Friday, July 24, 2020

Living with reactionary family?

Hi comrades,I live with my grandma in a rural area currently and she is reactionary AS FUCK. The type of elderly white woman who takes it personally and yells at her phone every time there’s an anti-racism protest, spends 8-10 hours on Facebook a day, believes all the far-right conspiracy shit. Basically a fascist at this point. Extreme bootlicker. She would without a doubt turn me into the feds if they came looking for me because I’m a communist. She’s not mentally healthy either, she has many insecurities she takes out on people around her (she might be narcissistic, not sure, I’m not making diagnoses either), is just toxic to be around generally.So I hide in my room as much as I can. If I ever have the money to do something or eat, I never take her with me which makes me feel slightly bad but not really, she is too toxic and makes me feel like shit.But I can’t do this shit for much longer, I’m 19 and I certainly can’t stay at home for 2-4 more years while I go to college (80+ miles from any college). Going into a ton of debt for college is also not an option for myself either (just practically speaking, I have bed credit and can’t get a loan without a co-signer, which my parents will not do, and they make 100k so I can’t get federal grants).Community college is obviously my best bet. I just have no clue what I should do. I really want to study history and economics and get a bachelor after CC.But I also REALLY need to be out on my own and be able to support myself during college.Do you guys have any advice, and/or any of you come from far-right families or similar backgrounds? Thanks very much. via /r/communism

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