Monday, March 2, 2020

Explain to them: "Your "Lord" Jesus Christ, was something like a Communist!"

Explanation further down :)JESUS ​​AND STOIBERHe was a freak, an idealist, against war, was a pacifist, didn't care much about money, rather against private property; slept when he could without a roof, did not have a regular job, lived from what was given to him and rejected bourgouis striving.He had long hair and a hippie beard, at thirty-three he still hadn't saved a single sesterce, Singing with his gang on the road, Bringing shame to his mother; holding unauthorized meetings and if there was nothing to drink there he'd make wine out of water and shared it in a christian way.He blessed whores, healed robbers: Is it true, Mr. Conservative politician, such a man is actually worshipped by you?You should be ashamed of yourself! Should a person like this be an example to us?! A lazy quitter before the Lord, Conformism was something he rejected; unwilling to bow to performance pressure. Born out of an unmarried relationship; Our Lord Jesus Christ, he was something like a communist.If he came as an asylum seeker to to your beautiful state, a crazy psychopath from a non-persecuting country, Calling himself God's Son on earth, you would know how to deal with someone like that: Click those handcuffs and deport him home.With what right, damn it, do you call yourself a social christian?Jesus said: You shall love your enemies but the hypocrites he kicked out of the temple with a whip.He blessed whores, healed robbers: Is it true, Mr. Conservative politician, such a man is actually worshipped by you?This poem "Jesus und Stoiber" from a German comedy singer songwriter shows, in a funnny way how Jesus would be frowned upon by many conservative voting people and I actually think conservative voting christians, especially in these strange ulta-capitalist times, would rather turn away from their conservative party than from their religous beliefs.. Jesus can be a really good way to make communist values more appealing to people who come from a middle class, conservative voting christian background by showing how Jesus' messages would be considered revolutionary now a days. For example- Thats what Jesus said about rich people :" I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to eenterunter the kingdom of God."So, the "Mr. Conservative politician" from this poem was Edmund Stoiber was a politician of the "Social Christian Union" party, which is basically Angela Merkels CDU party but in Bavaria. The party is known to be even more right-wing than their main party.Heres Götz Widmann performing the original version of the poem: war ein Freak, ein Idealist, gegen den Krieg, war Pazifist, machte sich nichts aus Geld, eher besitzlos eingestellt; schlief, wenn er konnte ohne Dach, ging keiner geregelten Arbeit nach, lebte von dem was man ihm gab und lehnte bürgerliches Streben ab.Er hatte lange Haare und nen Hippie-Bart, mit dreiunddreißig noch keinen Sesterz gespart, zog singend durch die Gegend mit seiner Bande und machte seiner Mutter Schande; hielt ungenehmigte Versammlungen ab und wenn's da nichts zu trinken gab panschte er aus Wasser Wein und schenkte allen christlich ein,segnete Huren, heilte Räuber, ist das wahr, Herr Stoiber, so einen Mann beten sie tatsächlich an?Sie sollten sich was schämen, solln wir an dem Mann uns ein Beispiel nehmen? ein Drückeberger vor dem Herrn, Anpassung lag ihm völlig fern; jeglicher Leistung abgeneigt, außerehelich gezeugt, unser Herre Jesu Christ, er war sowas wie ein Kommunist.segnete Huren, heilte Räuber, ist das wahr, Herr Stoiber, so einen Mann beten sie tatsächlich an?Käme er als Asylant in ihr schönes Bundesland, ein durchgeknallter Psychopath aus einem Nichtverfolgerstaat, nennt sich Gottes Sohn auf ErdenBy the way, check out more of Comrade Götz Widmanns publishings! via /r/communism

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