Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Private Ownership of Computers & Communism

This is a follow up to my thread about how especially exploitative & unsustainable video game console production is. It was pointed out (even by me) that computer/phone gaming was more sustainable, which is true, but even this is assuming that personal computers & smartphones would be commonplace under communism. The production of these devices as of now rely heavily on the hyper-exploitation of the third world (due to computers needing conflict minerals). I don't think it should be immediately assumed that these devices will be easily accessible under communism.It is true, that the vast majority of China has smartphone access, and a large chunk of its population has computer access. Furthermore, personal adoption of these technological marvels is on the rise throughout other socialist countries like China, Vietnam, and the DPRK. But how sustainable is that? That's not a rhetorical question, I don't know.If communism means ridding society of personal possession of computers, then that will have organizing implications. As of now, the vast majority of the western world has access to these devices; this holds for even large parts of the internal colonies residing in the west. The west has become utterly dependent on tech; will even the most exploited of Americans agree to fight for anti-imperialism if it means they lose their smartphones & computers?And on a personal level, it seems to me that a lot of younger westerns have made the leap from liberalism to communism because of socialism's current ability to engage in these luxuries. Do a search on here and other "ML" subs and you can find plenty of people oohing and ahing over the DPRK having its own Netflix or Huawei remaining #2 in the global phone market. This isn't to chastise these countries mind you, but rather to speak to the mindset of western communists.There's not really an overall point here, just thinking on how citizens and their relationship to technology will shift under communism; and I may very well be overthinking things and putting the cart before the horse. I can understand if mods delete this thread. via /r/communism

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