Tuesday, June 23, 2020

An argument I had with my bourgeois friend proving how propagandize the West is (read with caution)

This argument was had over text. it is the perfect example of how propagandize the West is.• "First off you are talking in absolutes. Just because someone inherits their parents wealth does not mean they grow it. A lot of the time they aren’t the same as their parents and end up poorer."Describing a possible system isn't talking in absolutes. if I were to describe the current system we have in America in 1700 it would seem like I was talking in absolutes.41% of the top 1% inherited their wealth, and while yes there is a possibility that they may end up poorer than their parents, inherited stock, as well as the investment of inherited wealth into stock, inherited firms, etc, all increase previously given wealth. this, alongside increased automation will take the already grotesque wealth inequality that capitalism has produced and make it so unbearable that the working class will be absolutely and utterly destroyed. even if this isn't the case, which it is, the inheritance system is still unfair and doesn't hold up to the supposed ideal of freedom of opportunity.• "Second off youre not clarifying what or who “society” is. If I make a 100,000 dollars in my lifetime when I die that money is taken by someone and divided to who. Businesses. People. The government what. There is a lot of power and corruption there. And who decides how much of my money goes to who. Whoever that is has a lot of power and probably corruption. Your system would be just as corrupt and infested with power hungry monsters as capitalism is."Socialists disagree across-the-board about the governmental system that would be put in place, however most socialists today agree on a Democratic society with limitation of powers as well as separation of said powers. Democracy without capitalism, which implies the inability to buy politicians is very hard to corrupt. It would take a movement to replace it, but that's true of literally every single system humanity has ever come up with. Such a movement would be unlikely, however, because the working class that would have to provide the movement are the ones voting for their leaders (and are at the center of the system that they are in), and if they were to go against the will of the working class, they would simply be voted out.I would still like to hear how such corruption would take place, as there is no way for private interests to by politicians as the private interests don't exist, and it would be quite unlikely for a single person to seize power due to the fact that they would have to be voted on by the working class. Whether or not such impossible corruption could take place, it is still true that it would provide for less corruption than capitalism.it is also true that the people in the society would become more and more reliable voters with time, as the education system would improve as the years went on and the working class improves their society.• "The only different would be everyone’s the same."Wtf? What does that even mean? Equality of opportunity is not the same as "everyone's the same."• "But I’m not gonna lie I don’t want my kid to be the same as every other kid. I want the best opportunity for my kid. I want my kid to beat everyone else and have the best life possible. And that is the competition that fuels the capitalist market and the progression of society"Where the hell in the Socialist system is your kid, or anybody else's kid, the same? They still rise in wealth, depending on how hard they work. it isn't some bogus system in which they are given an unfair advantage, or an advantage so big that they would never have to work in their lives. Not only would your kid be able to work as hard as he wants for himself, and keep all of the wealth he has earned in his lifetime, but upon his death it goes to the betterment of society as a whole, allowing for an even better starting line for everybody in the next generation and so on and so on.There is still competition, except the workplace has been democratized and the work incentive is for the increasing of one's personal wealth as well as the betterment of society, without private interest destroying the society or providing unfair starting points like capitalism does.• "And that is the competition that fuels the capitalist market and the progression of society."To say that society is only progressed by capitalistic forces is ridiculous. before capitalism people were motivated to progress for the honor of their King, or for their nation in the form of nationalism, and indeed for the betterment of humanity.• "And the finishing line doesn’t nesscarily get better"What the hell does that even mean LMFAO• "What if my dad left his house or something of memorial value to me"Exceptions would be made for the inheritance of sentimental objects, however they can't be so valuable that they would give you an unfair advantage in the system. this would incentivize them to leave their children purely sentimental objects that couldn't be sold, making it more personal.• "That is not a free society" .... "a socialist society is not a society I want to live in as it is one that takes my freedoms, makes my and my families’ lives worse in the name of equality in exchange for the “progression of society”You aren't making your family's lives worse. You're making them incomprehensibly better. You're also making the society at large incomprehensibly better with each generation. It is the most free version of society possible. It rejects all forms of oppression in the capitalist system and builds a system upon which it would be impossible for oppression to exist. Civil liberties would still be protected, more so, freedom of speech, religion, expression, etc. Criticism of the government would still be allowed because the people comprising the society are both the government and those voting for the government. You, in fact, are the one arguing for an oppressive, unequal, hierarchical, theft-driven society.After this point was made, he claimed that it was pointless to argue because it was "all just opinions" and "it's been debated," and (I kid you not) "the cold war showed us the way." It is sad how propagandize the West is. Otherwise smart people have been dumbed down by constant brainwashing. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2ByBClG

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