Friday, January 31, 2020

I'm out! Well, kinda.

Alright, this is a long story, so buckle up.

My friend (F), who I believe is bi or pan, and I (also F) were talking in class when this obnoxious kid comes up to us and jokingly says "Aw, I ship it!"

I started to panic a little because i already knew my friend wasn't straight but she didn't know i was pan. My gay ass came up with "nah, she's not really my type".

Yep. Way to stay in the closet.

Anyways, the guy says, "I knew it! You're about as straight as a circle" to which I responded, not really caring anymore, "I'm about as straight as a pancake!" thinking that no one would get it because almost no one at my school knows anything about the LGBTQ+ community besides lesbian, gay, bi, and trans, but my friend just looked at me funny.

She finally gets this 'aha' look on her face and says "Ohhhhh!" really loudly, then started laughing. I just smiled an 'oh shit what did I do' kind of smile.

A few days later aka today, said friend comes up to me and whispers, "Are you out yet?" in my ear. I kinda froze in shock but I shook my head a little bit. She says "haha, me neither!" and then asked if she was the only one who knew, and I nodded yes. She says "oh yay I feel special now" and walks away.

So.. yeah! My kind of anticlimactic coming out story. I'm now slightly panicking because I'm not actually 100% sure that I AM pan, I just go by it because I feel like it's closest to what i am. Oh well, too late now.

Have a lovely day, my pancakes! ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 06:11PM by itsessjaydee

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