Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The state of the world makes me want to commit suicide

I'll never be happy here unless I'm just fucked up on drugs 24/7 so I literally can't think about or if I get fuck you rich and then the world works for me but that will obviously never happen.If you're not rich, you don't matter, you should just die anyway. Poor people have enough kids to fill in the gap in the labor machine for you it doesn't matter. Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk, they'll all still be fine. They know they're invincible. Revolution would never be strong enough to stop them, the world will never change, and dying doesn't even help either but at least I don't have to think about it.You only exist to work. You can argue with me but they'd just be pleasant lies you tell yourself. Humans are a product now, we're like a crop. The rich push people to have kids so they have a steady crop to keep up their lifestyle. We can get sold and toted around to different companies but that's all it is. The ultra rich are the humans, we're a subspecies. We just do their labor. That's it., and that's all it will ever be.You can say family, friends, hobbies, etc. are more important than work but they're not. Try to do anything else without a job, you'll die quick. You get to slave away, take the scraps of time and energy leftover to live your life with. That's it and be grateful for them. Thank God you're alive and make sure you have kids and raise crops for the next harvest.Meanwhile the billionaires can do WHATEVER they want. Kill people, traffick child sex slaves, destroy the 3rd world, not pay a cent in taxes, commit fraud and money laundering, rail kilos of coke, none of it matters if you have the money because the peasants are clocking in today no matter what so you're gonna be fine no matter what.Jesus fuck I'm disgusted to be an American and a human in general. You think I'm exaggerating but I literally want to fucking end my life right now. It's not worth it to suffer another half century+ of this.And you can't even escape it, not really. Not without a lot of money at least. So I just wanna shoot myself right now omfg via /r/communism https://ift.tt/31PK6z1

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