Monday, August 24, 2020

Fascists and their reactionary sympathizers are shook when lefties open carry

In response to Kenosha, Wisconsin police shooting unarmed black man Jacob Blake seven times in the back in front of his three children, I went to a local protest in central WI brandishing my signs simultaneously with my firearm. At one point, a man biking by yelled "put the gun away", to which I ignored initially. He stopped to repeat his sentiment, so I replied "it's an open carry state, and I'm allowed to protest on public property". He screamed some more nonsense, but was quick to leave after he discovered that I know my rights.As a white male, I realized my privilege was in full effect, as multiple cops passed by with no incidents. But I was also greeted by numerous individuals of different backgrounds, they told me they felt safer with me by their side.Just a personal story I wanted to share from tonight's protests, and I hope this will convince other comrades to rely on their own firearms for not only self-defense, but the defense of our most marginalized communities whenever possible.A speedy recovery to Jacob Blake, who has been upgraded to a "stable" condition, and as always, all cops are bastards. Stay safe, comrades via /r/communism

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