Monday, June 1, 2020

Comrades, this is our 1905 moment. Use it wisely.

In 1905, Tsarist troops fired on peaceful working class protesters. This caused a wave of unrest that sent Russia reeling towards breaking point. By 1917, the communists had built sufficient enough support among the masses to begin constructing socialism.Likewise, in 2020, the United States of America has gone through an extremely rapid series of economic, social and political disturbances that have set the country into disarray. Like 1905 Russia, America is at its breaking point. Now is the time for American comrades to build support and interact with the masses, to combat the rise of fascism and to arm and prepare for the inevitable conflict. If you are able to and are not out in the streets supporting our working class comrades against the fascist police, you are part of the problem. ALL American comrades who are able to MUST unite and form an organised body from which you can educate and radicalise the masses. via /r/communism

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