Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Russian Federation is Imperialist.

By the very nature of a capitalist republic, the capital cities leach off the rest of the nation .In the Soviet Union , there was a high degree of autonomy . That autonomy among local groups is now gone . The people’s democracy is gone .The capitalists in Moscow have rebuilt the Czars thrown and the relationships have been reestablished . Moscow once again dominates everything , and the liberal freedom of “free market” is the only human right once again . Those with the money have the most rights, and because of historical domination, mostly undone by the soviets but restored with capitalism, is the fact that the European side of Russia simply has more money .These lands were not gained diplomatically , they were gained by armies and held by the Czars for hundreds of years using some of the worst anti-education and anti-worker policies the world has ever seen . (See Czarist anti-literacy laws) This all concludes with the biggest cities in Russia, and the richest in those cities , controlling everybody else . Ultimately , this is a form of imperialism . via /r/communism

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