Thursday, January 30, 2020

New Alternative Lifestyle Podcast


This is Snow and my wife, Marvel, and we just launched our podcast Consentences! It's going to primarily focus on discussions on alternative lifestyles through interviews with people in their unique communities. This will be heavily LGBTQ+ leaning and focus on relationships, sexuality, and gender within different communities and how consent plays a role in them.

We're in a number of different communities: Burners, poly, kink/BDSM, ren faire, swing, and we're both pansexual (we have an episode coming up that focuses on it). We have some incredible guests lined up to talk about their experiences in those scenes as well as sexologists, mental health professionals, and other advocates for their own unique communities.

We'd love for you to give it a listen and if you have ideas or topics that you would like to hear discussed on the podcast, please shoot an email to [](!

The website is and our podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Podbean so far and updates will be available on all social platforms in addition to our website.




Submitted January 29, 2020 at 11:09PM by consentences

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