Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Joining a party (Amerika)

I have been trying to discover as much I can about the various parties in Amerika. I've noticed there is a presence of three parties in this subreddit: PSL, PCUSA, and CPUSA. PSL and PCUSA being the most prominent, although I could be entirely wrong on this.I originally went with CPUSA but decided against this and applied for PSL in which I haven't heard back from in months.My main concerns with these parties are as follows and has left me with little to no idea of which organization to join that is active in organizing, agitation, and gaining the trust of the masses in the deep South (MS):Engagement with the masses; notably oppressed nations (Black and Brown communities, Latinx, Asian, Indigenous)The issue of, from the potentially incorrect analysis resulting from external observations, of a Latino Comrade (myself), that the parties seem to be a bastion of settler leftistm/socialism and Western chauvinism.Intelligentsia running the parties, not the people themselves: ordinary working-class peopleNo party seems to have a solid stance on neocolonialism, reparations, rural areas, the prison system, the constriction of bourgeois culture and its inhibition of a concentrated effort towards revolution in the imperial core, and more as it relates to the unique struggles of colonized peoples.Please note that these concerns may not be correct, they are from a personal view point and I'm fully open to criticism. I'm still reading theory, putting it into praxis in any way I can, and practicing self-crit. I have felt a need to join a party/organization to gain more practice in organizing and for guidance in honing theory.If it's worth mentioning, I am as, George Jackson put it in Blood in my Eye: a "Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Fanonist" and uphold the Black Panther Party as being one of the last, if not the last vanguard party in Amerika. My views correspond with Third World revolutionaries and I struggle to find this in any Amerikkkan party.Thank you comrades. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2Pq9yoz

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