Saturday, March 28, 2020

Dating preferences(?)

Hey there fellow pans, so I'm a 20 year old woman who doesn't have any gender-based preferences when it comes to whom I feel attracted to. I'm also demisexual, so I don't feel sexual attraction towards people without getting to know them as a friend first and feeling connected to them and romantically attracted to them (although I am more into the romantic aspect of relationships rather than the sexual aspect..but that part's great too only when I'm really into the person). I just need intimacy and to feel a genuine connection to my partner to feel fulfilled in any sort of relationship. I used to think I was asexual up until I was like 17 because I just never experienced any sexual attraction towards anyone but it turns out that I just never felt the romantic feelings necessary for me to develop sexual attraction towards anyone up until that point. However, I am such a useless pan. Ever since I realized I was pan (thanks to this girl who was literally my sexual awakening), I've only ever dated men and they were never serious relationships. Just fwb type of situation because either me or the guy I was with at the time didn't feel like escalating it into a serious relationship. But I still had genuine romantic feelings for them. Anyways what I want to ask is, while I do not have any gender-based preferences on whom I get attracted to, I was wondering if I should try dating women exclusively at least for a while..I can't explain why exactly at this moment but I feel like it would be more satisfying or it would be easier to communicate with another woman than with men..or to connect with them on an emotional level which I need to feel fulfilled in a relationship. Although that is just a feeling and I could be wrong since I don't have any experience dating women and the thing that felt "off" about my encounters with men could just have to do with the men I've been with lol. what do you guys think and do any of you guys deliberately choose to date people of certain gender identities despite being attracted to people regardless of gender?

Submitted March 28, 2020 at 02:28PM by Either-Smoke

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