Friday, July 31, 2020

Being pan in a hetero cis/cis relationship

I’ve never come out to my family because I’m afraid they wouldn’t take me seriously. They never knew about my relationships with other genders, because they’re Christian and I’ve never felt the need to share any private information with them. We’re not especially close, but I still feel like I don’t get to be my full self when I’m around them.

My boyfriend and my close friends have always been amazingly supportive and understanding. I fell in love with my s/o out of the blue several years back, and questioned my sexual identity at the time. Even though pansexuality means that literally anyone’s game, it still feels kind of like regression to fall in love with someone who’s cis of the opposite sex.

Some awful people have made me feel like this means that I don’t belong in the community. Of course I know that my being in what would be considered a hetero relationship means that I now have the privilege of feeling safer in various settings with my s/o (despite us being interracial), but I’m still... gay? I still fantasize about other genders, find other genders attractive, and could possibly date other genders again if things hypothetically go south with my current s/o, so why do I feel this way?

I just felt like sharing because I feel like no one else would really understand.

tl;dr: why does it feel socially weird to be in a hetero relationship as a pan individual?

Submitted July 31, 2020 at 10:47PM by ShmantaCat

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