Tuesday, December 31, 2019

fyi: Coursera > Transgender Medicine for General Medical Providers | For a prescriber who needs a small boost in confidence to do what they need to do. | Or for anyone who's curious. [Free/Starting this week]


Submitted December 31, 2019 at 10:36PM by TinyLittleEggplant https://ift.tt/2FgtXXv

Just came out to my parents using this


Submitted December 31, 2019 at 10:04PM by filthy_spoon https://ift.tt/36eWclt

Happy new years from Mississippi comrades

Stay strong and lose your chains! via /r/communism https://ift.tt/35a65j7

Australia is burning to the ground. Help.

It's not often my home gets this much coverage internationally, to the point where a few posts here and there about "hey the sky is red in Australia" is considered fame, but this really does prove there is such thing as bad publicity.For those out of the loop, for the past month or so Australia has been on fire. Literally. While bushfires (wildfires) are nothing uncommon here, it's something we expect every year around summer time this time it's out of control. The fires have razed an area the size of the Netherlands in New South Wales alone, leading to Canberra, the capital city, to have the worst air quality in the world. Smoke is so thick you can't see a mile ahead of you, to the point where it's even affecting people living in South Island in New Zealand. Entire towns, like Mogo, a small town south of the popular tourist city Bateman's Bay have been incinerated. Gone. Destroyed. There's nothing left. Now you might think "oh Australia, you put up with this all the time a little heat isn't much right?"And sure, we deal with 40 degree days all the time in the summer. But when temperatures average that ACROSS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY? That's something to start panicking about. Especially when these fires are worse than the california, amazon and siberia fires COMBINED, we really need help.How did this happen? Well, essentially: it's the government's fault. Specifically the Liberals but Australia's other political parties have a role in this too. Let's run through those at fault or involved here.The Liberal-National Coalition Party - Australia's current ruling party. They were voted into office in 2013 with a man named Tony Abbot. All you need to know about him is that his approval rating fell from 60% to 40% in 100 days, and he was voted out of his seat this year, good riddance. So, the party kicked him out and replaced him with a guy named Malcolm Turnbull, who was worse for a whole lot of other reasons unrelated to bushfires - basically he butchered our one chance at state-wide free internet, and did a whole lot of nothing to fix the country's previous problems. He was kicked out in August of 2018 by our incumbent Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, or as he was known when he came to office - "who?"Now who would be surprised but Scotty is even worse. He - along with New South Wales State Premier (essentially governor) Gladys Berejiklian - slashed funding to the rural fire service after they were, somehow, reelected to office last April. Gladys is a standard corporate puppet who somehow looks like if a muppet was human and has earned the affectionate title of "Koala Killer" due to her deforestation policies and slashing funding to the firies which has resulted in the deaths of 30% of total Koala populations in Australia. Fun. Scotty, on the other hand, is even worse. He is an avowed climate denier - delivering a speech on "coalophobia" and how "coal is renewable" in parliament, and one of his mates - whom he speaks with semi-regularly - is a QAnon conspirator! And this is, of course, on top of slashing funding to the CSIRO causing a Brain Drain, approving a coal port ON TOP OF THE GREAT BARRIER FUCKING REEF, police brutality to non-violent XR protestors, systemic racism against Indigenous Australians, desecration of sacred indigenous sites, bloated military spending, compliance in US and Indonesian Crimes against Humanity, Climate Denialism, Union Busting and the systemic destruction of our country's environment and general neoliberal corporate shitfuckery as our nation slowly degrades into Fascism.So, what can be done?First of all, please please please please please donate to the Rural Fire Service. They're tax deductible and unlike police officers Firemen aren't class traitors.Second of all, politically, there needs to be a massive shift in power in Australia. Currently, the Liberals are losing a lot of credibility and fast. Australia is a de facto two-party country - the opposite to the Liberals in the Labor Party, who are more or less Social Democrats. Social Democrats who love coal. After being utterly destroyed in the 2019 election, the Labor Party is fractured and splintered. They are a shell of what they used to be, so we can't rely on them to help us.Australia doesn't have a Green New Deal. We don't have a "Green Industrial Revolution". There is no major "socialist" groups in government. Therefore, we'll need to find a solution to the climate crisis outside Canberra. Are there any political parties in Australia that have solutions to Climate Change? Yes. And all of those parties are leftist.COMMUNIST PARTY OF AUSTRALIA - they're super revisionist and want to make an electoral alliance with Labor. They're pretty liberal but they have a strong climate policy stance. Good enough. Donate to them here.AUSTRALIAN COMMUNIST PARTY - newer Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist party made of members dissatisfied with the revisionism and electoralism of the CPA. They were only formed in July and as a result their website doesn't really have much, but TL;DR: they're MLs that actually do stuff. I'm a member of this party so i'm shilling a bit but the money you donate to them goes directly towards either the Fire Service, feeding homeless people or making propaganda to break the spell of the Liberal state. Anything helps.VICTORIAN SOCIALISTS - DemSocs your time has come. They're a small democratic-socialist party with two mayors in Victoria, which has been hit pretty hard by the fires. Donating to them will help them in their next election cycle.EXTINCTION REBELLION - this goes without saying, but they are one of the most popular political groups amongst zoomers and millennials, and are quite active in Australia. Donate if you can. Remember, $1AUD is around 70US cents.STOP ADANI - Adani is that Indian coal company that got approved to built a coal port on top of the great barrier reef. The only reason they haven't (yet) is because of the WWF repeatedly hitting them with bullshit lawsuit after bullshit lawsuit, and of course Stop Adani. Their cause is just as important as the fires.ANY OF AUSTRALIA'S TROTSKYIST PARTIES - it's gonna take a lot of effort for me, a Maoist, to bite my tongue for this one but Australia has like four of them and they all hate each other but they all are doing than the liberals to combat climate change and the fires. Which is a pretty low bar seeing as the liberals are doing nothing, but it's still worthwhile.Socialist ActionSocialist AllianceSocialist AlternativeSocialist Equality Partyyes, those are four different parties.The last thing you can do is at least share the living fuck out of this post. The world needs to know about this. This is worse than the amazon, worse than california - worse than, (sigh), Notre Dame, and if nothing is done then you will be next. Thank you if you donated, please share if you didn't. Either is cool. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2stTeuS

The time for inaction has run out.

/r/socialism/comments/eidtat/the_time_for_inaction_has_run_out/ via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2SKde70

Happy New Years Comrades. May the 2020s inspire new revolutions.

No text found via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2MLRGDh

The simple joy of love

Well I just recently came out to my friends and family as pansexual and most of the anguish that i have felt for nearly two decades is gone. I feel like I am going to cry now knowing that I have so many people that love and accept me for who I am. To all who may be struggling with their own doubts remember this. There is always someone who will love and support you. You are still human no matter what anyone else has to say about it. Keep your chin up and brave the storm. You can make it through the dark to see the dawn again. Have a safe New Years Eve and day everyone!!!

Submitted December 31, 2019 at 08:50PM by Lordhyperion7070 https://ift.tt/36cxEcU

I’ve read into this and was curious what y’all a opinions were on this and the comments? I haven’t studied it enough to tell if it’s west paranoia or what.

https://ift.tt/2SEsuCi via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2QhJhtz

in true communism, how do houses get distributed?

Presumably, indoor shelters will exist. Who would get to live in the bigger and fancier areas? Who would get to live in the more desirable locations and climates? As more of human labor is automated, how will we determine who deserves what? If we are to share all houses, then how would we get privacy? And without authoritarian coercive measures, how would we enforce that no individual or collective controls any one particular house or region? via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2FaDUWM

“Peaceful” capitalist reforms would only enable continued ruling class violence

https://ift.tt/2MHbVC0 via /r/communism https://ift.tt/36kKE0c

Roll into the new year like one should. As the royalty we are. Happy New Year's from your proud pan princess.


Submitted December 31, 2019 at 05:34PM by KiriayTroust https://ift.tt/37r1tq6

😂 where my pulp fiction ni🅱️🅱️as at?😂😂

The 😳 path 🛣️of the righteous 😇 man ♂️👨is beset on all 👀 sides by 😳 the inequities 😤 of the selfish 🙁 and the tyranny 😟 of evil 😈👺👹men 🏃👨💁‍♂️. Blessed 🙏🙏😇 is he👨 who, in the name 🖊️ of charity 💸💵💰🤑 and good 😇 will 😳, shepherds 🐑🐑 the weak 🤧🤧through the valley of 👀👀the darkness 👨🏿. For he 👨🏻💁‍♂️ is truly his brother's 👨🏼👨🏽 keeper 🤪 and the finder 🗺️ of lost 😟🙏 children 👶🏻👦🏻. And I will strike ⚡🌩️ down ⬇️⬇️ upon 😳👀 thee with great 😳🔥vengeance 😈 and 🤪 furious 😤😡 anger 😤😠😡 those who 👉 attempt to 2️⃣ poison 🐍☠️ and destroy 💀🔫my brothers 👨🏽👨🏼. And 👀 you 👉 will 😳 know my name 📝📜🤚 is the Lord ✝️👼🙏 when I lay🛌 my vengeance 🔫🔥💥💣upon you 👉👉

Submitted December 31, 2019 at 05:23PM by omar-ZX7 https://ift.tt/2tn2QYs

Not mine but pan and precious!


Submitted December 31, 2019 at 04:43PM by sherlocked776 https://ift.tt/36e9ApL


Can you spot the difference?

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

LAMO YOU CAN'T LAMO😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🅱️🅱️🙅🙅🙅🤦🌬️🌬️🌬️🌬️BRUHH👆☝️🖖🤚👊🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❄️❄️🌪️⛄☃️🕸️🕸️🍟🍝🍛🥙🥘🌯🌯🥙🍟🥙🥞🥜🥥🍞🍿🍵🍮🍮🍫🚥🛢️🚥🚏🚖🚗🚆🚆🚆💯💯💯💯

Submitted December 31, 2019 at 04:34PM by furry_thot_destroyer https://ift.tt/2QecHc4

Books suggestions

70 days ago, protests broke out in my country, and the Communist party were a major part through it all. I've become very interested in their ideology and want to learn more about it. Could you please give suggest some books to read so I can learn more about it. Also write down in the comments how you would convince someone to join the Communist party. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/35cgKtz

When someone say being Lgbtq* is a sin, and I’m just like...


Submitted December 31, 2019 at 03:36PM by filthy_spoon https://ift.tt/2SKfZFs

🗣Fuck 🖕🏻your New Years 💥kiss💋. Who’s trying🤔 to go 🚶‍♂️to the gym 💪and get a New Years💥 lift🏋️‍♂️❓ Have your 🅱️alls 👼🧔drop ⬇️as the ball ⚽️🏀🏈⚾️🥎🎱🏉🏐🎾 drops⬇️🗣❗️

No text found

Submitted December 31, 2019 at 03:50PM by SlickNick74 https://ift.tt/39rSsPv

Happy 2020!

In 2019 I laughed 😂😆 I cried 😢😖 turned up 👆💃💁I turned down👇🙅 I loved😍💏💑👫👪 I lost trust💔😩 I was betrayed😞🔪 but most importantly learned😌


Shut the fuck up.

Submitted December 31, 2019 at 04:08PM by cacu2527 https://ift.tt/37rBU8E

Information about my penis

My name is Jared🙋‍♂️, and I’m here to give you☝️ information about my penis! 😊

What Color Is My Penis? 🍆

LOL! 😂 Glad you asked! It’s white ⚪️ with red 🔴 dots! Sometimes it changes to purple 🟣 though if I rub one off too quickly...😳😥😏

What Has My Penis Been Inside🍑 Of?

  • Car Exhaust Pipe 🚗
  • Bong 🗿
  • Vacuum Hose 🤺
  • Loaf of Bread 🍞
  • Son 🌞
  • Me 😎

What Has Been IN☝️ My Penis?🍆

  • Coins 💰
  • Pencils 🗡
  • Syringe 💉
  • Meth Pipe 🌡
  • iPhone Charger 🔧
  • Kids 💭

How Long👁️🗿 Is My Penis?😳

14 Ft. Long 😳😂😳

Sorry 😭 that’s all the time I have for today folks! Thanks for reading! 😉😉😉🙏

Submitted December 31, 2019 at 12:35AM by Darmabfall88 https://ift.tt/2syWCVb

New Years Eve emojipasta 2019 version

DICKCEMBER 🍆🍆❄️❄️ is nearly OVER 😢😢.... but the NEW YEAR 🎉💥 has almost 💦💦CUM💦💦 and you know 😍 what that means 😏😏.. its time for 😏😏😏👅 NEW 🍆COCKS🍆 for the end of TWENTY-GRIND-TEEN😍👉👌 all of the 🍑THOTS🍑🍑😋🙋 are making it their 🎉NEW YEARS🎉 RESOLUTION to find 👅BIG DICKS👅 to EXPLODE 💥💥💥💥 some💥💥FIREWORKS💦💦 .. and some 🎊BALLS🎊 to drop 😉😉 in their ASS 🍑🍑 💥💥 be prepared to get 🍆🍑FUCKED😩😩 at MIDNIGHT 😆🌜🌙 on NEW COCKS 🍆EVE when 🍑🍑ASSUARY 1🍑💦💦 cums💦💦 around🍆🍆👅 SHARE THIS WITH 🎉6⃣9⃣🎉. NEW YEAR HOES😉 BEFORE 😩🍑 2⃣💦0⃣💦1⃣💦9️⃣or you won't be getting any 🎉party poppers 🎉 popped 💥 inside u this 🎊🎊🍆🍆NEW DICKS DAY🍆🍆🎊🎊

Submitted December 31, 2019 at 12:59AM by Andres_HernandezV https://ift.tt/2QaVY9c

China After 2050. BE PATIENT.

I was deeply disturbed about the first answer to this question regarding doubts about the CPC and the "future" of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (SWCC). I think it places too much emphasis on what socialism ought to be, and not enough on the accomplishments it has already done for China.What cemented Xi Jingping's legacy with Mao and Deng is his 37-year-plan on how to modernize China's planned market economies and transition to a modern socialist society. Xi Jinping has set two goals called the "Two Centenaries." In it is preparing the following:1.) 2020-2035: Socialist modernization. Creating larger and sustainable capital to support socialist initiatives of the people.Xi described the period from 2020 through 2035 as a phase for the nation to realize modernized socialism and a time to expand the middle-class and narrow the wealth gap to create a more harmonious society.2.) 2035-2049: Transition to a modern socialist country.The period from 2035 to mid-century, on the other hand, will be spent building a great world power based on a fully modernized socialist society. He said Chinese citizens would live in a moderately prosperous society, while the nation itself moves toward a focal position in the world.https://ift.tt/2F9RpFU, these two goals are indeed crafting several five-year plans for the economy, investing heavily in tech, development, infrastructure, and other booming areas of the economy..For leftist to sayThere is currently no plan to return to a centrally planned economy or to eliminate exploitation.Is absolutely missing the progress already being made in these front and mischaracterizing China's communist future. Beyond the logical fact that there is already a plan that will take 37 years to make, we cannot expect China to talk about 2049 and beyond until they are ready to tackle the issues of 2012-2049. I believe this was a major problem with other socialist nations in the past. They rush too far into the future, rather than focusing on issues of the now. The USSR stated they can ABOLISH the dictatorship of the Proletariat after Stalin died was the beginning of the end for the Soviet Union.China signals it has no plans to give up its government-led economic model or weaken the role of its state-owned enterprises, a change the United States has stipulated as one of its key demands in the ongoing trade war - "Beijing [plans] to make the state economy stronger, better and bigger": https://ift.tt/358Pr3m say that China will not be on the socialistic pathway because there is no plan beyond 2050, is not looking on what has happened and what is going to happen between now and 2049:In his speech, Xi said that socialist modernization will have been basically realized by 2035.If this goal is reached, the CPC would turn socialist China into one of the world's richest and most powerful countries on earth -- the first time a Marxist party has achieved such a feat.Karl Marx, the 19th century German philosopher, believed socialism would create a better future beyond capitalism. More than a century after his death, the CPC is applying his theories in practice, albeit with Chinese characteristics, and leading the country from poverty to prosperity."When China enters the front ranks of nations, we shall not only have blazed a new path for the peoples of the third world but also -- and this is more important -- we shall have demonstrated to mankind that socialism is the only path that is superior to capitalism."The illusion that socialism is over is now dead in the water.https://ift.tt/35cW9Fx what about the billionaires and the workers?Open markets breed contradictions, there is no doubt about this. However, the CPC has done an excellent job both in their ideological discipline and structure to ensure progress for the people, over capital. Many are still equating Western billionaires are the same and non-Western. Billionaires in China are highly monitored and regulated, and workers have been reaping the rewards from a communist government as well. Eric Li, academic in China, has stated that under their centralized one-party state, the billionaires can NEVER rise above the politburo. But in capitalism, they do it all the time.Here are some more resources about the worker situation as well.The west views China as one big sweatshop, but the actual working hours aren't much more than anywhere else. The average for a migrant worker (most vulnerable to exploitation as they are traveling from the countryside) is 8.8 hours, little under an hour more than a typical working day. Labor strikes are rarely suppressed, there are many examples of workers on strike getting the support of the PRC. The Chinese state rules in favor of the workersWhy do Chinese billionaires keep ending up in prison?Wages themselves are also forced to rise in the private sector by the CPC (+16% every years, +400% since 1980) who force the capitalists to accept the presence of CPC chapters who represent the interest of the workers, increasing workers control even in the capitalist parts of the economy.The workplace safety standards of China are better than in the capitalist countries of the West like in Australia who have an higher rate of work related death despite having a GDP per capita 3-5 times higher.More debunking China's Western narrative sources hereSo for those leftists who want an answer on how China may look like in 2050: BE PATIENT. China is becoming the largest superpower under SWCC, and will continue its commitment to communism. As President Xi Jinping once said:The capitalist road was tried and found wanting. Reformism, liberalism, social Darwinism, anarchism, pragmatism, populism, syndicalism—they all were given their moment on the stage. They all failed to solve the problems of China’s future destiny. It is Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought that guided the Chinese people out of the darkness of that long night and established a New China; it is through socialism with Chinese characteristics that China has developed so quickly." via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2SBaF7k

Idk if this is the right subreddit for this but I drew what I look like on the inside, hope y'all like it


Submitted December 30, 2019 at 11:08PM by lokstarn https://ift.tt/2MHVqpm

Monday, December 30, 2019

Why, and how, the Climate Change movement must become Socialist.

​Why, and how, the Climate Change movement must become Socialist.Notes [0] below.I write this because of a common refrain among the Socialist community; that the climate change movement, and other such movements, are corporatized and as such infertile ground for any true proletarian (working class) movement. This is foolish and nihilistic, and here is why. [1]First of all, we must distinguish between two types of populist, mass movements.An ‘organic’ movement is the general proletarian, socialist movement that is the death knell to our current mode of production (using Marxist terminology) [2]. This ‘organic’ movement is what so many of you are obstinately waiting for (as if a communist revolution will just appear, like magic! Ha!), without understanding the actual development thereof.The second movement is called a ‘conjunctural’ movement, which is a spontaneous, situational, almost accidental movement predicated on a particular socio-economic conflict. [3] This was what the Occupy Wall Street movement was, and what the Climate Change movement, as it stands now, is.These two types of movements stand in an interesting (one could even say dialectical) relation to one another. The ‘conjunctural’ movement is often a powerful tool for the ‘organic’ movement, if harnessed correctly, viz. steered away from reform or complacency. [4]​“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!...I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”- Patrick Henry, 1775. This is a good example of a past conjunctural movement (conflict of taxation) being transformed into an organic revolution. [5]​However, a conjunctural movement can also be used for conservative*** or even reactionary** means.*The liberal feminist movement, viz. Trans Exclusionary ‘Radical Feminists’**Wiemar Republic war reparationsThink of it! The Climate change movement, in the hands of the neoliberals, has already begun it’s descent into corporate nonsense (even Republicans have begun accepting climate change, albeit in a restrained way), and eco-fascism , if unchallenged, could become the most powerful fascist movement in decades. [6]Therefore, it is imperative that the climate change movement (and any nascent conjunctural movement) must be adopted into the socialist fold. [7]The cry should not be for ‘Blood, Soil, and Tyranny’, but for ‘Peace, Land, and Bread’. [8]The cry should not be for corporate subjugation, ‘Environmental safety for all who can afford it’, but for ‘Bread, Shelter, ease for all!’ [9]Let every person know, that the choice is truly Socialism or Barbarism!So- how do we do this?Hell if I know.I can give some halfhearted recommendations- start environmental movements under socialist banners: solidify Bernie Sanders, and socialism, by extension, as the most radical and effective forces for environmental change. Spell out the inherent capitalist workings that have lead to Global Warming. Start an honest-to-god climate strike (not just a CEO-supported walkout; an actual union strike). I could give other answers; but honestly, I am not experienced enough to provide good praxis: just semi-coherent theory. Please, if you can elaborate more than I, do so in the comments.Keep up the good fight, comrades.NOTES:[0] Right here![1] This applies for those of you that refuse to vote, as well.[2] Critique of the Gotha Program, Karl Marx[3] The Modern Prince, The Prison Notebooks, Antonio Gramsci.[4] If you want to hear about reform, or revisionism, just say the phrase ‘Kautsky was right’ three times, and the ghost of Lenin will throw a signed copy of ‘The State and The Revolution’ in your face, then quietly strangle you.[5] Even if it is Bourgeois, it is a good example.[6] I talked about my analysis of fascism in detail here.[7] Trans communists, what a lovely phrase.[8] A Bolshevik slogan[9] “For the day on which the old institutions will fall under the proletarian axe, voices will cry out ‘Bread, shelter, ease for all!’” -The Conquest of Bread, Peter Kropotkin.READ THEORY!!!I will also be posting this on r/TheoryOfPraxis, a sub I made for this type of thing. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/35aI0Zh

I finally got a haircut after months of waiting!


Submitted December 30, 2019 at 10:29PM by Tiny-Poof https://ift.tt/2Qa6Zb2

😜It's just ☠️ a passion 🍆


Submitted December 30, 2019 at 10:51PM by praedeth https://ift.tt/2QxcJuq

Got my nails done

So I felt the need to share with someone, and this feels like a good place.

I’ve always been very cis-normative in my appearance because I was raised in a very conservative environment, and it’s hard to break out of that shell. And even though a lot of guys do it, I was worried adopting more androgynous or feminine aspects to my appearance would be too risky.

But today I got my first manny-peti, and I got a clear coat put on. I know it’s a small thing, but feeling able to defy gender norms is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while.

Anyway, I’m just excited to have part of me feel...beautiful rather than handsome. Not that one is better than the other, but I like being able to chose.

Submitted December 30, 2019 at 09:27PM by ebr101 https://ift.tt/2F62Zlv

Latin American & Caribbean Struggles: A Review of 2019 by ANTICONQUISTA

https://ift.tt/36bHhbR via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2QBrkVt

Just finished making a custom face for my galaxy watch, I'm so pleased with it!


Submitted December 30, 2019 at 07:32PM by ThePretengineer https://ift.tt/37p1viu

I cosplayed Shoto for the last time this year.


Submitted December 30, 2019 at 07:34PM by darth-millennia https://ift.tt/2tg4f2L

Hi, it's been a min!


Submitted December 30, 2019 at 07:40PM by brittanybanksthanks https://ift.tt/2u6eTJW

I’m confused

I feel like I’m pansexual because I am attracted to all sexes. I do still see gender but if I like someone I just like them. I’m struggling because I still see some gender and I just really hope I’m not pansexual because it’s cool or whatever or just a phase. I’m definitely attracted to all genders so that’s what’s confusing me. Thanks.

Submitted December 30, 2019 at 08:43PM by lst00 https://ift.tt/2QxXpxt

Orwell, Hitchens, and the hollow self-righteousness of anti-communism

https://ift.tt/2Qzj0Wn via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2SECnQD

El último adiós al General Harry Villegas (The final goodbye to Cuban Revolutionary General Harry Villegas, aka Pombo)

https://ift.tt/2tXa5q3 via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2SLXGzT

Marxist Historiography

Hi everybody, was looking into any books or writings that I could use to better understand Marxist HistoriographyI want to better understand Latin American history through Marxist analysis, and haven't been able to find good sources to work fromThanks for any help! via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2rGiltQ

A collage of my life through the decades. I was born in 1997 to a catholic family with no understanding of queer issues. I tried to kill myself 8+ times from 11 yrs old. But I survived, finding myself and new partners to love. The things I feared don’t hurt me anymore. Love free 💖💜💙💛🧡💚🏳️‍🌈


Submitted December 30, 2019 at 07:02PM by master1067 https://ift.tt/36bC83x

Complete list of emoji subs 😐😐

Submitted December 30, 2019 at 06:47PM by BlocklyGD https://ift.tt/2QaAnxF

To the New Year and the new me

2020 is going to be an insane year for me, and as such, I've decided to go all in. This year started out being one of the best years of my life, and then within the same six-month span, I lost my great-grandmother, a close friend moved far away, I had to part with one of my best friends of all time due to the relationship becoming toxic, and my best friend/boyfriend (someone I had trusted more than anyone else throughout my entire life) of over a year lied to me, betrayed my trust, then broke up with me unexpectedly, leaving me, for not the first time, feeling very alone and without friends in the terrible, gossipy small town where I live.

Thus, I've decided 2020 is going to be my year, and I'm beginning here. I'm scared to admit it to anyone else in my immediate life at the moment, but I've decided to come out to the internet. So to you, reading this, I'm pretty certain I'm pansexual. I'm female, and I've known it for about two and a half years now on some level via the typical signs (crushing on a gal pal, thinking to myself about how hot Gwyneth Paltrow is, losing count of the attractive people on TikTok, falling in love based purely on someone's personality, etc.) but I've never really, honestly claimed a label before now. I'm still not sure I always will in the future, but for now, it fits me and who I know I am. I just like people. It's simple.

And the reason that this is such a big deal for me, just coming out on Reddit, something so many people have done by now, is because I'm determined to be as open as myself on my university campus as I'm being here, anonymously on an internet forum. This is a little time capsule to myself, when I'm on campus in a year in the future today, when I'm wearing what I want to wear, like collared button-ups and high tops, cutting my hair short the way I want to, getting a tattoo if I want to, making all kinds of new friends, getting a degree in a subject I love, and dating and loving whomever I want to. This is going to be my year of self-expression, discovery, and change. I'm still learning to love myself too, and I hope this is one step in the right direction.

I'm terrified to post this, but here we go. Thank you for reading my little coming out note to whoever feels like reading, as well as to and for myself.

To my future self, in a year. <3

Submitted December 30, 2019 at 06:33PM by TheOdd23 https://ift.tt/2Q8Lwzd

Soviet GULAG prisoners were paid a market wage and had 8 hour workdays .

So I was reading the evidence based debunking post by Comrade u/flesh_eating_turtle (thank you very much) and I stumbled across this CIA article .https://ift.tt/39lt26d page 3, article 13 shortly summarized describes gulag prisoners, working and crippled alike, being paid for their services and having 8 hour work days . So I google searched for more information and found this :Compensation Versus Coercion in the Soviet GULAG https://ift.tt/356qW6F. “ By the time the Gulag system was abandoned as a major instrument of Soviet industrial policy, the primary distinction between slave and free labor had been blurred: Gulag inmates were being paid wages according to a system that mirrored that of the civilian economy described by Bergson..”2. “The Work Credit SystemThe Gulag administration used a “work credit” system, whereby sentences were reduced (by two days or more for every day the norm was overfulfilled). The evolution of this specific motivation system implemented in GULAG in 1930s and at the end of 1940s – beginning of 1950s is described on our separate paper (see endnote). This incentive system, which all participants understood was among the most effective, also threatened to drive a wedge between camp managers who needed more production now and the Gulag Administration, which had to consider the loss of inmates through early releases” 3. “Monetary Bonuses for Good WorkStarting from the very beginning (in early 1930s) the Gulag Administration used differentiated monetary payments (premvoznagrazhdeniia) for work performed by Gulag inmates. Those payments were not substantial (1.5-2 rubles per day)8 and they were paid to inmates as rewards for fulfilling work plans. Throughout the 1940s, administrative reports referred to these payments as “monetary rewards” and “monetary bonus remuneration”. Prior to 1950, monetary payments were basically in the form of supplemental bonuses. The 1939 “Provisional Instructions on Procedures for Inmates in Correctional Labor Camps” required that monetary bonuses be credited to the inmate’s personal account up to a monthly upper limit.Inmates could also be given personal cash totaling no more than 100 rubles a month, subject to the approval of the division chief.Bonuses and personal cash were to be issued”piecemeal at different times, in such a manner that the total amount in an inmate’s possession does not exceed 50 rubles” . The 1947 procedures for Gulag inmates spelled out a similar terms for monetary rewards for overfulfilling production norms. According to Gulag director (Nasedkin), writing in 1947, inmates could receive cash amounts of not more than 150 rubles at one time. Any sums over this amount were credited to inmate’s personal account and were paid out as previously issued cash was spent.” via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2F3MEOj

U.S. conducting human experiments on interned people with disabilities

https://ift.tt/2Qb2oFn via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2ZAktjt

*sigh* I really really need some advice

I have a non-binary friend in which we both professed our love for each other. I want to tell my parents im not into guys, cuz ive only liked them, they’re amazing and the best person ever, the thing is they refer to them as a “she” and if I tell my parents that 1.) Im pan because I like them and 2.) That they dont identify, then im scared they’re going to not allow me to talk to them or that they’ll check through my phone and be mad at me for being lgbtq and stuff. Im also worried that they’ll forbade me from having sleepover with my friends because they’re girls. My parents know ive never liked anyone and a couple of years ago my mom looked at me and said “do you like girls?” now i was young and said “ew no!” but now i want to slap that child and say you wont care in the future, so that i wouldnt be at such an age where every thing i do is suspicious. Did i mention im asexual? They’ll think ill go bang a girl or my partner cuz they say “you’ll like sex one day” TL:DR want to come out, parents will kill me, take mu phone and not allow me to see my friends.

Submitted December 30, 2019 at 03:43PM by ShotoTodorokiX https://ift.tt/35gyQL6

Yummy! Click if you like d!ck ;)


Submitted December 30, 2019 at 04:10PM by quirkypenis69 https://ift.tt/2QwBI0W

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Spongebob Emoji Starter Pack


Submitted December 29, 2019 at 10:36PM by loftyrex https://ift.tt/2ti2stT

Sexuality in The Expanse

Of the seven profiles shown on screen five of them list their orientation as Pan. I was rewatching the series and noticed this and thought I would share.


Submitted December 29, 2019 at 10:46PM by TellTailWag https://ift.tt/2MGfZlW

Rappin’ for Emoji 🎤😀✝️

Well I wrote ✏️ this song 🎼 for the Christian ✝️ youth 👦

I wanna teach 🎓 kids 👦 the Christian truth ✝️💡

If you wanna reach 🙏 those kids 👦 on the street 🚗

Then you gotta do a rap 🗣 to a hip-hop 🎤 beat 🤜😫

I gave my sermon ✝️ an urban 🏙 kick 🦵

My rhymes 🗣 are fly 🆒, my beats 🤜😫 are sick 🤢

My crew is big ♾ and it keeps getting bigger 💹

That's cause Jesus Christ 😇 is my nigga 👱🏿‍♂️

He's a life-changer 💗, miracle-arranger 😇

Born to the virgin ❌👶 mom 👩 in a manger 🐎

Water💧 to wine🍷, he's a drink 🍺 exchanger 🔄

And he 😇 died 😵 for your sins 👿

I preach ✝️ the word 📖, that's my gig 😀

And I rhyme 🗣 better than Notorious 😡 BIG ♾

Other emcees 💿, I wish them well

But if you live in sin👿, you burn in hell 👿🔥

Now I'ma pass 🔄 the mic 🎙 to my lovely ❤️ wife 👩

She's a fly 😎 emcee 💿 and the light 🌞 of my life ❤️

So to bust 💔 a rhyme 🗣 without further ado

Take it away ⬅️, Mary Sue! 👩

Jesus Christ 😇 is my nigga👱🏿‍♂️

He's the son 👦 of the original G🔫👱🏿‍♂️🚬

And he was sent to Earth 🌎 to elucidate❓the way that we should be


Like if another MC 💿 says 🗣

"You're a freak! 🤓

You're a lame-butt 🍑 rapper 🗣

And your rhymes 🗣 are weak ❌💪!"

I don't get mad 😡 and I don't critique ☝️

I forgive 😅 him, and turn the other cheek 🍑

I don't blaspheme🖕👿🤬 and I don't brag🤣💰

I don't cuss🤬, and my pants 👖 don't sag ⬇️

I do exude a little Christian ✝️ swag🤩

And I'm proud 😊 to be an American 🇺🇸!

Jesus Christ😇 is our nigga👱🏿‍♂️

Let his light ☀️ shine through ➡️ ya!

Let his love ❤️ pop a cap 🍾in your butt 🍑 and say HALLELUJAH ✝️😇!

Jesus Christ 😇is my nigga👱🏿‍♂️

He's a homie😀😀 MC JC UC💿?

He's an honest, caring😊, peace☮️-loving nigga👱🏿‍♂️

Like me

If you do drugs🚬🍹🍺 and think you're cool😎

You need to come to Sunday 📅 school!🏫

Put those drugs 🚬 in the garbage can 🗑

Stand up tall⬆️, you're a Christian man! ✝️🧔

Word🗣 up!

I'm freestyling🏊‍♂️!

Hit me🤜!

Submitted December 29, 2019 at 09:01PM by WonderedLamb256 https://ift.tt/2sy49Dx

7 Best Emoji Apps for Android 2020


Submitted December 29, 2019 at 09:38PM by arnoldsmith007 https://ift.tt/2MHaH9M

just realized I was pansexual and non-binary in the span of like 5 months after assuming I was a bisexual binary person and lemme just say,

I'm evolving like a damn pokémon

Submitted December 29, 2019 at 09:28PM by Dommiek https://ift.tt/39nAoWB

Does anyone have a good leftist podcast that isn’t filled with some lib shit?

I was recently recommended “it could happen here”, a left leaning podcast that goes into detail about the possibility of a 2nd civil war in the US. The guy seems educated, makes great points, and definitely leans left. However, homie is a straight up lib. One quote in particular “the majority of the far left like Beto, Joe Biden and Harris” (paraphrased for simplicity) really rubbed me the wrong way. Yes, a lot of American DEMOCRATS liked those candidates while they were running (this was recorded back in March), but to call them the far left is some serious lib shit lol. Looking for something that’s outright socialist. Possibly CPC leaning if possible. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2SEUx4G

China is not imperialist!

You might be interested in my new blog post:https://ift.tt/2MUJ9OD gives a full historical and economic analysis.I would be interested to know your view of the subject. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2ZzKj77

Would like some advice.

So I live in Mississippi; there are very few pride events here, maybe two a year. I would very much like to host/create/ start an event. Especially an event that would be more kid friendly, because one of the events is usually held at a bar. The thing is I have zero clue how I would go about doing this or what I would need. Is there someone I need to contact? How do I find somewhere to hold it like a park or event space? Do I need some sort of permit? How much should I expect to pay? If anyone has done something similar or would just like to give their opinion, I’ll be happy to listen to any advice!

Submitted December 29, 2019 at 07:00PM by Zathandrapus867 https://ift.tt/2F1LJOg

wtf happened to “Computing forever”?

He used to be a feneric tech reviewer, but fucking hell now its just alt-right crap... via /r/communism https://ift.tt/369ozS6

any good books/sources on the history of socialism in african nations?

I know about sankara ofc and a bit about the angolan civil war but my knowledge of african history is spotty probably because western history and discussion neglects the majority of itI would like to learn about socialist nations that existed in africa like mozambique and ethiopia as well as major leftist movements via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2Q5Bgrs

Is This Normal?

Is being almost ashamed after every time you say you're pan normal? Even though I know for a fact I'm pan, am comfortable identifying as such, and have been out for four years, I still feel really unsafe when saying I'm pan. Every time I say I'm pan I either get the usual jokes or have to explain what it is or both. And it pisses me off because I know that pan is a prefix meaning all and I'm too anxious to just absolutely crush them with my knowledge and other examples of the prefix being used.

Submitted December 29, 2019 at 06:37PM by CottonCandiedKitten https://ift.tt/35bFBgR

Panarchy flag- Sincerely, an aro who loves puns, flags, and smashing the state


Submitted December 29, 2019 at 06:54PM by TambasInTheWater https://ift.tt/2QoJVnC

Made this today ❤❤❤


Submitted December 29, 2019 at 06:20PM by Dani630 https://ift.tt/2Q8KjYx

1970 Interview With Teenage Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson, Pioneering Trans Activists, One Year After Stonewall- With Wonderful Insight Into History Of Gender And Oppression Before There Were Any Words Besides "Transvestite" To Describe Us!


Submitted December 29, 2019 at 06:05PM by way26e https://ift.tt/2rFny5h

I just wanted food but I had to witness THIS!


Submitted December 29, 2019 at 05:26PM by TsundereAlert https://ift.tt/2ZEvK23

Pan pride UwU


Submitted December 29, 2019 at 05:29PM by TsundereAlert https://ift.tt/2F33UTJ

Y’all ever do this too?

Do you guys ever just like get tired of explaining what pansexual is and tell everyone you’re bi. I do this sometimes and it doesn’t really matter to me that much because I personally feel they’re so similar but I know some people get really upset at this and I understand why but like am I the only one?

Submitted December 29, 2019 at 05:36PM by penispenispenis37 https://ift.tt/2F0HC5b

Gay for everone


Submitted December 29, 2019 at 05:16PM by ActuallyItsEric https://ift.tt/2QrtXJA

Carlos the Jackal

I’ve heard much about him and the things he’s allegedly done, but I haven’t heard much of him from a Marxist-Leninist perspective. So, are there any resources about him from a Marxist-Leninist perspective? Also, any views on the miniseries/film about him Carlos? via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2F4eNon

Where do y’all find people to date?

I feel like all there is in the world is a bunch of cis gendered men looking for sex. Where do y’all find everyone else?

Submitted December 29, 2019 at 04:50PM by Michelle6987 https://ift.tt/2MEg1Le

It is definitely 100% guys

​https://ift.tt/2Sz7uNr via /r/communism https://ift.tt/35dvkkE

Decolonization of Usa and Canada

So Ive heard and read a lot about decolonization of Turtle Island as it is a settler colonial state. I (think) understand the theoretical aspects behind it but i struggle a bit to imagine how this process could look like in real life.Does decolonization imply the return of all white people to europe in the long run?if so when and how?What happens to the nation of african americans (and orhers? ( referring to haywood for example, this nation would still be on stolen land should they move too?)also the fact that the indigenous pop. Of usa is very small -> referring to production etc.Could someone explain and help me understand? via /r/communism https://ift.tt/39rhpuj

Identity Politics (IDpol) and Communism

Some of this is copy and pasted from an announcement I made on r/socialism before, but I think is highly relevant now.I want to welcome all comrades from every single background. Race, gender, sex, religion, these differences and each struggle behind them shows a type of oppression under our capitalist system, and enriches our movement to an ever more relevant influence in politics today.I want to discuss identity politics (IDpol) today because there some who are downplaying these struggles. Now, before even getting into the problematic nature of this, I want to acknowledge that, yes, Liberals have use IDPol to raise false flags about meaningless, contrarian, and/or materialistic points that work against Marxists. But we cannot dismiss the struggle each minority community has gone through. If leftists continue to solely focus on "class theory" and persist that race, sex, gender, and other identities struggle as secondary, our communities will not unite under such banner.Socialism has an imbedded history with every minority community in its struggle against capitalist oppression, and we are very proud to have them within our fight against its overthrow. Our unity comes from understanding each struggle and how incredibly important it is in forming our identities. There can be no excused ignorance for the greater call for class struggle if there are obvious frustrations within some comrades who either attempt to paternally equalize to themselves or dismiss as irrelevant. The black struggle is different from the queer struggle, and so is the Latin, Asian, elderly and disabled struggle. But our acknowledgment of such reality does not bring division.As a Latin comrade, who has struggled with his own identity, as well as stood hand in hand with many minority communities, we are not secondary.Our struggle is not divisive. It enhances our movements and organization.Our struggle is not to be used for reactionary means, but to unite us against oppressors of all kinds.Our struggle is not a distraction. It has built movements on a sturdy foundation that is Marxism. From Mao to Fanon, Huey Newton to the Mattachine Society, our struggles push communism to new heights for a diverse people that stand as one.The liberation of all people is necessary for our movement's success. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/369aeFe

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Here’s my Saturday selfie! I was in the car all day so it’s a little late but I guess it’s alright


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 07:46PM by pansexualmess https://ift.tt/364jKti

Little late for me, but it’s still selfie saturday


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 07:48PM by OneSevenNineWest https://ift.tt/39o1VqY

Happy Saturday!🧡


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 07:53PM by patronuscharm21794 https://ift.tt/37fZQeW

Selfie Saturday spent crying over Timothée Chalamet and Emma Watson in Little Women! The Pansexual Experience™️


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 08:01PM by Liquid_Vain https://ift.tt/2Zwjj8o

Haven't missed selfie Saturday yet. It's my first one. (He/him)


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 08:02PM by OldMemesMan https://ift.tt/37mgIRs

Hello fellow pans

I’m interested, and mildly new to the pansexual community-are there are well known, or even scarcely known, fun pansexual fashion/clothing stereotypes?

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 08:46PM by roguenerd42 https://ift.tt/2F2gm6f

Aggregate vs simole labour

Is one hour of giving someone a lesson in math equal in value to, for example, one hour of tickling someone (given that both things are commodified)? If not, how does one determine the ratio? via /r/communism https://ift.tt/364Mx0E

Historical Materialist analyses of the Great Depression

Comrades,What are some good Marxist analyses of what brought about the Great Depression and how the ruling class responded to it. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2MAZmIm

Šëłfīê śåtùrdãÿ brøš hêhēhėh


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 06:43PM by sweatycheezitz https://ift.tt/2SA1rbu

The last gender bender


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 06:53PM by NopeNopeiNope https://ift.tt/2rFDfJG



Submitted December 28, 2019 at 07:05PM by thecloverboi https://ift.tt/39l6wdF

I have no words


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 06:31PM by TheOmegaBigness https://ift.tt/2swe8t3


Hey! Just wondering if a discord exists for this subreddit? And if so how do I get an invite?

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 06:28PM by RawToast2 https://ift.tt/2QsEh41

Šëłfīê śåtùrdãÿ brøš hêhēhėh


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 06:43PM by sweatycheezitz https://ift.tt/2SA1rbu

The last gender bender


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 06:53PM by NopeNopeiNope https://ift.tt/2rFDfJG

Just relized im pan any beginner advice

So yeah thought i was gay realized i was pan do y'all have anything u wish u would've known when u fiqured out u were pan

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 04:56PM by johnanater27271313 https://ift.tt/2F4jX3Q



Submitted December 28, 2019 at 04:58PM by GnomeIsHere__ https://ift.tt/350Yt25

Selfie Saturday! A little late to the party but that's ok!


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 05:03PM by riverripper142 https://ift.tt/2Szbcqd

I tried lol


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 04:23PM by egoensis https://ift.tt/2ZvXrdi


To all my LGBTTIQQ2SA comrades can you share your experiences I am trying to better understand your situation via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2SCloOD

A Saturday selfie


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 06:00AM by mustahee https://ift.tt/352QamG

Saturday Selfie Time! I felt truly wonderful spending my holiday with my grandparents. I even have a new dress I wore to Christmas dinner!


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 06:28AM by Crispy_Fritos https://ift.tt/2SzplDK

I'm a simple pansexual. I see a post. I laugh. I share.


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 05:01AM by michelle_exe https://ift.tt/39dPspM

Overwatch PS4


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 05:24AM by GnomeIsHere__ https://ift.tt/39mzFVG

The Devil 😈 Went Down👇 to Georgia 🤠🎻

The devil 😈 went down👇😳to Georgia🍑💦😲 He was lookin' 👀for a soul🔥🖤 to steal🤫✊ He was 😳in a bind🔗😱 'Cause he 😰was way behind👈🕙📉 And he was 👀willin' 🔥😈to make a deal🤝 When 😳he came🚶‍♂️across this young👱‍♂️man Sawin' 🎶on 👀a fiddle 🎻and playin' 👌it hot🔥🔥🎻 And the devil😈 jumped🏃‍♂️ Up ⤴️on a hickory🌲stump🍂🎍 And said, "boy, 👋let👏 me👏tell👏 you👏 what🔥😈👋 I guess😏 you didn't 🙅‍♂️🚫know💡it But I'm 💁‍♂️a fiddle 🎻player 🔥🎶too And if☝️👀 you'd care 🥵to take ✊a dare, 💥I'll make 😈a bet 🤝with you😜 Now you 🎶play a pretty 🔥good fiddle🎻 boy👋 But give😳☝️the devil😈 his due💯💯 I'll bet 🤝a fiddle 🎻of ✨gold✨⚡️ Against ✊your soul🖤 'Cause I 💁‍♂️😈think I'm better👌🏼😏 than you"🔥🔥 The boy👦 said,🗣 "my 😜☝️name's Johnny💁‍♂️ And it might 👀😳be a sin🚫🙅‍♂️ But I'll take 😏your bet🤝 And you're☝️gonna 👀regret🥵 'Cause I'm🔥the best 💯😏there's ever 😜been"💯🙌🏼🙌🏼 Johnny, rosin 😛up ⬆️your bow 🎶🎶and play 🎶🎵your fiddle 🎻🔥hard 👌🏼💯🥵 'Cause hell's🔥💀😫 broke loose 👀😳in Georgia, 🏞🛣and the devil😈👹 deals 👉the cards 🃏🃏🃏 And if 🔥you win, 💯👌🏼you get ☝️this shiny ✨✨fiddle 🎻made 🎶of gold ✨✨✨ But if 😳you lose😫 the devil 😈💀🔥👹gets your soul😫🔥😫💔🖤😫😫 🎻🎶🎶🎻🎻🎻🎻🎶🎶🎻🎶🎻🎶🎻🎶🎶🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻 The devil 😈👹opened 😳up☝️ his case⚰️ And he👀 said, 🗣"I'll🙋‍♂️ start this ☝️show"🎭🎻 And fire 🔥🔥flew 😤from 😳his fingertips✋🔥 As he 😫rosined 🎶up ☝️his bow😤🎻 Then he pulled ✊the bow 👌across ⏭the strings🧶🎻 And it made💀 an evil 😈☝️hiss🐍🐍😫 And a band 🎤🎷🎺🎸🥁of demons 👹👹👹joined ✊😤in👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️ And it 👀sounded 🔉🗯👂🏼something like this: 🔥😳🔥🎶🥁🎸🎸🎸🥁🎸🥁🥁🎸🎻🔥🎶🎻🔥🎶🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🔥🎶🎻🔥👯‍♂️🔥🎶🎶🎶 When the devil 😈finished☝️😤✊ Johnny👦 said, 🗣"well, 🤷‍♂️you're pretty 🔥😤good, 💯old 👴son👨‍👦 But sit ☝️down👇in that 👉chair 💺right👀 there And let 😤me 👌show 👀you how😳 it's 💯done" 🎶🔥🎻🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Fire on the Mountain⛰⛰⛰⛰🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🎻🔥🎶run 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️boys, run🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻 The devil's 😈👹in 👀😳the House🏠 of the Rising 🌅☝️🌄Sun☀️☀️🔥 🎻🎻🔥💯🎻🎻🎻🎻💯🎻🎻🎻🔥🎻🎻🎻💯🎻 Chicken 🐓in👇a bread🍞 pan 🍳pickin' 👀out dough🍞🍽💯 🎻🎻💯🔥🎻🎻🎻🎻🔥🎻🎻💯💯🎻🎻🔥🎻🎻 Granny👵 does 😳your dog🐕🐶bite💀? No 🚫🙅‍♂️child, 👶no🚫🙅‍♂️ 🎻🎻🎻💯🎻🔥💯🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻💯🔥💯🎻🎻🔥💯🎻🔥🔥🎻💯🎻🎻🎻🎻🔥💯🎻🎻🔥🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻 The devil 😈👹bowed👇 his 👀head🙇‍♂️ Because he 😳knew 😒that he'd 😈been 👀beat😡😰☠️💥 And he laid 👇that👀 golden✨🔥fiddle🎻🔥😳 On the 👇ground 🍃🌲at Johnny's👦 feet🦶🏼👣😳 Johnny 👦said,🗣 "Devil😈👹just 🤠come on🙌👈back If 😏🤠you 🤪ever want👀😳 to try 🤗🔥🔥again☠️ I done 👇🤪told🗣👏you👏once👏you👏son👏👨‍👦of👏a👏bitch😳👹 I'm the 🤠💁‍♂️best 💯🔥🎻🎻that's😤 ever🔥🤠💯been"🎻🥇🏆 He played 🎶🔥🎻🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Fire on the Mountain⛰⛰⛰⛰🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🎻🔥🎶run 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️boys, run🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻 The devil's 😈👹in 👀😳the House🏠 of the Rising 🌅☝️🌄Sun☀️☀️🔥 🎻🎻🔥💯🎻🎻🎻🎻💯🎻🎻🎻🔥🎻🎻🎻💯🎻 Chicken 🐓in👇a bread🍞 pan 🍳pickin' 👀out dough🍞🍽💯 🎻🎻💯🔥🎻🎻🎻🎻🔥🎻🎻💯💯🎻🎻🔥🎻🎻 Granny👵 will 😳your dog🐕🐶bite💀? No 🚫🙅‍♂️child, 👶no🚫🙅‍♂️ 🎻🎻🎻💯🎻🔥💯🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻💯🔥💯🎻🎻🔥💯🎻🔥🔥🎻💯🎻🎻🎻🎻🔥💯🎻🎻🔥🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 03:51AM by cyanidebrownie https://ift.tt/2MC69BI



Submitted December 28, 2019 at 04:26AM by literallyfabian https://ift.tt/2tdOl8V

Had to delete the last post because it showed my school blazer xD (the flag looks really weird in this picture, idk why but it looks normal in person)


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 04:46AM by InsertNameHere2006 https://ift.tt/2SJwodt

For reference, the Eastern Libyan government has the support of Gaddafi loyalists

https://ift.tt/356NnIW via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2SEXpyi

IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING JOJO REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

‼️‼️HOLY😇 FUCKING💦 SHIT💩‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT👉👉 A MOTHERFUCKING👩‍👧💦 JOJO REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 JOJO 👨‍🎤IS THE BEST🔝🔝 FUCKING 👉👌💦ANIME 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 JOSUKE IS SO BADASSSSS 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊👊👊👊 ORAORAORAORAORALORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩 MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY😠😠😠😠😠😠 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Oh you’re approaching me❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓But it was me, Dio‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 02:02AM by 00950 https://ift.tt/2QpLkKW

I know it may be early but...

I know it may be early but i want to ask my mom if i can go to the pride parade next decade ;) and i don't know how to ask her might delete later

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 01:47AM by smol_fluffer https://ift.tt/37hW84E

Fifa players got it too


Submitted December 28, 2019 at 12:29AM by Jisadeli https://ift.tt/3660ueH

Friday, December 27, 2019

Questioning sexuality

13 year old male

I realized I might be bisexual/pansexual a few months ago when I came to terms with me having a crush on a guy about a year ago. I feel like I can be attracted to anyone regardless of gender, but isn’t the whole pansexual thing “Hearts not parts”? I want to say I don’t care about gender and just like you for you, but that comes across as asexual, and I know I’m definitely not asexual. Can anyone help me figure this out?

Submitted December 27, 2019 at 11:17PM by Pugzawish https://ift.tt/366uAPl

How the heck do i stop having crushes on like so many people?

Idk bit just about every friend i had ive liked them for a while and i feel like that's a problem. I'll start liking them and then if I know they have bf/gf or something I'll stop and somehow start liking someone else and it just keeps on going just like that. Whoo it like 12 rn and I'm prolly going crazy but like ye

Submitted December 27, 2019 at 11:21PM by famous-living-dead https://ift.tt/39iF2oX



Submitted December 27, 2019 at 11:14PM by cleanguy1 https://ift.tt/2sjn1Gy

I 🖕🖕 WON 😹😭😭😭😑


Submitted December 27, 2019 at 10:55PM by bailscarv2 https://ift.tt/2Q0K4Pc


/r/DebateCommunism/comments/egihvl/was_the_lag_in_scientific_development_in_the_ussr/ via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2tZWxKD

Stolen from my friends Facebook page.


Submitted December 27, 2019 at 07:51PM by Level100NPC https://ift.tt/2taepSm

Trying not to be obvious


Submitted December 27, 2019 at 06:27PM by puppetproductions https://ift.tt/2EYdXJJ

What is your opinion of Bernie Sanders

Media covers him as a radical leftist, but clearly he is not as far left as many who self identify as communists or socialists.I’m just curious about what real communists think of him. If you plan to vote in the 2020 presidential election, who do you plan on voting for ? via /r/communism https://ift.tt/351sDCx

Bisexual passing through here, but the pan flag's colors were too cute not to make a drawing out of!


Submitted December 27, 2019 at 04:22PM by _amybo_ https://ift.tt/2F0FcU4

Made theseee!


Submitted December 27, 2019 at 04:36PM by dora_the_diabetic https://ift.tt/2Q65NFL

Looking for sources on Indigeneity and the PCP

Hello,I am looking for any and all documents centered around the PCP's collaboration with the indigenous forces in Peru, how the collaborated, and how successful this collaboration is. I already habe more than enough theoretical info, I am moreso looking for how this collaboration looked in practiceThank you for anything you can give via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2MAWY4j

Looks like we can't do wealth taxes guys lmao (what are your thoughts)

/r/CapitalismVSocialism/comments/efbo7j/elon_musk_is_proof_that_warrens_wealth_tax_is_a/ via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2SvrtfW

The Zimmer🥘man👨🏻n Tele📺gram⚖️

We 💂‍♀️👮‍♀️🕵️‍♀️ intend 💭💁‍♀️ to begin 🏁 on the first ☝️ 1️⃣ of February 🗓 🚫un🚫restricted🚫 sub🥪marine 🐟 warfare ⚔️🔫 . We 💂‍♂️👮‍♂️🕵️‍♀️ shall endeavor 👉👉👉 in spite 💁‍♀️ of this to keep 🤰 the 🇺🇸🇺🇸 United 🇺🇸 States 🇺🇸 of 🇺🇸 America 🇺🇸🇺🇸 neutral 😐😑. In the event 🎉🎊🎈 of this not 🚫🙅‍♀️ succeeding 👍❌, we make 🇲🇽🇲🇽 Mexico 🇲🇽🇲🇽 a proposal 💁‍♀️💬 of alliance 🤝 on the following 👉 basis: make war ⚔️🔫 together 👥, make peace ✍️ together 👥, generous 🤪😜😘 financial 💰 support 🦵 and an understanding 🙋‍♀️💁‍♀️💆‍♀️ on our 💂‍♂️🕵️‍♀️👮‍♂️ part that 🇲🇽🇲🇽 Mexico 🇲🇽🇲🇽 is to reconquer ⚔️🗡 the lost territory in Texas 🤠, New 🌟 Mexico 🇲🇽, and Arizona 🥵. The settlement 📜🏡 in detail 📝📓🤝 is left 👈 to you 👨‍💼. You 👨‍💼 will inform the President 👨‍💼🖖 of the above ☝️🇺🇸 most secretly 🕵️‍♀️🤫🤭 as soon ⏰ as the outbreak 🤧🤒😷 of war ⚔️🔫 with the 🇺🇸🇺🇸United 🇺🇸 States 🇺🇸 of 🇺🇸 America 🇺🇸🇺🇸 is certain 🙋‍♀️, and add ➕ the suggestion 💁‍♀️ that he 🙎‍♂️ should, on his 🙎‍♂️ own initiative 🙋‍♂️, invite 🇯🇵🇯🇵 Japan 🇯🇵🇯🇵 to immediate 😡 adherence 🤚 and at the same time ⏰ mediate 👟🚶 between 🇯🇵🇯🇵 Japan 🇯🇵🇯🇵 and ourselves 🕵️‍♂️👮‍♂️💂‍♂️. Please call ☎️ the President's 👨‍💼 attention ‼️‼️ to the fact 🤥🙅‍♀️ that the ruthless 😈😈😈 employment 👩‍💼 of our sub🥪marines 🐟 now offers 🗣💁‍♀️ the prospect of compelling 🙇‍♀️✊😮 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧 in a few 👥 months ⏳🗓 to make 🔨 peace 📜📝. Signed 📝, ZIMMER🥘MAN👨🏻N

Submitted December 27, 2019 at 05:55AM by Thiccstalin69 https://ift.tt/2Sx2Pf4

3am shower thought

The gays have captain marvel The Bi have valkyrie The lesbians have Thor And us the Pans have deadpool 💖💛💙

Submitted December 27, 2019 at 04:51AM by Pumpkin_pie666 https://ift.tt/2rxqDUV

I wish the Soviet Union didn’t put people off communism

Whenever I try to talk my friends/relatives about capitalism and communism they immediately seem to act disgusted by me being a communist. I believe this is because of the terrible examples of communism like the Soviet Union. Not all my friends and relatives are like that though Some of my friends are comrades And my dads a socialist. Sorry for the poor English via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2EZruko



Submitted December 27, 2019 at 01:51AM by _random__person_ https://ift.tt/2QlUBUk

From Mass Incarceration to Mass Coercion

https://ift.tt/2OYR5yh via /r/communism https://ift.tt/37fIpLk

I’m tired of people saying POC are not oppressed. Even many liberals don’t realize racism is woven into every major institution. That’s why I made this video. Share it with those in denial. Watch it to arm yourself with evidence. Fight racism in every way we can, including by fighting ignorance.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnKUVY4sQ0g via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2Su2QAf

I made a discord server for Michel jackson may be random but ya

Submitted December 27, 2019 at 01:40AM by smol_fluffer https://ift.tt/2t4q70Y

For my hubby wubby

Ding 😰dong 😱the 😌bitch🤧 is dead😂🤣

Right after I finished giving😋 head😍

Yummy yummy I'm such a 😋cummy 😜dummy😜

Daddy made my tummy 🍆💦rumbly

🤫Through the 👀other👀 hole haste was made😍💯

His 😳horniness😳 was what I must 😔sate 😫

😡Mommy 😡cried for me to go back to my room😳🤬

So I helped😭fuck😫 her into an early tomb🤪🤪🤪

Yummy😋 cummy🍆💦 now placed in my tummy😍😊

Now 😭Chubby😢 rubby all for my new 😙daddy😚☺️ hubby👌!

Submitted December 26, 2019 at 11:30PM by Stickmanlolz https://ift.tt/2MtRf0c

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Romania: 30 years removed from socialism

https://ift.tt/37dvwS4 via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2ZCu7Ch

A collaborative Spotify playlist I made; go add anything sugary, bubbly, blissful, enlightening, melodic, futuristic, wacky...

Here’s a playlist for you… Candied Clouds by aidenlenhart https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5evn55Wzra9mD0gISe5hHq?si=uUwsyr1CQUymqi8YDq321Q

Submitted December 26, 2019 at 09:55PM by AidenLenhart https://ift.tt/2QqB0ST

How do we convince our non comrades that Communism is good?

No text found via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2SqZNsB

r/KiwiSocialists has been created

r/KiwiSocialists is a sub for communists, socialists and anarchists to discuss current events and organise within Aotearoa. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/39kLTOT


So you know how all words have phonetic words correct. Well I went wandering and looked it up. Pansexual in english phonetics is technically, according to a website pæn'sɛkʃuəl. So that is interesting

Submitted December 26, 2019 at 08:59PM by Snooflu https://ift.tt/34VRPKJ

An eternal struggle


Submitted December 26, 2019 at 09:00PM by kittimage13 https://ift.tt/3523Huq

Found myself at the art museum today


Submitted December 26, 2019 at 09:30PM by iliketocolor585 https://ift.tt/2spJp0H

UNO em🙂ji


Submitted December 26, 2019 at 07:47PM by OrangeMohawk https://ift.tt/2t8TYFK

Activist who raised awareness about transphobia murdered in Toronto


Submitted December 26, 2019 at 07:08PM by BeingKatie https://ift.tt/2QnUmb9

Would you support an ideology that killed millions of innocent people?

Yes, Communism didn't killed people by itself, but something that countries like Cambodia, the USSR, China and some others was that in one period of their history (and some still are) they were governed by communists leaders. Im open for debate! :) Also, there is no inquisitive intention in this post. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/361aupM

Feeling lonely. Looking for friend. Hmu.

No text found

Submitted December 26, 2019 at 06:51PM by EuphoricSpaceAlien https://ift.tt/3644CvK

When I see most people try to formally define socialism they come up with “workers collectively/equally owning the means of production” which I can only find deriving from the dictionary meaning. Can anyone reference a formal source which supports the dictionary use of the word?

No text found via /r/communism https://ift.tt/398ZR66

The Russian Federation is Imperialist.

By the very nature of a capitalist republic, the capital cities leach off the rest of the nation .In the Soviet Union , there was a high degree of autonomy . That autonomy among local groups is now gone . The people’s democracy is gone .The capitalists in Moscow have rebuilt the Czars thrown and the relationships have been reestablished . Moscow once again dominates everything , and the liberal freedom of “free market” is the only human right once again . Those with the money have the most rights, and because of historical domination, mostly undone by the soviets but restored with capitalism, is the fact that the European side of Russia simply has more money .These lands were not gained diplomatically , they were gained by armies and held by the Czars for hundreds of years using some of the worst anti-education and anti-worker policies the world has ever seen . (See Czarist anti-literacy laws) This all concludes with the biggest cities in Russia, and the richest in those cities , controlling everybody else . Ultimately , this is a form of imperialism . via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2ZBMlDX

Just a depressed human with their non-binary partner looking for some love ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Im a kid, still 14 ya know, and I don’t wanna hear the “kids don’t get depressed” Because about a month ago, I cut my self, and 2 days later my parents found out.... I’ve have the insane and uncontrollable urge to do it once more when I look at a sharp object, it doesn’t help that I have a craft razor. When I do crafts, I pick it up and Im so close yet so far, out of fear of what my parents will do... tell my doctor, my therapist, put me on MORE medication? Im scared... im really scared... I want to, but I fear of the consequences, can someone please send me words of encouragement :,) My parents don’t know im pan or anything such as my sexuality and almost all my friends (2 besides my partner, which is actually all of them) are homophobic etc.

Submitted December 26, 2019 at 04:38PM by ShotoTodorokiX https://ift.tt/350Q7rs

Commodus apologist found in a Gladiator video comment


Submitted December 26, 2019 at 03:47PM by Prefered4 https://ift.tt/39dEMrf

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

I love Christmas!


Submitted December 25, 2019 at 10:07PM by Nach0s4Life https://ift.tt/2Mqulqw

Made with happiness


Submitted December 25, 2019 at 10:25PM by 5Dimensional https://ift.tt/2sYpJB7

Made with happiness


Submitted December 25, 2019 at 10:26PM by 5Dimensional https://ift.tt/2Sr5SFu

Made with happiness


Submitted December 25, 2019 at 10:26PM by 5Dimensional https://ift.tt/2Sr5R4o

🎶Dashing🏃💨 through the cum 💦💧

🎶Dashing🏃💨 through the cum 💦💧👅👅 in a one WHORES💃💃 open legs👐, over🔁 the clit we go, moaning 😩😫😲 all the way. Balls🍒 in buttholes🍩 ring, making 🙇spirits bright🌟💫, what fun it is to ride 🚀that dick 🍆💦and jizz😩💦 on her all night, HOE!!!!💸 🎶jingle clit🎶jingle clit 🔔jingle🔔 all the way➡, oh what ✨fun✨ it is to ride🏂〰 that big💢 fat💥 dick 🍆all day🕦 HEY👏 🎶jingle clit🎶jingle🎶clit 🔔jingle🔔 all the way😝 oh what 🎉fun🎊 it is to fuck 👉👌and lick 👅💦her jizz away. HEY🙌 Send this to 👉1⃣2⃣🍆 of your sluttiest😝🍆💃 dickmas cock suckers🍆👅 in 6⃣9⃣ sexonds or Mr. Claus🎅 won't cum😩👊💦 for you this HOEliday season!!🎄 If you get 5 back ⬅️you're a frosty cum slut. ❄️⛄️If you get 10 back you're a 🎯peppermint pussy princess .🍭👸 If you get 15 back you're a candy cane 🍰clit🍰 licker👄👅. Have a ✨merry 👋merry✨clitmas🙏🎄and a slutty 🎉new year!🎆🎊

Submitted December 25, 2019 at 07:57PM by lawlessnessjelly https://ift.tt/2PX3ipa

The strokes! One of my favorite bands.


Submitted December 25, 2019 at 06:25PM by is_this_it20 https://ift.tt/34PQl4A

What is the diffrence between Pan and Bi?

I dont know what Pan is, i dont know, i dont understand. Pan = all genders. Like theres only two genders.. Man & Woman... I dont understand what Pansexuality means plz help

Submitted December 25, 2019 at 06:38PM by ArcaneWarior115 https://ift.tt/37arbiI

*VERY happy pan noise*


Submitted December 25, 2019 at 06:40PM by USE2ndFleet https://ift.tt/2Zql2Mo

India to set up its first university for the transgender community | The Indian Express


Submitted December 25, 2019 at 07:07PM by hajibuddin https://ift.tt/2PVcuKA

Is “Che” any good to watch or is it reactionary?

2008, two part series, is it just some reactionary movie or any decent? via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2rsKcO9

Not a lot of leftist understand this...

https://ift.tt/2PW5bCp via /r/communism https://ift.tt/376GMzJ

Good pro Soviet/Marxist Leninist movies

I haven’t heard of any. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2Mu2Cp7

Today's video📹 is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends,

Today's video📹 is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, 1️⃣one1️⃣1️⃣ of the biggest mobile📱📱 role-playing ▶️ 🎰games🎰🎰 of 2019 and it's🇮🇹🇮🇹 totally free🆓! Currently almost 10 🕥 million 👤users 👤 have🈶 joined🈴🈴 Raid over the last six6️⃣6️⃣ months🈷️🈷️, and it's 🇮🇹 one1️⃣ of the most impressive games 🎱 in its🇮🇹 class with detailed models, environments♻️ and smooth 60 frames🎞 per second animations! All the champions in the game🎱 can be customized with unique ⚙gear⚙ that 🚼changes🚼 your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses 🈶have 🈶🈶 some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect 👌 party🎈 and strategy to overtake them's a🅰️ lot of fun🎢! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has🈶 almost 🅰️a🅰️ 💯perfect💯💯 score🎧 on 🔛 the Play Store! The community is growing💗 fast⏩ and the highly🔊 anticipated 🆕new🆕🆕 faction wars feature is now live, you might 🌙even🌙 find🔎🔎 my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to 🆕start🆕 now than ever with rates program📺 for new🆕 players you get🉐 a 🅰️🅰️ new🇳🇨 daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play🎳 in the game🎯! So what😦😦 are you waiting🚏🚏 for? Go to the video📼 description, click on🔛 the special links🔗 and you'll get 🉐 50,000 silver and a 🅰️ free🆓 epic champion 🅰️as🅰️🅰️ part〽️ of the new🇳🇨 player🎲 📺program📺 to start🆕 your journey! Good 🏇luck🏇 and I'll 👀see👀 you there!

Submitted December 25, 2019 at 07:18PM by goufbam https://ift.tt/35WNs3n


Nine million people die annually despite a food surplus. What are the reasons for this when the Soviet Union practically abolished starvation. Anyone have any good resources on nutrition in the Soviet Union other communist countries and or capitalist antipathy toward hunger? via /r/communism https://ift.tt/34RpdSI

Explaining pan ring culture [Update of previous post]

Please feel free to share this image if you want to!

The idea of the pan ring
Pan rings build upon the concept of ace rings: black rings worn on the middle finger of the right hand to represent the absence of sexual attraction, a popular trend in asexual culture. Pan rings are worn on the same finger, but to highlight the nature of pansexuality, they are clear, translucent, or white instead of black - symbolically representing the potentiality of attraction towards all genders with the translucency or the color white encapsulating all colours of the spectrum.

Regarding a previous post that proposed the idea of white pan rings, many people were commenting about white rings being a trend in aromantic culture - very truthfully. There have been a lot of discussions about it in the recent years and it is agreed that a white ring worn on the middle finger of the left hand is the representation of the person being aromantic. Although an aro ring and a pan ring would be worn on different hands, distinguishing them from each other certainly will be beneficial, for it would prevent the confusion the two separate trends.

The glass ring
This is why the clear pan ring is a transparent or translucent ring of glass: an idea that is instead free of misunderstanding and therefore solely belonging to pansexual culture. The glass rings can also be in the pan pride colors, optionally.

Other materials and DIY options
Rings from silvery metals with engravings or imprints such as “love” or “love is love” (along pan symbols) are too, wonderful options, that are more customisable to everyone’s individual concepts and designs. Ceramic or porcelain rings can still be used as pan rings, but in order to distinguish them from aro rings, they should have an engraving or imprint that will do so. A pride flag on the ring, or multiple colored rings forming the pride flag are just as great.

Pan rings are of course individually customisable, we should let everybody’s own creativity set their ring unique. Blank ceramic rings can be bought if you prefer to create your own designs.

TL;DR.: Pan rings in pansexual culture are clear or translucent rings of glass, symbolically representing the potentiality of attraction to all genders (in comparison with the black ace ring implying the absence of attraction), that are worn on the middle finger of the right hand. Optionally, silvery metal rings with engravings (e.g. pan symbols, "love" or "love is love"), or white ceramic rings with imprints can be worn as pan rings wonderfully too. Pan pride-colored rings or sets of rings of course qualify just as well.

Ideas of where to buy pan rings:
Clear glass ring
Translucent glass ring
Metallic ring with customisable engraving
Silver ring with customisable engraving
White ceramic ring with custom text
Blank ceramic ring (if you want to go DIY)
Pride color ring
Pride color ring

Submitted December 25, 2019 at 06:03PM by peculiar_polarbear https://ift.tt/35XrjSj

Idk if you guys remember this kid but he does this all the time


Submitted December 25, 2019 at 04:59PM by noeydog https://ift.tt/2PTGNBc

Today is sad

Today (26th December 2019) is a very sad day, because it’s the anniversary of the collapse of the USSR, just to put it out there. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2t76tkP

I asked for sheets for Christmas. they came with this


Submitted December 25, 2019 at 04:16PM by lathylala https://ift.tt/34WC8TB

Well then...


Submitted December 25, 2019 at 04:32PM by dora_the_diabetic https://ift.tt/2ZncZQJ

I got an extra $300 in cash this Christmas and I'm looking for good fiction written or made by communists. I've read a lot of theory already; now I want to see the art. What movies, TV shows, fictional books (such as fantasy, scifi, horror, weird, etc), video games, tabletop RPGs, etc.,etc.,etc.

Continuing on from my previous post about how corporate worship and the entertainment industry are bad for society, I've decided to go looking for communist fiction now that I've articulated my thoughts on the matter (and perhaps make a sub-reddit on communist art and fiction).What do you guys think is good anti-capitalist or socialist/communist art and fiction? Or games? Or cinema? Or entertainment in general? Help give me some obscure ones as well as I already know about some of the main ones such as Boots Riley (the guy behind Sorry To Bother You). Also, let's try to make a list as well. I'm trying to make a to-do list. But more than that, I just want this thread to be helpful to others.Fire away, comrades. via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2t0QKUE

Wish you all beautiful people happy Christmas and a wonderful time ❤️


Submitted December 25, 2019 at 03:35AM by nanam-Watanabe https://ift.tt/2SrWUrs

Debunk of “China’s Crimes Against Uyghurs” by u/Logiman43

Let’s do a little debunking shall we? This post will debunk the claims made in this post, and demonstrate that China is not committing a genocide on Uyghurs. This is going to be a huge info dump so hopefully it can disseminate the truth of the Xinjiang situation.1) Why OP posts the testimony of Scott Busby is unknown to me. Busby provides zero sources for his claims except for thisSince April 2017, Chinese authorities have detained at least 800,000, and possibly more than 2 million, Uighurs and members of other Muslim minorities in internment camps for indefinite periods of time. This is the U.S. government assessment, backed by our intelligence community and open source reporting.So, we’re just supposed to take at face value that if the “intelligence community” says it true, then it’s true? What about the countless times they’ve lied to us? Does nobody remember the WMDs of Iraq, a blatant lie which caused a war that has killed anywhere from 500,000 - 1 million Iraqis (most of which were Muslim, mind you)? That people should be expected to just accept everything that the CIA tells them is just plain wrong. And before anyone says anything, no this is not simple whataboutism, it is pointing out that the country which has committed the most human rights abuses toward Muslims is currently accusing China of human rights abuses toward Muslims, and that when that country founds their own abuses on lies, perhaps we should not be so ready to go along with whatever they say to demonize nations.And if you honestly believe this:As the President’s National Security Strategy states, “the United States supports those who seek freedom, individual dignity, and the rule of law...and we will advocate on behalf of religious freedom and threatened minorities.” Governments that respect human rights remain the best vehicle for prosperity, human happiness, and peace.then you are beyond hopeless. Almost all the things Busby accuses China of doing, America is doing/has done.But I digress. We now get to an important source with this. There are only two sources for the “1.5 million” estimate, the first one being Adrian Zenz. To give you a little backstory on Zenz, I will quote at length from this article:A born-again Christian who claims to preach at his local church, Adrian Zenz is a lecturer at the European School of Culture and Theology. This anodyne-sounding campus is actually the German base of Columbia International University, a US-based evangelical Christian seminary which considers the “Bible [to be] the ultimate foundation and the “final truth in every aspect of our lives,” and whose mission is to “educate people from a biblical worldview to impact the nations with the message of Christ.”  Zenz’s work on China is inspired by this biblical worldview, as he recently explained in an interview with Wall Street Journal. “I feel very clearly led by God to do this,” he said. “I can put it that way. I’m not afraid to say that. With Xinjiang, things really changed. It became like a mission, or a ministry.” Along with his “mission” against China, heavenly guidance has apparently prompted Zenz to denounce homosexuality, gender equality, and the banning of physical punishment against children as threats to Christianity.So now we have a good sense of who Adrian Zenz is: an end-times evangelical nutjob. In addition he is a fellow at the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund, an organization founded by the US government in 1993 by Ukrainian nationalist Lev Dobriansky and co-chaired by Yaroslav Stetsko, a literal Nazi. VoC effectively acts as a propaganda arm of the US gov.So, in summary, Adrian Zenz is a far-right religious whackjob sent on a mission by God, and who is a fellow at an organization founded by and previously headed by Nazi collaborators, and who seems to have no background in studying Xinjiang ethnic relations but is somehow an “expert on Xinjiang.” Good to know. Now to move on to the source of Zenz’s claims. His original claim of “anywhere between several hundred thousand and just over one million” was made here. I will once again quote the Grayzone article at length, because I’m lazy lolZenz arrived at his estimate “over 1 million” in a dubious manner. He based it on a single report by Istiqlal TV, a Uyghur exile media organization based in Turkey, which was republished by Newsweek Japan. Far from an impartial journalistic organization, Istiqlal TV advances the separatist cause while playing host to an assortment of extremist figures. One such character who often appears on Istiqlal TV is Abdulkadir Yapuquan, a reported leader of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), a separatist group that aims to establish an independent homeland in Xinjiang called East Turkestan. ETIM has been designated as a terrorist organization with ties to al-Qaeda by the US, European Union, and UN Security Council’s Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee. The Associated Press has reported that since “2013, thousands of Uighurs… have traveled to Syria to train with the Uighur militant group Turkistan Islamic Party and fight alongside al-Qaida,” with “several hundred join[ing] the Islamic State.” The report from Istiqlal TV is not only dubious by association, but completely unverified and unverifiable. It claims that ~900,000 Uyghurs are detained as of spring 2018, but, again, this is unverified. He also relies on this Radio Free Asia report, which, again, is unverified and unverifiable. More curious, however, is this passage from the reportThe security chief of Kashgar city’s Chasa township recently told RFA on condition of anonymity that “approximately 120,000” Uyghurs are being held throughout the prefecture, based on information he has received from other area officials.Sooo…does he want to remain anonymous or not? Why would he give his job title and location away if he wants to “remain anonymous”? Just something to think about. It is also worth pointing out that RFA is an overt propaganda organ of the CIA.So, all in all, we have nothing of actual substance that corroborates this 1.5 million figure (or any such enormous figure) by Adrian Zenz.The other “source” used in the Reuters article is testimony from Omar Bekali, which gets a whopping four lines dedicated to him in the entire article. So I have to ask: why exactly is there nothing to corroborate his story? Why does he have no scars, why did he not take pictures of his bruised and tortured body after being released as some semblance of proof? If all the other information points to the fact that China is not committing the crimes Bekali accuses it of committing, why exactly should I believe him? Why should I unquestioningly absorb “witness testimony”?The last article cited for this section is just more unsupported nonsense. I won’t bother with it. Before I go on to the next section I’d like to point out one thing in response to thisLife in Xinjiang outside these internment camps is not much better. The Chinese government is engaged in an effort to monitor every aspect of life for Uighurs and members of other Muslim minority groups. Families have been forced to accept Communist officials into their homes for extended “home stays.” Thousands of mosques have been shuttered or destroyed; some have even been converted into Communist propaganda centers. Those that are still open are often guarded and monitored, and entry is limited via checkpoints with electronic ID scanners. Neighborhoods also have entry and exit checkpoints manned by armed police. The pervasive surveillance in place across Xinjiang today has been frequently described as an “open-air prison.”This is blatantly not true. You can watch scores of videos of people living normal lives in Xinjiang.2) I quote from the source providedWhile the experiences described could not be independently verified, local rights groups and lawyers say they are common and reveal a wider pattern of abuse directed specifically against women, aimed at curbing their ability to reproduce.All you should really know is that these are independently unverified. But, I will go the extra mile. The first person cited is Gulzira Mogdyn. A cursory google search doesn’t return anything on this person beside other articles which more or less say what the article OP cited says. You occasionally come across articles such as this, which would seem strange to anyone who is aware of the ethnic minority exemptions for the one-child policy in China that ended in 2015In most parts of China, couples with at least one side being an ethnic minority are allowed to give birth to two or more babies.They even admit this in the article. Yet for some reason, after the one-child policy was scrapped, they suddenly want to take the opposite position, that of preventing Uyghur women from giving birth. And yet, where is the evidence for this? Mogdyn is the main piece, whose claims are unverifiable and she is more or less unfindable on anything but news reports about her. The second piece of evidence they cite is “a Kazakh woman.” I don’t think I need to explain why we can disregard this. So, it would seem, we really have no reason to believe this is the case, do we? They next make this claimIn addition to mistreating detained women, rights groups and experts say Beijing has pursued a campaign to erase Muslim culture in Xinjiang, by pushing interethnic marriages and sending Chinese officials for “home stays” with Muslim families, part of efforts by president Xi Jinping’s government to assimilate ethnic minorities.This is often claimed by detractors of China. Once again it is not only unverifiable, but patently false. Islam has been growing in China, with 25,000 mosques in Xinjiang alone, up from 9,000 in 1984. With regard to the interethnic marriage claim, I quote from hereAs for “forced” marriage between Uyghur and Han people, there’s no evidence of this. All that can be found are government incentives for intermarriage. Not so sinister.The Chinese government has no inherent enmity with Muslim culture, and has done much to both protect them and allow them to flourish, as can be seen here, here, and here.They next make the following claimAll of this amounts to genocide as laid out by the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, said Rushan Abbas, founder and executive director of the Washington-based Campaign for Uyghurs.I was wondering when Rushan Abbas would come up, a known CIA asset who worked in Guantanamo Bay, overseeing the illegal detainment and torture of Muslims. The genocide claim only works if the claims made thus far are true or verified, of which they are neither. And, frankly, Rushan clearly does not really care about Muslims.The same story follows with Ruqiye Perhat, who returns nothing but stories about her, much in the same way as Mogdyn. The only “different” thing about her is this Facebook post. They cite a few more “witnesses” whose claims are unverifiable, of course, and mostly just keep on with trying to come up with the shocking things they can and say China did that to them. Next.3) Mihrigul Tursun is a known liar. I quote the following passagesIn a recent CNN interview, a woman named Mihrigul Tursun claimed one of her three children was killed by the Chinese government. She said she was separated from her triplets at the Urumqi airport in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and held in custody in 2015.About 1,000 kilometers away from Urumqi, Qiemo County is where Mihrigul's parents and brother live. Mihrigul's mother, Mailikanmu Aimaiti took out a photo of her grandson Moez. She said Mihrigul brought the photo to her in July 2016. "Her son is in Egypt now, being raised by my son-in-law's sister."Mihrigul not only fabricated the story about her child's death, but also made false accusations against China's education and training centers in Xinjiang. She claimed she was jailed and tortured in the facility, and she saw fellow prisoners die in detention. But again, that turns out to be far from truth, as her brother told CGTN that she had never been to a education and training center. "She made that up. It was a lie." According to Hua Chunying, the spokesperson of China's foreign ministry, Mihrigul was detained by Qiemo county in 2017 for inciting hatred and discrimination among ethnic minority groups. She was detained for 20 days, and was released after she was found infected with contagious diseases. Hua said Mihrigul was never arrested in Urumqi and never went to jail, nor has she been sent to any vocational training and education centers.That’s all that really needs to be said about her.The second source reiterates claims made by “witnesses,” some of which I’ve already discussed, others which are just as unreliable and unverified. They also cite Adrian Zenz specifically when giving the supposed number of Muslims detained. Most of this is shit I’ve already covered, which makes this source useless. One interesting thing is this passage.China has blamed violent attacks in Xinjiang in recent years on Islamist extremists bent on waging holy war on the state, with radical ideas said to be coming from abroad over the Internet and from visits to foreign countries by Uighurs, the region’s predominant ethnic group.I highlight the word “blame” above to show that they think terrorism in Xinjiang was not a significant issue, which is patently false. Next.4) This one is just a reddit comment. The sources are pretty much the same thing we’ve been seeing over and over again, the same few people’s testimony (they cite Mihrigul Tursun lol) for the most part. Why exactly are we trusting unverified testimony? The Sayragul Sauytbay claims are what you’d expect, classic scare tactic horror stories meant to shut down any rational response which could question the validity of her statements. For the BBC article claiming “1 million Uyghurs detained,” either see the previous Grayzone article for an explanation of how this article got its information (the short version is that they extrapolated a population trend for an area of 20 million people by interviewing eight (anonymous!) people), and we must note that this was not told by the UN.5) I would just like everyone to know that I suffered through a full Vice video for this. You’re welcome. I took several notes as the video dragged on. This section will probably be more informal than the rest.-Once again they frame the problem of Islamic extremism as China just “blaming” it on the Uyghurs, when it reality China has had a long standing issue of demonstrable Islamic extremism among the Uyghur population. CGTN has released this documentary which outlines the extent of terrorism in Xinjiang (inb4 “CGTN is state run media therefore I won’t acknowledge anything they show or say,” even without this it is impossible to deny the extent of terrorism in Xinjiang). Evidence of the extent of the extremist groups in Xinjiang, many of which have moved into Syria, and which by and large work with Al-Qaida, is well documented. Many of them also have links to ISIS and Al Nusra. Further evidence of Uyghur presence in Syria can be found here, and here. Another interesting piece of information is this, which says the followingFrom the 1950s until his death in 1995, Isa Yusuf Alptekin had been active in Turkey, whereas his son was active in Munich - as the de facto "leader of the Eastern Turkestan independence movement in Europe."[2] Erkin Alptekin has founded diverse organizations, including the World Uighur Congress (WUC), headquartered in Munich, over which he had presided from 2004 to 2006.The World Uyghur Congress has been a key accuser of the Chinese government. However, WUC is largely funded by the US gov. For those of you unfamiliar with the NED, I suggest you read this. For those wondering why the US gov would be trying to undermine China by spreading lies, read this, and research the Belt and Road Initiative.-Casual downplaying of the seriousness of the Urumqi riots, which left 100 people dead. Very cool, Vice.-Repeating unverified 1 million figure.-Wow, Xinjiang has police. From the Goodrum thread, I quoteIn addition to hiring more personnel, through this measure the government has widened the functions of police stations, following a “community-based policing” model many departments around the world are emulating now. You can take a deep dive into the police recruitment numbers here. The first two “tiers” are regular police and local security forces, respectively. The third tier is assistant police staff. infographic-Wow, places have security.-Acting like she needs a “disguise” just to be there lmfao what? People in Xinjiang are allowed to travel I don’t know why she seems to think this isn’t the case.-The Han woman on the train perhaps does not phrase the actual intention of China in saying “we need to be the same,” but what she ultimately means is that ethnic unity is promoted by the Chinese government. From the Goodrum thread, quoteThe principle of ethnic unity is paramount in China, so special care is taken to emphasize its importance. This is why separatism is a matter of deep concern to the government.This is why special treatment is often given to ethnic minorities.-Is there a reason we have to rely on anonymous sources for this? If she’s supposed to be “undercover” because the media is so repressed in Xinjiang, how did he know she was media?-Yes, Kashgar has surveillance. Again from Goodrum,For example, the restive prefecture of Kashgar has heavier surveillance and stricter controls than Turpan. This is due to the former’s more conservative religious traditions and its current status as a hotbed of anti-China sentiment.-This restrictive reporting makes Xinjiang look bleak and gloomy by design. Very low shit. Oh, the police are going back to the police station and not talking? How chilling.-What sources are telling them that the Kashgar police are onto them? This is a common tactic used by bad journalists: saying something comes from “sources” but not specifying who.-We have Mr. Bekali again. And people saying things like “I opened a Uyghur language school, so they took me,” when Uyghur is literally an official language in Xinjiang. Quote,Uyghur is an official language of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and is widely used in both social and official spheres, as well as in print, television and radio and is used as a common language by other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang.As an official language, this means that it is also used governmentally. How exactly is it that the government can both “crack down” on Uyghur language speakers and also use the Uyghur language?-If Mr. Bekali confessed to “organizing and sheltering terrorists,” there is a good chance he would be imprisoned right now. Fortunately, he isn’t, so I will assume he is lying.-Why do they not show us the document declaring the woman a terrorist? Hearing Mr. Bekali describe China as trying to create “communist robots” also sounds like pure red scare rhetoric. Again, with all his claims of being brutally tortured, you’d think we’d have some sort of physical evidence of this.-What evidence is there that the video the woman played is an “education camp”? It looks like a regular school. They tracked it to “a kindergarten” as they say, so what makes them think they are in a camp? Because it’s 300 miles from her hometown? If Adrian Zenz is to be believed, there are 1200 camps in Xinjiang, why would the Chinese government relocate them so far away? And how exactly do they conflate the increase in kindergartens to the establishment of education camps? Why would the Chinese government report the building of these alleged camps in the number of kindergartens built in the region? Perhaps the increase in kindergartens means that education is becoming more accessible than it already is to people in the region? Can someone explain to me what the problem is with the government providing school and child care to children of people detained? I see literally no issue with this. If all Vice is going to do is speculate, we are free to speculate our own causes, none of which should be taken at face value.-Perhaps we should take the testimony of people we know live in an practice Islam in Xinjiang over unknowns making bold claims.-Oh don’t worry, all the proof you need that people are being disappeared is showing one padlocked gate and one abandoned looking house.Total drivel, Vice continues to show itself as shit. Once again I cite this youtube channel to showcase how surprisingly not dystopian Xinjiang is.6) Another video. This one proves the catalyst for something which westerners seem completely unable to recognize. After citing here that a reporter, “whose anonymity should be protected,” (of course) casually waltzed into a “re-education camp”, they proceed to show its rather jail-like structure. The windows have guard railing, the dormitories have iron barred doors. There are surveillance cameras throughout the building. Now tell me: do any prisons in the world not have these? The fundamental point to be made here is that, yes, people are detained in these vocational centers, they effectively act as prisons, but the structure of their imprisonment is important. These are by and large people who have not committed outright terrorism but who have been shown to be susceptible to commit terrorism based the tendencies of previous known terrorists in the region, or are already engaged in these violent ideologies. What separates them is what they do with their imprisonment. We’ve already had looks inside these centers (which makes the need for some super secretive “penetration” of an unused one look fairly silly) which reveal that despite their being locked up, they are given a significant amount of freedom and are being trained to contribute to society, namely through job training, which is what the Chinese government has long claimed. So what does this amount to? Rehabilitation. Whereas in America, where people in prison are subject to these somehow horrible conditions present in the Chinese vocational center, they are ostensibly not rehabilitated for any of their crimes, the emphasis being put on pure punishment. Are we supposed to rebuke China for trying to control the terrorist sentiment that had been bubbling in Xinjiang, should they just have ignored the problem, allow people who seek separatist and violent actions to flourish? Even after so many people have already been killed by separatist terrorism? Is it not more humane to teach people why they’re wrong and destructive, and give them pathways for alleviating themselves of poor conditions which often contribute heavily to the sentiment of extremism? People who leave the camps are routinely given jobs by the government should they be unable to get one by themselves. Does this sound like they’re trying to exterminate them? By, what, trying to reduce poverty and push for economic growth in Xinjiang?Extremist ideologies such as those held by ETIM are not just “different opinions,” they are a threat to the security of China. What would you have done if you discovered a large terrorist cell in your country?Anyway, they point out the propaganda posters in the vocational center as well. To that I say “who cares?” I see no problem with a country trying to reinforce its state ideology.Also, at 3:27 in the video, we clearly see another person in the building in the bottom left frame. Is the center open to the public or something? This seems unlikely, but if it was the case it would show either incredible transparency from the PRC gov or incredible sloppiness.“It is nearly impossible for the people being held in these buildings to escape,” isn’t that kind of the point of detainment? Lol. Once again they also have an abstract “insider source,” of which of course they can tell us nothing about or verify the truth of.Just showing that one thing is like another thing is not enough to condemn it, the historical context of the thing and the actual material structure of the thing (or program in this case) must be regarded first and foremost. This video does none of that. Next.7) This article is so ridiculously misleading. All of the sources provided in the article are in Chinese, so most Westerners who come upon it will not likely not go to the trouble of translating what it says and take what the secondary source says at face value. I do not know Chinese, but I do know how to use google translate, so I will be referring to the “google translated” pieces of the sources.First, the title of the article is “China forces its Muslim minority to install spyware on their phones.” But if we look at the primary source for this, we get the following informationThe Tianshan District Government of Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, issued a "Notice on the Use of Mobile Phone Terrorist Audio and Video Self-examination Software" to residents' mobile phone users, and urged people of all nationalities to install and use the software "net guards" for self-inspection.On July 10, the Tianshan District Government of Urumqi issued a notice to the residents of all ethnic groups via mobile phone WeChat, saying that in order to seriously implement the municipal committee ’s arrangements for the “three clean-ups” and effectively implement the violent terrorist audio and video clean-up work in the entire field "Coverage", the Municipal Public Security Bureau developed the violent terror audio and video editing software "Net Guardian" installed on mobile phones with Android operating system for installation and use by the people of all ethnic groups in the city for self-inspection.So it would seem that the article lies by omission, only claiming Muslims had to install the app when in fact everyone did. They also sayA Kazakh person told Radio Free Asia on July 13 that Horgos police arrested 10 Kazakh women on the 11th. He said: "The arrest of 10 Kazakh women was accused of what they should not discuss in the WeChat group. One of the women was named Carmela. These 10 women are ordinary women and have nothing to do with politics or religion." .They cite this “Kazakh person” twice - do I really have to point out why this shouldn’t be believed? For one, we already established that RFA is a propaganda program created by the CIA, and second we have more vague, anonymous sourcing which offers us zero verifiable claims of which we are expected to believe at face value. As for the source which the article claims substantiates that those who didn’t install the app were detained for 10 days, we have a single tweet which translates toXinjiang ’s mobile phones checked and installed the official NetGuard software, which was installed within 10 days of the SMS notification. During the physical inspection, it was found that no detention was installed for 10 days. Back to the hairy eraTo be totally honest, I can’t make heads or tails of what this is meant to say, so unless someone else can better translate it for me I will not make any claims as to its legitimacy.As for the claim that China is banning Muslim customs such as beards and veils (Uyghur women do not traditionally wear veils), I direct you back to this video, which shows people in Xinjiang with these supposed “abnormal beards” and showing off their culture.8) Ahem…Sky News was not able independently to verify the footage.Lol. But seriously, this suffers from the same problem as pretty much every source before. The article statesThe European security source said: "We've examined the footage and believe it to be genuine.”and of course we are just expected to believe it if a “European security source” (whatever that means) said it’s true. We do not need to be given evidence which we can analyze for ourselves, we just need to be told its true. Ridiculous that Westerners accuse the PRC of brainwashing its citizens when they believe anything told to them as long as the anonymous source for the claim sounds official enough.They also recycle the 1 million figure which is false. They say this as wellUnited Nations experts have spoken of "credible reports" of China holding one million Uighurs and other Muslim minorities at mass detention camps in Xinjiang.Which requires I cite this article again and remind people that the UN did not claim it had “credible reports” of concentration camps in Xinjiang. People will likely say, “well what’s going on in the video is still bad,” but we have literally zero context as to what this video is depicting. Not useful in the slightest without context.9) From The GuardianShimizu’s short manga, which has been translated into English, Chinese, Uighur and other languages, tells the story of Mihrigul Tursun, a Uighur woman who was detained three times by the Chinese authorities after returning from Egypt.And, as we know from section 3, Mihrigul Tursun is a liar who made up her story. So this can be disregarded. (Bro it’s just like Maus!!!1! shut the fuck up)10) I’d like to point this out firstThe government describes such efforts as a response to terrorism. Indeed, these camps can be seen as a logical, if grotesque, extension of the government’s decades-long endeavor to eradicate the perceived “terrorism, separatism, and religious extremism” of its ethnic minority Muslim population in Xinjiang. The region, and the country, has certainly experienced spasms of unplanned mass violence, as well as cases of premeditated violence stemming from the Uighurs’ desperation after decades of discrimination and persecution; the government’s current set of policies to avoid future strife, however, appears to rest on the assumption that most Uighurs are extremists-in-waiting.First, the terrorism, separatism, and extremism among Uyghur communities is not just “perceived,” it is real. I’ve already cited many sources to show this, so just refer to one of them if you need a refresher. These sources also refute the claims in the above quote that they are just “unplanned mass violence” - I do agree that “Uyghur desperation” has contributed to extremism amongst Uyghur communities, but do not be fooled into thinking the violence is just a bunch of lone wolves. They are not, they were by and large orchestrated by ETIM. Again, I’ve already cited several sources for this. As for the last sentence, considering the fact that the 1 million figure has never been verified (here’s another source in case you haven’t been convinced ), and we do not know how many have been detained, this is an unsubstantiated claim.The rest of the article is entirely sourceless, detailing specific plans such as the followingThe relatives have been essentially conscripted into service in three separate waves. The first campaign started in 2014, dispatching some 200,000 party members, including minority party members, to “Visit the People, Benefit the People, and Bring Together the Hearts of the People” (fang minqing, hui minsheng, ju minxin)—through long-term stays in Uighur villages. In 2016, a second wave of 110,000 civil servants were sent into Uighur villages as part of a “United as One Family” (jie dui renqin) campaign, which focused on placing relatives in the homes of Uighurs whose family members had been imprisoned or killed by the police.but then offering us nothing to support the claim. The article is even comical at times, such as this passageAt times, the big brothers and sisters feared the Uighurs might be slippery, that however cheerfully they might open their houses or declare their loyalty to the Chinese nation, beneath their smiles and gestures of wholesome secularism there might lurk darker allegiances, uncured attachments to their diseased religious ways. But there were simple ways to test for this kind of thing. One could offer a host a cigarette or a sip of beer; a hand could be extended in greeting to a little sibling of the opposite gender, staying alert for signs of flinching. Or one could go out to the market for some freshly ground meat and propose that the family make dumplings. And then wait and watch to see if the Uighurs would ask what kind of meat was in the bag.In which these Chinese “big brothers” test Muslims on what kind of meat they eat or if they flinch. Again, I’ve shown enough that shows they are not trying to eradicate Islam, and if they are they’re doing a terrible job.The second source given in this section illuminates exactly where all these claims come from, namely a Radio Free Asia report. Do I have to remind you about them?11) This one is a straight-up citation of RFA. Anyway, let’s look at the reportDuring the campaign, authorities demolished thousands of mosques to “rectify” the largely Muslim population, claiming that they were sorting out dilapidated buildings that posed a safety threat to worshippers in a bid to standardize and regulate the mosques. Though government officials in December 2016 refused to say how many mosques were destroyed, an investigation by RFA’s Uyghur Service indicated that around 5,000 mosques were demolished over the three months.Why is it that these people can get away with just saying “we did an investigation and found…” without having to show the content of the investigation or how they got the numbers they got? Perhaps provide a link to an article which corroborates this investigative result? Wait, I forgot we’re dealing with the CIA here, who don’t need to verify their claims to be believed. They also do the thing again where they cite an “anonymous insider source,” but give his exact location and job title.The secretary of Baghcha Village in Toqsu (Xinhe) county of Aksu (Akesu) prefecture, who did not give his name, told RFA last week that only one mosque of a total of five in Baghcha alone remain after authorities tore them down. “We used to have mosques in every neighborhood and village [in Toqsu county] but not anymore,” he said. “There used to be five mosques in five neighborhoods [in Baghcha village]; now we have only one big mosque.”Strange practice. Anyway, the growth of the amount of mosques in Xinjiang is demonstrable.Continued in comments via /r/communism https://ift.tt/2SspuZJ