Monday, May 25, 2020

Coming out to dad tomorrow

Possible trigger because of “interesting” conversations I’ve had with my dad. Throwaway in case someone I know finds this.

So I’ll probably come out to my dad tomorrow. He is very religious and I kind of hope he will open his mind a little to see we don’t choose this, but I won’t hold my breath.

He probably knows I’m not straight from one conversation where he said he doesn’t say stuff (ie going to hell) to gay people. And I, the dumbass I am, said, “well you told me,” absolutely missing the connotation. He said, “what, are you gay?” And I just kind of hand gestured because I didn’t want to lie, but didn’t want to say yes. He did not smack me or get mad, so that’s nice. We just continued our debate (which was actually a nice debate).

He has told me in the past gay people are gay because they were abused, gay people hate Christians (while I said Hobby Lobby sucks because it’s homophobic). When I was little and my gay uncle was visiting he told me (not in front of uncle) that “they” go to hell.

He knows I was (graduated) in a LGBT club, probably knows I was treasurer.

So I’m visiting tomorrow and am planning on telling him I’m pan.

I’m terrified and so ready to be out. He’s the last person I feel like needs to know to be all the way out.

Wish me luck.

If people care I’ll update tomorrow night.

Also should I bring my tiny pan flag to hide in my pocket? Any good ideas?

Maybe I should buy a cake, lol.

(First post didn’t post, trying again. If two appear I will delete one).

Submitted May 25, 2020 at 08:38PM by Pansuwu

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