Monday, December 30, 2019

Why, and how, the Climate Change movement must become Socialist.

​Why, and how, the Climate Change movement must become Socialist.Notes [0] below.I write this because of a common refrain among the Socialist community; that the climate change movement, and other such movements, are corporatized and as such infertile ground for any true proletarian (working class) movement. This is foolish and nihilistic, and here is why. [1]First of all, we must distinguish between two types of populist, mass movements.An ‘organic’ movement is the general proletarian, socialist movement that is the death knell to our current mode of production (using Marxist terminology) [2]. This ‘organic’ movement is what so many of you are obstinately waiting for (as if a communist revolution will just appear, like magic! Ha!), without understanding the actual development thereof.The second movement is called a ‘conjunctural’ movement, which is a spontaneous, situational, almost accidental movement predicated on a particular socio-economic conflict. [3] This was what the Occupy Wall Street movement was, and what the Climate Change movement, as it stands now, is.These two types of movements stand in an interesting (one could even say dialectical) relation to one another. The ‘conjunctural’ movement is often a powerful tool for the ‘organic’ movement, if harnessed correctly, viz. steered away from reform or complacency. [4]​“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!...I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”- Patrick Henry, 1775. This is a good example of a past conjunctural movement (conflict of taxation) being transformed into an organic revolution. [5]​However, a conjunctural movement can also be used for conservative*** or even reactionary** means.*The liberal feminist movement, viz. Trans Exclusionary ‘Radical Feminists’**Wiemar Republic war reparationsThink of it! The Climate change movement, in the hands of the neoliberals, has already begun it’s descent into corporate nonsense (even Republicans have begun accepting climate change, albeit in a restrained way), and eco-fascism , if unchallenged, could become the most powerful fascist movement in decades. [6]Therefore, it is imperative that the climate change movement (and any nascent conjunctural movement) must be adopted into the socialist fold. [7]The cry should not be for ‘Blood, Soil, and Tyranny’, but for ‘Peace, Land, and Bread’. [8]The cry should not be for corporate subjugation, ‘Environmental safety for all who can afford it’, but for ‘Bread, Shelter, ease for all!’ [9]Let every person know, that the choice is truly Socialism or Barbarism!So- how do we do this?Hell if I know.I can give some halfhearted recommendations- start environmental movements under socialist banners: solidify Bernie Sanders, and socialism, by extension, as the most radical and effective forces for environmental change. Spell out the inherent capitalist workings that have lead to Global Warming. Start an honest-to-god climate strike (not just a CEO-supported walkout; an actual union strike). I could give other answers; but honestly, I am not experienced enough to provide good praxis: just semi-coherent theory. Please, if you can elaborate more than I, do so in the comments.Keep up the good fight, comrades.NOTES:[0] Right here![1] This applies for those of you that refuse to vote, as well.[2] Critique of the Gotha Program, Karl Marx[3] The Modern Prince, The Prison Notebooks, Antonio Gramsci.[4] If you want to hear about reform, or revisionism, just say the phrase ‘Kautsky was right’ three times, and the ghost of Lenin will throw a signed copy of ‘The State and The Revolution’ in your face, then quietly strangle you.[5] Even if it is Bourgeois, it is a good example.[6] I talked about my analysis of fascism in detail here.[7] Trans communists, what a lovely phrase.[8] A Bolshevik slogan[9] “For the day on which the old institutions will fall under the proletarian axe, voices will cry out ‘Bread, shelter, ease for all!’” -The Conquest of Bread, Peter Kropotkin.READ THEORY!!!I will also be posting this on r/TheoryOfPraxis, a sub I made for this type of thing. via /r/communism

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