Sunday, April 12, 2020

Capitalism in the time of Corona

In these tumultuous times, I have seen countless arguing that aggressive measures taken by certain politicians to stem the tide of COVID-19 qualify as abuses of power. For example, I was talking to a friend from Michigan who said that Gov. Whitmer's bans on boating, visiting other residences, and selling non-essential items amount to fascism. I was tearing my hair out by the end of the conversation. If you ask me, Gov. Whitmer is succeeding where the current administration failed.How else are we going to get the situation under control? By letting people have barbecues every weekend? How can some individuals be so selfish as to think they have the God-given right to go wherever they want in the middle of a pandemic, for nonessential purposes, putting in danger the lives of those who are old, sick, immunocompromised, or otherwise high-risk?This virus has convinced me that some people are just too stupid to have choices. Truly. If you can't sacrifice one modicum of individual freedom for the well-being of the majority, then you shouldn't be a member of society. Even though Hobbes was a monarchist, I feel the basic idea of Leviathan - that people contract out of the state of nature and into political society by limiting their individual freedoms in pursuit of peace - also holds true for communism. When you want the protection of a government, you give up some of your rights. Period. If you want to whine about how your freedoms are being taken away, go live in anarchy.Countries like South Korea have implemented vigorous testing and social distancing measures, and they're working. Why? Because people are following the rules. And, in case they don't, they'll be tracked with electronic wristbands for violating quarantine. Here in the US, the current administration would rather lift social distancing measures prematurely, allowing hundreds of thousands of Americans to be the sacrificial lamb, for the sake of the economy, or whatever whims are perpetuated by the ruling class.I'm new to communism, but I don't have to know much to understand that capitalism, especially in the time of coronavirus, is an absolute failure. Working class people are losing their jobs left and right, living hand-to-mouth, while the rich and famous - who are being tested and treated at a much faster rate than common folk - complain about quarantine from their multi-million dollar mansions. We're not "all in this together." Beyond that, I don't want to live in a world where concern for individual freedom is more important than the well-being of the majority, but I guess I have no choice.This reads more like a rant, but I'm honestly just so frustrated and wanted to share my thoughts with people who might understand and help me think through some of my thoughts. Thanks! via /r/communism

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