Monday, September 21, 2020

A professor at my university claims that genocide was committed on the Kazakh nomads in the USSR ...

I'm not really surprised because I go to an unabashedly bourgeois and liberal university (for better or for worse I guess), but I realized that we have a professor who "specializes" in soviet history. Upon looking at his work I found some really anti-communist stuff, more specifically assertions that Stalin's "industrialization drive" resulted in the genocide of the Kazakh nomadic groups. The prof's bio states that he's currently researching the "Soviet state’s forced settlement of Kazakh nomads and the resulting chaos and near genocidal tragedy these policies engendered."Can I get some counter arguments to these assertions? It angers me how liberals will totally disassociate individual historical trends from their greater dialectic significance and then craft a totally invalid argument based on this ignorance. It's even worse when these people are supposedly "credible" and "sophisticated" because they have PhDs and still spew these tired liberal tropes. via /r/communism

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