Tuesday, December 24, 2019

We need work to practically enact solidarity with Bolivia.

I recently dug deep into Spanish language and Latin American sources to put together an effort post on the one month post-coup situation. We've got no verifiable numbers of detained, only estimates of 800 - 1200. Will they be released, or desaparecidos. A blackout of (serious, coordinated, 'liberated zones) fascist paramilitary violence. I'm unable to piece together the numbers of political prisoners. How many are in hiding or arrested, in internal or external exile.some thoughts along the lines of media analysis. Anglo coverage dropped out. No in-country international sources. Needless to say Anglo media is shallow and decontextualized, non-analytical. For ex; in the course of my investigation I learned of the context of military revolt. Well of pent up resentment in the officer corps as those who collabed in the dictatorship era have been marginalized, and the practice of yearly, guarantee promotions, suspended. A disdain for rank and file indigenous volunteers, historically discriminated.Regional coverage and analysis is pretty good but there aren't many bodies on the ground and if they are, seem confined to La Paz. We've got no in-country Eng lang sources such as Venezuela Analysis. Even between Telesur Eng and Sp there's an appreciable dip in quality of breadth and depth. Domestic media is crudely reactionary; marked by colonial vestiges and disdain, blatant perpetrators of falsehoods and deception to create an atmosphere of uncertainty and chaos.On our side, we've got a shortcoming of solidarity. Unlike Cuba and Venezuela, no cross-party contact, no teach-ins, solidarity tours or intl anti-imp gatherings. We haven't been able to get on the ground up-to-date information.If you're a member of PSL, CPUSA, a student group or any progressively oriented organisation, let's learn from this. Begin to develop cross-party contacts and with social movements and unions and syndicates. Make coalitions with LatAm solidarity groups: CISPES comes to mind. Learn avail work of bilingual historians, sociologists, academics. We (yanqui socialists and communists) need to deepen our organized, practical solidarity with Bolivia. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/398L2Re

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