Thursday, March 26, 2020

How to convince my family that people talking about their sexuality or being prideful doesn't equal they wanna have sex.

Okay so here's the story. First time poster blah blah blah. On computer.

My family is low-key homophobic and I'm pan (obviously) their homophobia isn't "kill all gays" or "You're gay you're going to hell." No their homophobia is ignorance.

They don't understand why people are prideful or why people will try talk about. They are the kind of people that says, "You can be gay just don't flaunt it," or "If you talk about your sexuality than you obviously want to have sex with me" (my mom said that to me)

Recently I had an argument with my brother in the grocery store. I honestly don't want to remember it so I'm paraphrasing:

B: Why are yous upset otakulover9?

Me: My friend isn't here and I just want to talk to someone right now.

B: You can talk that's fine. I don't mind

Me: Are you sure because we don't agree with this.

B: Shoot

Me: (Starts rant) Okay so what I'm upset about is dad and I don't see eye to eye. And it just annoys me that he refuses to understand. I mean that man said that I can't kiss my female partner(I'm single) in front of him and- (I wanted to tell him the how I felt upset that I'm not able to talk to my family about the struggles I go through. I wanted to tell him that I wish dad would understand but I accepted that he won't change and I accept that. The only thing I want from my family and make a compromise or at least get to the stage of where I can just rant and they'll listen. Instead I get interrupted and this happens)

B: You have to understand that Dad's not gonna change and get over it. Besides nobody cares and your just making a problem outta nothing.

Me: NO I have accepted that fact just-

B: No you didn't because if you did we wouldn't have this issue. Just get over it were done.

He walks forward and dance to his music as if nothing happened. I tried to argue some more but he was just dismissive. I was going to cry so I pushed the cart in front of me and went to the car.

The story continues! My mother was upset because my brother also gave up on shopping and he tried to frame that I threw a tantrum. So I put my earbuds in and refuse to talk.

My dad later asked me what happened and I didn't give him details. I stated that I was upset at B and I pushed the basket in front of me so I can get away because I was going to cry. He asked me if I wanted to talk about it and I said no.

I want to make it clear that out of my entire family my brother is the least conservative so if I talked to my parents my dad will give me a b.s. speech and my mom will also give me a b.s speech and be dismissive.

Here are some of the best quotes they told me and b.s scenarios that you don't need to read and it's just me ranting:

"Dad tried to make me watch a women who believes being gay is a sin so she chose to force herself to live a hetero life"

"Nobody is born gay its a choice"

"Be in a gay relationship will be abusive"

"You're confuse"

"Your gay relationship won't last long and you'll realize a straight relationship is the right one"

"Don't talk about anything gay around me or in my house"

"You can have a gay partner but you can't be gay in front of me or in my house"

"I don't want to here your gay shit"

I'll add more if people are curious. But yes this shit happened to me. I have more stories that I can post if people are interested or I just want to rant again.

TlDR; tired of my homophobic family and I just want to talk.

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 06:15PM by otakulover9

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