Friday, May 29, 2020

thoughts on Hoxha?

TL;DR at the bottomSo I've only been involved with communist theory and praxis for maybe 3 years, and I'm still quite new and prone to Naivety. I am from Brazil, and as such have a wide range of commnist parties to choose from.Last year I joined PCdoB, it's the only self-proclaimed marxist-leninist party in congress, its youth organization has been in power of the student union every since the military- industrial dictatorchip fell (mid-80s) and is basically what every brazilian associates with communism (if you ignore the reactionaries that call the socdem Worker's Party of Lula communist).However, I have grown fiercely disillusioned with both the militants and the leadership of the party - our "posterboy" defends getting rid of the hammer and sickle, getting rid of "communist" in the party name. Also, several alliances that have stepped over the line of pragmatism into electoralism and revisionism.The main reason I joined them was because of their history. They opposed Kruschev's revisionism, splitting from the original PCB, and later started a maoist insurgency that lasted for years during the military-industrial dictatorship.But it seems that recently PCB has been more in line with my beliefs, not having been seduced by electoral success like PCdoB has, so I was thinking of joining them.However, there is a third party, the PCR (revolutionary communist party), that is itself a dissidence od the PCdob dissidents, choosing to follow a traditional ML line, differing from the then revisionist PCB and the maoist PCdoB.My main qualm with them is that they seem to be REALLY into Hoxha, and that rings some alarms for me. I myself believe Stalin upheld the proletarian revolution, but acritical support of him from figures like Hoxha are to me, not founded on solid materialist analysis.I'm probably going to PCB, since they were once revisionist, but after being nearly dismantled by class traitors that went on to create their own schism that would end up defending "humanist capitalism", they have apparently set course for a party line that defends the proletarian revolution.TL;DR: Is there anything good about Hoxha, or was he just an obstinate orthodox marxist that revered Stalin above any valid criticism? via /r/communism

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