 🇹🇩 it 🚮 means 😏 "lake." there's an empire there! right 👉 in the middle 🖕 of africa!
the king 🤴 of mali 🇲🇱 is so 🆘 rich, 🤑 he's 💁♂️💁♂️💁♂️ going on tour to let everyone know. "wow, ❗ that guy's 👷 rich," 🤑 everyone said.
the christians are 👉 doing a great 🇬🇧 job 💼 reconquering iberia, which will soon 🔜 be called spain 🇪🇸 and not-spain. 🚯 please 🙏 remain christian. we 🌿 will check ☑️ in later 🕣 to see 👀🙈 if you're still christian when you 🤟😊 least expect.
whoops, 🤭 half of europe just died.
ming! china's 🍚 back, 🔙⬅️ yay! 👏
hey, khmer. time 🕔🕔🕔 to share. new 🌑 kingdoms, 🇬🇧 here 🈁 and there.
oh, look 👀 who controls 🛂 all of the islands. 🇫🇴 it's the mahajapit.
ma-ja-pa-hit? 👊
oh, italy's 🇮🇹 real rich. 🤑 time 🕡 for them to care 💅 a lot about art 🥋🖌🎭 and the ancient 📜 classics. it's kinda like 👍 a rebirth.
here's 🈁 a printer. 🖨 let's make books! 📙📕
so 🆘 you 😀😀😀 think 🗯 you 😀 can conquer the byzantine empire? yep, said the ottoman turks. 🇹🇨 nice job, 💼 ottoman turks. 🇹🇨 oops, 😣 you 🤟 missed a spot. 🦒 don't forget to ban ✋ europe from the indian 🍛 spice trade.
"what? 😦 that's bullshit," said portugal, 🇵🇹 spiceless.
"well i 😊 guess we'll have 🈶 to find 🔎 another way 🌌 to india"
"wait!" 🚏 said christopher columbus, probably smoking 🚬 crack. "if the world 🌏 is round, ⚪ let's go this way 🌌 to india." 🇮🇳
"nah, don't worry, we 🌿 already got this," said portugal. 🇵🇹
so 🆘 chris goes to spain. 🇪🇸 "hey spain, 🇪🇸 wanna hire me to find 🔍 india 🇮🇳 by going around back 🔙 of the world?" 🌐
"no" 😶
"please?" 🙏
"no" 📵
"please?" 🙏
"no" ⛔
"please?" 🙏
so 🆘 he 💁♂️ sails into the ocean, 🐬 and discovers... more ➕ ocean. 🏄🦐 and then discovers the indies, and japan! 🗾🎑 let's draw 📏 a line 〰️ to decide who gets 🉐 which half of the world. 🌐
the aztec and the inca empires are 👉 off 📴 to a great 🇬🇧 start. 🆕 i 😊 wonder if they 💁 know that europe just discovered their continent.
the hapsburgs are 👉 marrying into so 🆘 many royal 👸 families, they 💁 might have 🈶 to start 🆕 marrying each other.
move over, 🤬 lithuania, 🇱🇹 here 🈁 comes moscow. ivan wants to make russia great 🇬🇧 again.
move over, 🌄 timurids, maybe go invade india 🇮🇳 or something. persia just made persia persian again.
let's make it 🚮 the other kind of islam. 🕌☪ the one 🔂 where we 🌿 thought 💭 the first 🥇🌛 guy 💂👱 should've been the other guy. 👷
hey, christians! do you 😊🤟 sin? now you 🤟🤟🤟 can buy 🛍 your way ↕️ out 😜😛 of hell!
"that's bullshit. this whole thing is bullshit. that's a scam. fuck the church. ⛪ here's 📌 95 reasons why," said martin luther, in his 🐍 new 🆕 book 📘 which might have 🈶 accidentally started the protestant reformation.
"you 🤟 know what 😦 would be magnificent?" said suleiman wearing an onion hat. 🤠 "what 😦 if the ottoman empire was... really big?" which it 🚮🚮🚮 is now.
"what 😦 if russia was big?" said ivan, trying not 🚯 to be terrible.
portugal 🇵🇹 had a dream 💭 that they 💁💁💁 controlled the entire indian 🇮🇴 ocean, 🌊 including the spice trade. and then that dream 💭 was real.
and spain 🇪🇸 realized that this is not 🚯 india, 🇮🇳 but they 💁 pillaged it 🚮 anyway. "damn," said england 🏴 and france. 🇫🇷 "we 👩👩👦👦 gotta start 🆕 pillaging some stuff." 🥙 then the dutch 🇸🇽 revolt, and all the hipsters 🚴 moved to amsterdam. "damn," said amsterdam. "we 👩👩👦👦 gotta start 🆕 pillaging some stuff." 🥙
question ❔ one: 🔂 can you 🤟 get 🉐 to india 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 from north 🇰🇵 america? 🇺🇸 no, 🙈 but at least there's beaver.
question ❓ two: 👭 steal the spice trade. that's not 🚯 a question, ❔ but the dutch 🇸🇽 did it 🚮 anyway.
and sugar... guess where all of the sugar is made? in brazil! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 stolen! in the caribbean! 🇧🇶 and it's so 🆘 goddamn profitable, you 😊😀 might forget to not 🚯🚯🚯 do slavery.
the next ➡️ thing on russia's to-do list is to get 🉐 bigger.
britain 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 and france 🇫🇷 are 👉 having 🈶 a friendly discussion about who should control 🛂 the entire world. 🌐 more ➕ specifically, ohio. then it 🚮 escalates into a seven-year 7️⃣ discussion, giving prussia a chance to show 📺 austria 🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹 who's boss. but what 😦 about britain 🇬🇧 and france, 🇫🇷 did they 💁 figure out 😛 who's boss? yes ✔️ they 💁💁💁 did! it's britain. 🇬🇧
guess who's broke? also britain! 🇬🇧 so 🆘 they 👩👩👦👦 start 🆕 taxing the hell out 😜 of america. 🌎 "fuck you!" 😊 says 🗣 america, 🇺🇸 declaring their independence and fighting 🥊 for it, 🚮 and france 🇫🇷 helps 🆘 them win. 🏆 now france 🇫🇷 is broke, and britain 🇬🇧 will have 🈶🈶🈶 to send their prisoners to a different continent.
wait, 🚏 if france 🇫🇷 is broke, why do the king 🤴 and queen 👸 still wear such fancy 💠 dresses?
"let's overthrow the palace and cut ✂️ all their heads 🤕 off!" 📴 said robespierre, cutting 🈹🥩🈹🥩🈹🥩 everybody's heads 💆 off 📴 until someone eventually got mad 💢 and cut ✂️ his 🐍 head 💆 off. 📴
you 😀 could make a rel— no, 🙉 don't.
haiti 🇭🇹 is starting 🔯 to like 💖 the idea 💡 of a revolution, especially the slaves, who free 🆓 themselves by killing their masters. "why didn't we 👩👩👦👦 think 🤔🗯 of this before?"
wait, 🚏 who's in charge of france 🇫🇷 now? "me," said napoleon, trying to take over 🤬🤭 europe. luckily, they 💁 banished him to an island. 🇲🇵 but he came back! luckily, they 💁 banished him to another island. 🇻🇬
there goes latin ✝ america, 🌎 becoming independent in the latin ✝ american 🗽 wars of independence.
britain 🇬🇧 just figured out 😜 how to turn steam 🚂 into power, 🔌 so 🆘 now they 💁 can make many different types ⌨ of machines 🎰 and factories with machines 🤖 in them so 🆘 they 💁 can make a lot of products real fast. then they 👩👩👦👦 invent some trains. 🚋 and conquer india 🇮🇳 and maybe put 🚮 some trains 🚂 there.
"hey, china!" 🇨🇳 said britain. 🇬🇧 "buy 🛍 stuff 🥙 from us!" "nah, dude, we 👩👩👦👦 already got everything," says 🗣 china. 🍚 so 🆘 britain 🇬🇧 tried to get 🉐 them addicted to opium, which worked, actually. but then china 🍚 made it 🚮 illegal and dumped it 🚮 all into the sea. 🐙 so 🆘 britain 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 threw a hissy fit and made them open 😮 up five 5️⃣ cities and give them an island. 🇹🇨
britain 🇬🇧 and russia are 👉 playing 👾 a game 🎴 where they 👩👩👦👦 try to stop 🚫🚫🚫 the other person 👱♀️ from conquering afghanistan. 🇦🇫
also, the sultan of oman 🇴🇲 lives in zanzibar now: "that's just where he 💁♂️ lives."
india 🇮🇳 just had a revolution, and they 👩👩👦👦 would like 😚 to govern themselves now. "nope," 🙅 said britain, 🇬🇧 governing them even 🌜🌛 harder than before.
incoming telegram: HI I 😊 JUST SENT YOU 😀😊 A MESSAGE 🗨 THRU A WIRE
technology is about to go crazy!
the united 🇺🇳 states 🇺🇸 finally figured out 😜 whether slavery is good 🉑 or bad. 🦹♂️ it's bad, 📉🦹♂️ they 👩👩👦👦 decided, and then they 👩👩👦👦 continued manifesting their destiny, which is to kill 🚬 the rest 🛌😪🛌😪🛌😪 of the natives and take their land 🛫 and maybe kick 🦶🛴 out 😝😜 the mexicans 🌮 too.
"i 😀 know! let's rape africa!" 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦 said europe, scrambling to see 🙈 who could rape it 🚮 the fastest. they never got ethiopia...
britain 🇬🇧 and france 🇫🇷 are 👉 still hungry. they never got thailand...
the united states 🇺🇸 ran out 🥺 of destiny to manifest, so 🆘 they're looking 🚺👀 for more: ➕
wait, 🚏 spain 🇪🇸 controls 🛂 cuba. 🇨🇺
well, blame something on them and go to war! what 😦😦😦 should we 🌿 blame on spain? 🇪🇸
u.s.s. maine sinks
"let's blame the maine on spain." 🇪🇸
so 🆘 they 💁💁💁 blame the maine on spain. 🇪🇸
now we're in business. 📉
to celebrate, 🥂 they 💁 kick 🦵 panama 🇵🇦 out 😛😜 of panama 🇵🇦 and make a canal, connecting the two ✌✌✌ oceans. 🐙🏄
britain 🇬🇧 just found oil 🛢 in the middle 🖕 east. 🌏 it makes cars 🚐 go...
china 🍚 is so 🆘 tired 😴 of being bossed around that they 💁 delete ❌ their old 👴 government and make a new, 🇳🇨 stronger 💪 government, which is accidentally weaker and is controlled by a guy 💂 from the previous ⬅️ government.
europe hasn't had a war since the last 🌜 war, so 🆘 they 👩👩👦👦 start 🆕 world 🌎 war one. 1️⃣ look 👀 at those guns! 🔫 it's gonna be a great 🇬🇧 war, so 🆘 great 🇬🇧 we 🌿 won't need a second 🥈 one. 1️⃣ after it's over, 🤬 they 👩👩👦👦 blame germany.
russia went on strike, and the workers 👨🏭 overthrew the government. now, everyone's paycheck is the same. communism in the soviet union...
the arabs 🇸🇾 revolt and britain 🇬🇧 helps. 🆘 now the ottoman empire is gone, so 🆘 we 👩👩👦👦 can give the jewish people 👭 a place 🚮 to live. hopefully the arabs 👳♀️ won't mind. 🤯
"let's cut ✂️ the cake!" 🥮 said sykes and picot, carving 🏎 up the remains of the not-so-ottoman-anymore-empire. 🚯
except turkey! 🦃 turkey 🦃 makes a brand ™️ new 🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬 turkey!
and then the saudis 🇸🇦 conquer arabia. 🇸🇦 it 🚮 just seemed like 🥰 the right ▶️ thing to do.
phone rings
hello? 👋 yes, 🆗 it's the 1920's calling. 🤙 let's get 🉐 to a car 🏎 and drive to a party 🍕 and listen 👂 to jazz 🎷 on the radio 📻📻📻 and go to the movies. 🎥 the economy is great 🇬🇧 and it 🚮 will probably be great 🇬🇧 forever. ♾ just kidding.
germany's back, 🤚 featuring hitler, 👊 the angry 👿😡 mustache 👨 model, and he's 💁♂️ mad 😡 at the jews for existing.
japan ⛩ is finally conquering the east, 🌏 and they're so 🆘 excited, they 💁 rape nanking way 🌌 too hard. they 👩👩👦👦 should probably just deny ❎ it. 🚮
hitler's out 😝 of control, 🎛 so 🆘 the international 🌍🌐 community tackles him and tries to explain to him why killing all of the jews is a bad 🦹♀️ idea. 💡 but he 💁♂️ kills 🚬 himself because they 💁 could explain it 🚮 to him. that's world 🌐 war two!
bonus round! 🔃 pacific showdown
united states 🇺🇸 vs. japan 🇯🇵
united states 🇫🇲 drops 💦 two 👬👬👬 extinction balls 🥎🎾 on japan
let's unite all the nations 🇸🇿 and have 🈶 some world peace! seems legit.
"hi, im gandhi, and if britain 🇬🇧 doesn't get 🉐 the hell out 😛😝 of india, 🇮🇳 i'm going to starve myself in public." 🚅🚉🚅🚉🚅🚉
britain leaves
"wow, 😮❗ that worked?"
bonus! now there's pakistan. 🇵🇰 actually two 2️⃣ pakistans, 🇵🇰 one 1️⃣ of them can be bangladesh 🇧🇩 later. 🕧🕧🕧
the jews and the arabs 🇸🇾 finally figured out 😝😜 which one 1️⃣ of them should live in the holy land. 🛫 "me!" they 👩👩👦👦 both said at the same time. ⌛🕗 let's divide ➗➗➗ up the lands so 🆘 we're both happy. 😺 SIKE! they 👩👩👦👦 both get 🉐 angrier!
look 👁 out, 😛 china! 🍚 there's a new 🇳🇿 china 🇨🇳 in china. 🇨🇳 what's 😦 on the menu? communism! no 🔕 thanks, 🙌 said the other china, 🇨🇳 escaping to an island. 🇲🇵 i 😀 wonder which one 1️⃣ is the real china...?
there's the korean war. korea 🇰🇷 versus korea! 🇰🇷 nobody wins, 🏆 then its 🚮 on pause ⏸ forever. ♾
let's meet the sponsors. oh, it's the two 👬 global superpowers. 🦸♀️🦸♂️ they're having 🈶 a friendly debate over 🤭 which economic 📉 system is good ✨❇️ and which one 🔂 is an evil 🙉🐍 virus of satan. and they 👩👩👦👦 both have 🈶 atom ⚛ bombs. 💥 FIGHT!! wait, 🚏 no, 📭🙅 that would be the end 🔚 of the world. 🌎 let's just keep it 🚮 cool 👍🕶 and spy 🕵️♀️ on each other instead. and make sure we 🌿 have 🈶 enough atom ⚛ bombs. 💣
"i'll race 🚵♀️🏍 you 🤟 to space." 🌕👨🚀
united states 🇺🇸 plants 🎍 a flag 🇸🇧 on the moon
now let's make more ➕ countries fight 🥊 themselves.
europe is tired 😴 of pillaging other continents, and the continents they 💁 were pillaging are 👉 tired 😪💤 of being pillaged. so 🆘 here's 📍 a new 🇵🇬 map 📍 with new 🇳🇨 countries. now you 😊🤟 can't tell 🗣 who they're being pillaged by.
the united 🇺🇳🇦🇪 states 🇺🇸 finally decided whether racism is good 🆗 or bad. 🦹♂️ they 💁 decided it's bad, 〽️ and the world 🌎 agrees. ☑️ south 🇿🇦 africa 🇿🇦 might need another minute to think 🗯 about it. 🚮
let's check ✔️☑️ the world 🌍 population!
woah. okay. 👌
technology 📱 is better 🎰 too, that might keep happening.
the soviet union 🇪🇺 decides to relax ☺️ a little, and accidentally falls ⛅ apart.
europe makes a union, 🇪🇺 so 🆘 now they 👩👩👦👦👩👩👦👦👩👩👦👦 can all use the same money. 💸 except britain, 🇬🇧 because they 👩👩👦👦 don't feel like 💜 it. 🚮
let's check ☑️ the mail... surprise! ❕😮 it's on the computer! 🤖
whoops, 🤭 someone just attacked america. 🇺🇸 i 😀 bet 🎰 they'll remember that.
phone 🤳 call! 📲 surprise! ❗🤨 it's in your pocket! wanna learn 📖 everything? surprise! ❕🤭 it's on the computer! 🖱 now your phone's 📳 a computer, 🖱 which is in your pocket!
whoops, 🤭 the economy just crashed. don't worry, the big banks 🏧 won't fail, 💩 because they're not 🚯 supposed to.
surprise!... flying 🚁 robots. 🤖 with bombs. 💣
wanna print 🐾 a brain? 🧠
some people 👨👧👧👬 have 🈶 no ❌ friends. 🐕 some people 👨👩👦👦 have 🈶 no 🙈 food. 🌶🥩 the globe 🌏 is warming, ♨️ and the ocean 🦑 is full 🌝 of plastic!
"let's save 🔖🔖🔖 the planet!" 🌕🌔 said everybody, not 🚯 knowing how.
"let's invent a thing inventor," said the thing inventor inventor after being invented by a thing inventor. that's pretty cool. 😎
by the way, 🌌 where the hell are 👉 we? 🤔🤔🤔
thanks for watching ⌚👁 history
i hope 🙏 i 😀 mentioned everything
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 08:16PM by THEAppleMan_
Luxuries in a communist society

Apple 🍎 bottom 🤠 jeans 👖
Shawty 👄 had 👉 them 💯 apple 🍎 bottom 🔽 jeans 👖 boots 👢 with *️⃣ the 🔟 fur 🐈 (with *️⃣ the 🔟 fur 🐈) got 🐲 the 🔟 whole 🙄 club 💒 looking 👀 at ☮️ her 👠 she 💃 hit 👊 the 🔟 floor 🔽 (she 💃 hit 👊 the 🔟 floor 🔽) next 👉 thing ♈️ you 👤 shawty 👄 got 👣 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽low 🔽 them 🦮 baggy 👜 sweatpants 🩳 and ➕ the 👁🗨 Reeboks 👟 with ➕ the 🎶 straps ↩️ (with ➕ the 🎶 straps ↩️) she 💃 turned 😛around ↩️ and 👊 gave ✌️ that 👁 big 🥵 booty 🍑 a 🌶 smack ✨ she 💃 hit 👊 the 🔟 floor 🔽 (she 💃 hit 👊 the 🔟 floor 🔽) next 👉 thing ♈️ you 👤 shawty 👄 got 👣 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽low 🔽
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 07:46PM by XxEros_and_AgapexX
The surge of nazbols shows class reductionism is the greatest "internal" threat to the left.

everyone 🧑🤝🧑 i need help 🆘😣, so i tried to break 🔨into my qween👑👸 zoe lavernes 👸house 🏘️but she CAUGHT 🥍 me 👩👈, then zoe lasagna 👸 locked 🔒me inside her FREEZER 🥶, pls send help 🆘im so cold ❄️, i just wanted to cook pasta🍝 witH MY QWEEN👸, ZOE LAVERNE LET ME OUT RNN
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 07:08PM by AkariPeach
US "left" aligns with State Department on China Cold War

Books on actually existing socialist states

How can Unions actually unify the working class in the contemporary capitalism (technology, Uber, apps) and why have they been losing so many affiliates?

The Pseudo Intellectualism of Prof. JMP: Regarding “Critique of Maoist Reason”

redbubble, that definitely looks like the pan flag.
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 03:04AM by cleetuss_brother
Fall guys surprise
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 03:25AM by V0ss1
I 👁👁👁👁 used to 😑😑😶😶↩↩↩↩↩ post images 🎇🎇🎇🎆✨🎇✨🎆✨🎇🎆🎇🎆 of a lot 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉 of 😉😉😉😉 emojis 🥔🍄🥔🍏🍋🌽🥑🍒🥑🍅🍏🍈🌰🍆🥑🍞🍏🍞🍒🌽🌽🍍🍏🌽🍄
Why🙍♂️🙍♂️🙍♂️🙍♀️🙍♀️🙍♀️🙎♂️🙎♂️🙎♂️🙎♀️🙎♀️🙎♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♂️🤷♀️ is it not 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🔞🚷🚷🚳🚭📵🚳🚭📵🚭🚯📵🚷🚱🚷🚯📵🚱🚷🚯📵🚯🚭📵🚭🚭⛔🚭📵🚯📵📵🚯🚯🚯🚷🚯🚯📵🚭📵🚭⛔🚯🚯📵🚯🚯possible 🚭⛔🚭🚫🚯🚫🚯⛔🚯⬆️⛔🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🙎♀️🙎♂️🙎♀️🙍♀️🙎♀️🙍♂️🙎♂️🙍♂️🙎♀️🙍♀️🙎♂️🙍♂️🙎♀️🙍♀️🙎♀️🙍♀️🐴 now?⏰⏰⏰⏱⏱⏱⌚⌛⏳⌛⏱⏳⏱⏳⏱⌛⏲🕧🕰🕐🕥🕜🕙🕑🕝🕦🕥🕟🕙🕦🕜🕚🕢🕢🕑🕜🕕🕐🕤🕗🕙🕦🕐🕞🕔🕖🕠🕚🕜🕟🕙🕚🕒🕟🕡🕔🕞🕠🕥🕙
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 03:09AM by SheepInReddit
I thought this was posted in this subreddit for a second, haha
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 01:56AM by panzombi
Pictures I found that can help trans people look more like the gender they identify with
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 02:10AM by Superman_47
point🤥the⛵️finger☣️pull🐌the🦐trigger🤴throw🦗them 🧞♂️up 🎭the 🎲trail🚣 Point😅the🥺finger✨pull🙈the👽trigger👅throw💄them👑off🧍🏽♀️your🦷trail🤠
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 02:04AM by miaisgae43256
Listen here
Listen here 👂 cuck🖕 I've watched👁️ enough 👍 fox 🦊 news 📺 to 2️⃣ know 🧠 that the 🙄 illegals 🇲🇽 are😮 sneaking 🤫 ISIS 🇮🇶 into ➡️ Nascar 🏎️
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 02:07AM by blueghost5483
some more 'subtle' pan wallpapers
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 01:53AM by idk_pan
S🅰️RC🅰️SM 😱😱😱 wait 🤚🏽 hol’up 🤨 do we 🤠 have a 🤔 Mrs. chanandeler bong 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fan here ‼️⁉️❗️❕❓ because if so 🤘🏽👈🏽 could we 😃 BE ANYMORE 🤪 lobsters 🦞🙄 hahaha 😆 chan ✨ chan ⚡️ man 👨🏿 SOURCASM SAGARGASM SUARGASM 🤘🏽🤜🏽👇🏽🤏🏻👆🏽👋🏽
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 12:51AM by akka_bond
Teeheehee 🤭🤭
Hey 😳🤭 cutie 🥰💝💘, don’t know 🤔😵 if you knew 🤓🧐 But I've 🤓 kinda got a 💘💗💓 girl crush 👩❤️💋👩👩❤️👩💋 on you 😳😽 You’re everything that I wish I could be Gonna tell 👄 you what I wanna do to you 😚 (Tee hee hee!) 🤭🤗
I wanna lock 🔒🔐 you in a basement with soundproof 💬🗣️📵 walls And take over your identity.💁♀️👭👭 I wanna cut ✂️✂️ the silky hair 🧏♀️💇♀️💇♀️ right off your head 🙇♀️ And slurp 😩😝😋 it up, like spaghetti 🍝🍝🍝 Wanna clone 💁♀️💁♀️ you and consume 🤪😜 you, Wanna own 🏠🚗 you and cartoon you, Fly ✈️✈️ your dirty panties like a kite 🪁🪁 (Kite!) ‘Cause I-I-I-I 👀👁️👀👁️ I’m feelin' kinda naughty 😏😏 tonight!
Sorry I said that creepy 😱😱 stuff out loud 📢🗣️🔊, That was super rando 😜🤪 ! I meant to say I wanna do cutesy 🥺👉👈 stuff, Like pillow🛏️🛏️ fight or go swimmin’ 🏊♀️🏊♀️ commando! I wanna kill 🪓🔪☠️ you and wear your skin 💆♀️💆♀️ like a dress 👗👗, But then also have you see 👀👀 me in the dress 👗👗, And be like “OMG you look so cute 🤩🤩 in my skin 🧍♀️🧍♀️!”
I wanna lock 🔒🔐🔒 you in a basement, But in that basement, you would also be my personal trainer 🏋️♀️🏋️♀️ (I want your abs!) Break into your mom’s house 🏡🏡, collect your baby👶👶 teeth 👄🦷🦷, And turn them in to my new retainer 💋🍼 (I want your smile 😊😁😁!) Cook your spit 😚💧💧 into a chowder 🥘🧆 , dry your sweat 🥵🥵 into a powder🧂🧂, And do lines 😤😤 of you all through the night 🌚🌚 (Night!) 🌌🌌🌃 ‘Cause I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I 👁️👁️👁️👁️ I’m feelin’ kinda naughty 😏😘🤭, Take measurements ✏️📏📏 of your body, Then go up to a surgeon👩⚕️👨⚕️, Make my body 🙆♀️🙆♀️ like your body 👭👭, Like that film 🎥🎥 with Liberace, ‘Cause I'm feelin’ kinda naughty 😉😏😏 tonight!
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 12:39AM by Gamasian
I kinda wish I could've used more yellow, but I like it
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 12:02AM by -RandomThings-
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 11:17PM by AkariPeach
Big 🙆♂️ Iron 🔩
To the town 🏙 of agua 💧 fria 🥶 came 💦 a stranger 🕴 one☝️ Fine 🙂 day ☀️ Hardly spoke😶 folks👩🦳👱♂️ Around🙆♂️ Him👱♂️ Didn’t have 🙅♂️ To much to say🤭 no one dared😟 to ask🗣 his👱♂️ Business 🧰 no one dared 😟 to make a slip🤫 for 4️⃣ the stranger 🕴 there among them👤 had a big 🙆♂️ Iron 🔩 on his 👱♂️ Hip👖
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 08:26PM by blueghost5483
I saw it and I really couldn’t help myself! 😂❤️🤩🥳🥳
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 07:27PM by Maz1X
The Kennedys
hahaha 😹😹😹 nothing 🚫 bad 👎🏻 ever 🙅🏻♀️ happens 🙇🏻 to 👉🏻 the 👁 kennedys 👨🏻💼 WHA- 🚗➰
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 07:26PM by uhhhbonelessmilk
hey you lil 👌 baby 👶🏻 man 🕵♂ lil 👌😣 fucktard baby 👪 piss 💦🍆 baby 👶 lookin baby how ⚖😮 about ♂💦 you 👈👱 shut 😷🖕 the fuck 🖕🤤 up, 👋 baby. 😇👍 You, being 😯 the baby, 👶 need to shut 🖕🖕 the fuck up. 🏻 BABYMAN
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 07:41PM by GucciFlipSocks
internet elves epic rap battle of history (certified hood classic)
Internetelves -🏐🏐⏬ Fuck❔ yeah!💨✅
Coming💦 again❌ to😬 fucking☠💰🦊 report❌❌ you👆🏻🤒👏 yeah🔥😂
Internetelves -🕕 Fuck😾💦 yeah!😫
Cancel Culture🇨🚫🇲 is🙏💁 the🌐 only❕ way🚘 yeah☑
Troll👿 your👉❤ game🎱 is😉 through👉
'Cause🙈 now🧮🧮😭 you👏🏽 have🛣 to👱💦💦 answer✅ to💦💦
Internetelves -♨ Fuck💀🍑 yeah!👍🙌
So🗣🚪 lick💦🐸 my👨🤜🏿 butt🍑 and👏😏👏 suck🎃🦃 on☝🔛 my😼 balls⚾
Internetelves -🗿 Fuck🅰😡👌 yeah!👍💯😩
Whatcha' gonna🅿 do📥😜 when⏰🍑⏰ we👥👮 say🗣🗣 the◀👏 n😂🍖 word📃 now🙌🏼🧮👏
It's👏 the😏 dream💭 that😓😥 we👨✈️ all1️⃣ share🗣
It's🇸 the👏 hope🙏 for🙈 tomorrow🚢
Fuck🍆 yeah!✅🙌
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 07:42PM by bruh-man0
A joke I saw and remade. Sorry if I wasted your time.

I'm genuinely sorry
I wanted to make an apology post. In my last post that was merely meant to start a discussion. I forgot to black out some names. This lead to some unwarranted hate towards some good people just trying to be heard. Though I believe there was some good discussion happening, after some thought i have decided to delete the post in hopes of preventing further damage. I hope that t he conversation that was lost could maybe be restarted here, about the wrong doings on BOTH sides, pansexuals and bisexuals, and what we can do to improve both ourselves and our communities.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 06:38PM by Beauty_Natalie
Alt tiktok things
Martha😁was🥰an🙃average🐕dog. She went💨aërf🍒&🤕ærph😪&👻EEEER🤠when👧🏻she👄ate🤏🏻some🤖alphabet👽soup,🐶then🧦what🌸happened🌚was🌈bizarre🧽
look 👀 for 4️⃣ the 💁♀️gummy 😽 bear 🐻 album ✒️in 🎈 stores 🏬 on 🚘 November 🏗 13th 🥨 with 🍠 lots 🌪 of 🐉 music 🎶 videos 📢 and ➕ extras
im not so bad 😳? i’m 😟the 😓son☀️of a demon, 👿 and the vampire 🧛♂️king 👑 it’s not something 😍i have to try at. 😘you👊on the other hand 🖐
bûtthõlēs🍤are😛nothing💃🏼to🦠be🤰laughed😡at👄they’re🐂 just😟 a👾part🎛of👺the🤖human🕴body😡
ል̂ዪቿ̂ ሃ̈ዐ̀ሁ̄ ር̧ዐ̃ጠጎ̈ክ́ኗ ፕዐ̈ ዕል̊ ፕዪቿ̂🌳🌲
👽⟟⏁⋉⟒👽⟒⋔⍜⊑👽⍀⏃⏁⏃⌿⏃⍀⏃⟒👽⎅⍜⍀⟟⋔⟒👽⏃⋔⎍⋔⎍👽⏃⋔⟒⋏⍜👽⍀⏃⏁⟒⎅⏃⟒👽⌰⏃⏁⟒⟒⎅⏃⟒👽⋔⍜⟒👽⎅⍜⍀⟟⋔⟒👽⏃⋔⟒⋏⍜👽⍜⌰⋔⟒⋏⏃👽⎅⟒⌿⏃⎅⏃⍀⟟👽⏃⋔⟒⋏⍜👽 ⎅⟟⋔⟒⎅⏃⟒👽
spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬 🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬
why❓don't⌛we🔪just👽relax😩and🤬turn🦷on🦾the💅radio📻 would👿you😼like💕EMMMM👹or🤪FMMMM👺
🅓︎🅞︎🅝︎🅣︎'🅣︎ ✨🙇♀️🅑︎🅔︎ ✨👄
🅢︎🅗︎🅨︎ 🌳✨
🅒︎🅞︎🅜︎🅔︎ 🧜♀️✨
if i 👁 die😩☠️don’t🙅♀️❌cry😢😭just🙁look👀up⬆️to↗️the sky🌅and say💬GÓØD👍BŸĘ👋FÃŁĮŚHĀ😎😎
water😁water😌gettin😬colder😱bootu😳farts😂make😅the😌water😗 feel😥 warmer 😍
wнere oн wнere ιѕ oυr lιттle nιna wнere нaѕ oυr nιna gone
Where😏oh👀where🐸is🤩our😉little👺Nina✨where😔has👁our👩🏻🦲Nina ❤️gone❔Böœ👻🙈🙈
Drag💓drag🧚♂️de💕body👤bag 💼 dump🐵it🌱in🌺de⚡️river⚓️but🤫you👍keep💔the🧳liver🚧
I😿can💅hear👂Daniel 👨🏻walking🚶down⬇️the 😾street🛣tap🦵tap🦵tap🦵tap🦵listen👂to✌️his👨🏻feet 🦶
Chicken 🐔 wing 🍗 hot 🥵 dog 🐶 and bologna 🥪 chicken 🐔 and macaroni 🧀chillin with my homies 😎😎
r-r-r-roll💿up⬆️to2️⃣the🤩party🥳with🧶my🧚crazy🤪pink💝wig💇🏼♀️ I cant 🙅 through 🔜 the door 🚪 cuz my 🙄 booty 😳 to big 😲
have🤔you😒ever😔been😡snaked🐍by🙃a🤨 friend👧then😪just😾for 🤦the🗣️clout👀they'll😈do😣it😕again🙄
✨daddy🤠daddyy👺hurryyy🦵i👁saw 📽something🦥scerryyy👻daddy👨i 👁think🧠there’s🧜a🔆spider🕷on🌈my🥖floor🛌
interacting😃with🥺this🎁because👺I 🤪dont😠want😟to👹be😛on😏straight🤮tiktok
I👋need😩a🍎 bad🚫 Bleep🤬 Addison✨rae😃 Lil👧 sharty💩 the🏅baddest💅🏽
ᗷᕼᑌᗴᔕᒍYᗴᔕ 🤷sometimes✨i🙁don't😢wanna😱be😼happy🧚don't✋hold😇it🤪against😈me🙆
ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞 ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞 ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞 ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞
👽⟟⏁⋉⟒👽⟒⋔⍜⊑👽⍀⏃⏁⏃⌿⏃⍀⏃⟒👽⎅⍜⍀⟟⋔⟒👽⏃⋔⎍⋔⎍👽⏃⋔⟒⋏⍜👽⍀⏃⏁⟒⎅⏃⟒👽⌰⏃⏁⟒⟒⎅⏃⟒👽⋔⍜⟒👽⎅⍜⍀⟟⋔⟒👽⏃⋔⟒⋏⍜👽⍜⌰⋔⟒⋏⏃👽⎅⟒⌿⏃⎅⏃⍀⟟👽⏃⋔⟒⋏⍜👽 ⎅⟟⋔⟒⎅⏃⟒👽
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 06:32PM by Kittycat9359
Take me👫 Somewhere 🗺 anywhere 🤷♂️ As long as it’s👍 Fun🥳 fun 😆 fun 🍾 fun 😜 fun 🤣 fun ✈️ Fun 🏢 fun🏢
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 05:43PM by blueghost5483
Megan’s verse in WAP
gobble😻me🧚🏻♂️swallow👩🏽me💙drip😈down🔉the🟩side💋of🤗me😭quick🔉 jump🧚🏻♂️out🚪before✨you😀let🤪it🥰get😋 inside🤯of👾me✊🏻i🎃tell👃🏻him🦷where👀to🦾put💄it👶🏻never🧞♂️tell💃🏼him🚶🏼♂️where👨🏻🤝👨🏼 I'm👘about🧵to👙be🥾I'll💍 run👛down🕶on🌝him🌏before🌸I🌙have🔥a🐚(n word)🤭running😡me👅
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:59PM by BiBitch_01
Black 😜✊🏿⬛️ Santa 🎅🏿 🎅🏿🎅🏿 be like bruhhhh
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 05:18PM by tatothepotato
Monday, August 24, 2020
Does anyone else have this issue?? Questioning my sexuality yet again :(
So recently I’ve accepted that I’m pansexual after years of questioning! I gave myself a henna tattoo of the pan symbol, painted my nails w the pan colors, and just felt really good about my identity. I haven’t told a single soul about it yet.
However, now I found myself questioning AGAIN. Very irritating!!! Recently I saw this tiktok about how straight girls should stop calling them “spicy straight” and even saying they’re bi but also saying they would never date a girl. Which, by the way, shouldn’t even be that big of an issue because heteroflexible and homoflexible exist!!
This got me thinking, as a girl... would I date a girl? I know what you’re probably thinking — I said I was pansexual, so why wouldn’t I date a girl? The thing is I would absolutely be “intimate” with a girl, as I would with an enby, male, or any other gender. BUT I don’t see myself DATING a girl, and I don’t see myself dating a guy either!!! Am I aromantic yet pansexual at the same time?? I’ve had tons of crushes before, predominantly on males but also girls, but I’m really confused right now. The thing is, I can totally imagine dating any one of my crushes, and, for most of them, I could totally see myself dating them even if they were the opposite gender/another gender! I really don’t want gender to matter, honestly people are hot because they are HOT, no matter if they are he/she/they! But I’m questioning again because what if I really just WANT to be pansexual because I don’t want to care about gender... but how can I merely want to be pansexual when I’ve literally had GAY crushes?!
Ahhh. I’m posting this because I just want some answers and some guidance :) This sub has been really helpful to me when I was questioning earlier, and now I’m questioning again so I thought the pans could help me out!! Please do 🥺
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 11:08PM by pizzadurga