Monday, August 31, 2020

I do not believe slave labor is consensual.

I know this is probably commonly known on this subreddit and has been developed by many before me, but it is interesting to think about how non consensual wage labor is. Think about it, I work 48 hours a week at a factory job I hate, but I signed up for the job and signed off on their exploitation of me. I did not sign the consent form because I genuinely wanted to work here, I signed the consent form because it was my only alternative, unless I willingly wanted to be homeless and starve. Wage labor is not consensual, it is labor rape, and it is non consensual.What gets it for me, is it is perfectly legal in our system. We see so many rape victims suffer from the oppression of the justice system, no justice is served for these people and it's not their fault, it's because the system looks away from injustice, no matter the shape or form. I think that wage labor injustice is just seen as much much much less destructive and immoral because the capitalist propaganda has been so strongly ingrained in our mind that we believe labor rape is normal and okay.This is an injustice that needs to be repaid, that needs to see justice. We cannot let this injustice end up as dust in the wind. We should not let any injustice end up as dust in the wind. The women being raped, the children being exploited, and the labor being stolen. This should all see justice and it pains me that it does not.I dream that one day we are going to be doing the jobs we love, that "live love laugh" will have a new meaning, a principle by which we stand.P.S. I am stoned, I apologize for the lack of structure and vague bits of incoherency. via /r/communism

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