Monday, April 27, 2020

What is to be done? (USA after COVID)

Curious about, from a dialectical materialist viewpoint, how we should expect the US to change during/after this viral outbreak?I've seen a lot of different opinions about how the world is adapting due to the effects of the virus, but not as many from a strictly ML point of view.If we are to refer historically to American handlings of events like SARS, AIDS, etc, I cant imagine anything will be "over" anytime soon. I'm having a hard time being optimistic about any kind of chance for organization and class consciousness.But this also seems to be such an unprecedented set of events. If speaking in terms of dialectical materialism, this has got to be one of the stronger catalysts for political activism I've seen in the USA.Is the imperialist machine finally falling apart? via /r/communism

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