Sunday, October 25, 2020

🤡👨‍🦰Trump waved 👋🌊 to the 👁👁American🇺🇸🦅 people 😷🤯as he 😾😻 exited 🏃🚫the stage 🔆🎭after the➡️🎵 final 1️⃣debate

🤡👨‍🦰Trump waved 👋🌊 to the 👁👁American🇺🇸🦅 people 😷🤯as he 😾😻 exited 🏃🚫the stage 🔆🎭after the➡️🎵 final 1️⃣debate 🧚‍♂️🗣between him 👨‍🦰👤and Biden. 👨‍🦳👤Biden followed 💃🕺suit👔🎩, meeting with 👥trump 👨‍🦰behind 🔄the stage.🎭😕😤“Do you 👨‍🦳✨think 🤔💭 they 😱🙀 suspect 😨😵us?”Biden asked💀😮 worriedly.👾🤖🖐 “No, 👨‍🦰🙅🍔I don’t think 🤔💭 so.” 🤠👨‍🦰Trump assured. 👾👺🤲Biden took 🤛💄👅a glance👀🦷 to the 🏊🎧left, ⬅️to the right➡️, and then into 🔝⚠️trump’s 👨‍🦰👏gorgeous 🤯😳grayish blue 💙🤍👀eyes. 👂Trump👨‍🦰💄 brought his 👇😛👹face closer 🤡➡️to Biden’s, ⬅️👨‍🦳their lips 👄👃brushing against🤯🤨😇 each other. 😍🥰😈“Are you 😽🤲sure no one🙅‍♀️❌ is around?” 🔄🎶Biden asked 👨‍🦳⁉️softly.🐶🤘”I don’t 🌈🌧care if 🌝🌺🌿anyone is 🦚🐵👩‍👦‍👦around 🔄🚫or not ❌✏️Joe.” 👨‍🦳💕Trump 👨‍🦰😉smirked and 😇😅connected➡️⬅️ their lips. 👨‍🦳💕👨‍🦰Biden’s face👨‍🦳😳✨ flushed red❤️💌 as they 👨‍🦳❤️kissed.👄🌈 Trump 💪👨‍🦰pushed ➡️👨‍🦳Biden💕🌈 against the 😇😫😻wall 👤🙏as things 👆👀got more ➕🔜heated. 🍆🔥He stuck 🧍💆‍♂️his knee🙆🧚‍♂️ in between ➡️🚽Biden’s legs, 🏊🕺and prodded🧟👨‍🦰 his tongue👺👅 against ➡️Biden’s lips, 💋👄💄begging 👣👁to enter. 🔁Biden 👨‍🦳🦶opened his 🦋🌟❄️mouth slightly. 🦔🧏‍♂️Trump took 🖐✊this chance🤒👹🤡 and shoved ⬅️🎶his tongue 👅🌈in Biden’s 👨‍🦳💕mouth. 👄🦷His tongue👅🧠 ravaged🥰💦 in his mouth, 🌏🌝🐩claiming🍅🥛 its territory.🐾🍆🍑Biden softly 🍭👨‍🦳💦pushed at ➡️🖐✊Trump’s shoulders, 👨‍🦰💪finally disconnecting ⬅️➡️their lips, 💋👄leaving a 🧑‍🦯💃string 🧶🧵of saliva. 💦☂️He panted,🌪🦍”How about🎓🧎 we continue 🔒🔎this at my 🗳📪place 🇺🇸🕘Donald?”👨‍🦰👨‍🦳Biden murmured. 👅💕Trump smirked👨‍🦰😏,”I couldn’t👹🤷‍♀️ agree 🧚💁‍♂️more.” 🌈⬆️

Submitted October 25, 2020 at 08:56PM by oogabooga869

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