Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Encounter with a bourgeois

I have been reluctant to make this post before but whatever, I want to make this post to explain you how the bourgeois behaves when not in front of the cameras, and how ridiculous and pathetic they are, they are just like Marx described them, and if the lives of billions of people would not depend on them, then it would be quite comical how they really behave.I have met a single bourgeois in my life, met dozens of petty bourgeois and they are not that different, but the bourgeois is really the peak of absurdity. For the sake of privacy I wont mention personal info here. So I am from an ex-socialist European country, and I have met this guy at a wedding party many years ago. I don't know how the hell he got there, I think he was an aquaintance of an aquaintance of an aquaintance, it's very customary here to invite a shitload of people on your wedding so there were hundreds of people, and this guy was here too, I was sitting next to him and I even talked with him a few hours. This guy was definitely a bourgeois, he owned like 3 factories, dozens of apartments given out in rent, a lot of land, stocks on the stockmarket, and private shares in his extended familie's business too, if I had to put a number of his wealth I'd say between 50-100 million EUR depending on how much debt he had, because I looked up his firms (you can search online basic numbers on govt website, but it wont show you all the details due to "privacy reasons") and they were all > 10 million EUR in equity. So a very rich guy, had at least 1000 employees, a little king over here, maybe he is only a middle-bourgeois by European standards, but in my country he is definitely in the top 1% big bourgeois. Also he is a westerner, so basically he came here after socialism collapsed and bought up the crumbling economy for pennies, a colonialist.So I sit next to this guy, and you can't make this up, and this basically explains the entire liberal ideology in a nutshell. So he came to the wedding with a very expensive Mercedes car (for some reason the bourgeois here prefers them instead of Ferraris and stuff like that, which they could also afford), and he was clothed very modestly, jeans and a squary shirt, just like some random grandpa, since he was around 60 at the time, I didnt realized how rich he was initially. So he came there and was very friendly with everyone, shook hands, patted kids on the back, rubbed their cheeks, stuff like that, so he came in there like just some average Joe trying to make friends with everyone. Most of us there were working class, my entire close family is working class, and he apparently had no problem with that, he ignored the sharp class contradictions. It basically reminds you of emperor Nero who used to also randomly drop into weddings in a disguise and pretend he is a commoner.And then he started to talk at the feast table, and I kid you not, but he couldn't fucking talk 5 minutes without telling a racist or a sexist joke or a slur. I kid you not, he was constantly flirting with the women around and spewing sexist shit, and you could tell that the women were quite uncomfortable. He started even flirting with my mom who was next to me, in front of my dad who was next to her, he was already getting a bit pissed at this. So imagine a complete douchebag who goes there and starts to annoy everyone around, but he thinks he is just so friendly and down to earth with us. And then he started talking about himself, I started saying something and he immediately interrupted me to talk about himself, so a complete narcissist. And he didn't realized it, and we were too reluctant to point it out to him how annoying he was. Of course he was later drinking too and we went home early but from what I heard afterwards he basically went home with his car, basically drunk driving.Now the story doesn't end there, later I met my new neighbor and surprisingly he actually was an employee for this bourgeois guy. My neighbor is an engineer and was a technical chief for a few years in one of his factories, but he quit as he couldn't bear his guy. And he told me what a complete douchebag he was in reality.So this bourgeois guy, very rich, he liked to spend his time in his factory, it's a machine parts factory. The work schedule was from 6 AM to 7 PM (with overtime) and this guy even built one of his houses next to it (he had tons of mansions all over the country and even in his home country but he liked to spend most of his time in that factory so he lived next to it). Now how house was pretty nice I looked it up on Google maps, definitely around 100k EUR, but it wasn't really anything fancy for a guy of his status, and it was right next to the factory, so that he could go in there early, he basically woke up at 5 AM since he couldnt sleep and was already in the office and spend his entire day there, he only went out to a nearby restaurant to eat, but he basically spent all his time there, 12 hours a day easily.What do you think he did all day? Well the paperwork and financials were all handled by his secretary who was already overstressed with the work, and he had 2-3 staffers there with accountant and everything, who answered all the phone calls, so outside of going to business meetings with contractors, he didnt really had to do anything in person since the other staffers did that work, and later on he employed a manager who did the business part too so he had absolutely nothing left to do. Now I am not making this up but what do you think he did all day? He was fucking bossing around people all day long. He was a complete moron, he didnt had any single talent whatsoever, not even business skills, his entire factory was run by his staffers, and he had no technical skills whatsoever, but he went around, patrolling the factory and was constantly bossing people.So my neighbor was the technical chief, and obviously he was an expert in mechanical engineering, who run the machinery related stuff. And he was constantly bickering and fighting with this bourgeois guy, because he thought he knew things better than him. The bourgie he no high education and couldnt even change a lightbulb, but he was telling the engineer guy how to do the technical stuff, and whenever my neighbor tried to correct him because he was wrong, he started furiously yelling at him, that he almost beat him up. So they did the things his way, and then of course the production was messed up, and then he was yelling at people why the production is dropping? Like you fucking asshole, it was your fault for putting your nose where it doesnt belong, but he simply couldnt tolerate any criticism. It was fucking crazy, he was trying to micromanage stuff where he didnt had a single clue how to do things, just to fell that he is in control and he is smarted than anyone else, but then it didnt work out and then he started yelling and throwing things at the walls like an angry 5 year old. Now needless to say that this behavior was slowly driving my neighbor crazy and he couldnt tolerate more than 2 years working for this asshole.Then he also did things like he went around the factory, and at the assembly line where people worked, mostly women, he came from the back and lean over your shoulder and see what you were doing, and like the people had no room to work because he was breathing into your face, and then he put his hands on your shoulder and kissed you on the cheeks. Sometimes he sat down next to the workers and pretended that he was working too, you know like some fucking kindergarden kid. Other times he sad down next to you, started gently rubbing your back and said to the workers to stop working and start talking to him because he feels lonely, most people liked this, because they didnt had to work, but of course you said a word and he then interrupted you and started talking about himself. So he was constantly in your face, trying to show off his ego and find companionship. He also harrassed women all the time. He also was very racist to some minority workers here, and there was 1 trans employee who was constantly bullied by him.Now imagine this for a second, multimillionaire who didnt had to work a single day in his life, completely talentless since he didnt do anything, his entire business was run by others and he got most of his money with "passive investments", so whenever some capitalist fucker says to you "capitalists got their wealth from hard work" remember this. He didnt had to work a single day in his life, and he could have spent his entire life just travelling and living in luxury life in some Ibiza mansion or something. Instead what did he do? He spent the last years of his life in a fucking factory with bad working conditions, bossing people around and showing off his ego trying to validate himself and desperately looking for friends and attention. He even demanded people to stay overtime and to go in working on holidays because he was lonely. So he could have done anything with his money but what he really liked to do was to just polish his ego and show off how cool he is.He didnt even go on vacations that much, he was married but separated from his wife, because of course he had tons of mistresses, and I am pretty sure he solicited sex from the female employees as well. I am telling you most of his time he spent in that fucking factory. Maybe once a year he went on a skiing trip or something, but even on regular holidays he just asked a few employees to go in there and work while he preaches to them. So what the fuck was he accumulating all his money for? He had tens of millions of euros and he didnt spent jackshit, he barely raised his worker's salary, didnt spend money to make that factory habitable (it was very hot with no AC in summers), instead he just blindly hoarded more and more money, and spent his entire day messing with people, that is what he liked to do.Now the guy died a few years ago, due to heart problems, turns out that yelling at your employees all day long is not healthy, neither is staying 12 hours a day in a factory just stressing yourself for no reason when you have the material basis to live a relaxed life, but he just loved to live this lifestyle. My neighbor still didnt mentally recovered from that shit he was put under, and we talked long afternoons about this.So comrades, this is what we are up against in a nutshell. This is the fucking texbook bourgeois behavior, a bunch of narcissistic spoiled brats with constant need of self validation who think of themselves that they are so friendly meanwhile they are trolling and harrassing and annoying you all day long.And to think that these fucking scumbags are the ruling class it's mindboggling. They are completely useless, and their are only rich because the are lucky ,because the labor of their employees is worth more than their stupidity. Because no matter how many stupidities they do, and how many times they contradict technical experts which leads to big financial losses, they can still rebound because the labor that they exploit is just too valuable. They could lose millions due to their incompetence and still double their wealth because the workers are extremely exploited.This is the fucking capitalist class in a nutshell, I am pretty sure at this point that most capitalists behave like this. Just look at Trump what a man-child he is, or what a narcissist Elon Musk is? They are 100% like this. via /r/communism

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