Monday, August 31, 2020

Fascists have short attention span. [Discussion]

Fascists claim to be anti-globalists and anti-neoliberal but then it turns around and is willing to vote for the very same politicians just because they took an hour out of their day to walk into a pub and take a selfie.No kidding, Jacob Rees Mogg went to Eton, went to Oxford and was given a cushiony job. His father was a member of the House of Lords and Jacob has millions of zeros in his bank account. BUT WAIT! No, according to fascists- Jacob is a ‘man of the people’! How? Well, he walked into a pub full of white working-class people at 3pm with cameras, ordered a bacon sandwich and a pint of beer and BOOM! Man of the people!Fascists would rather work with a white privileged upper-class politician just because they know a mate who cheered drinks with said politician than as to work with a brown or black working-class politician because “he’s not one of us!”.And while we’re on the subject- notice how it's common to hear some fascists such as Nick Griffin speak about how the Iraq War was a mistake? “What a pleasant surprise!” You might think to yourself, well- it’s too good to be true. Fascists don’t care about the destabilisation of the Middle East, they care about how because of the destabilisation the nation takes in refugees. If it was the case that Donald Trump was to build a wall around Iraq, while oil gets sucked out of the country and multinational corporations engage in neo-colonialism in the nation- the fascists would have NO ISSUE with it. Think about it, these same fascists celebrate colonisation. What makes neo-colonisation any different?That’s all from me for today, goodnight. via /r/communism

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