Sunday, August 23, 2020

American Factory Documentary (2019). Thoughts?

I just watched American Factory and was blown away by some of the scenes in the film. For example, the brutal conditions of Chinese workers who have this slave-like mentality that only getting a couple of days off a month is entirely fine and working for such long periods of times isn't just fine but instead desirable. I mean the factory in China has a union (the boss' brother is the union leader) and is associated with the CCP, which had a big picture of Mao hanging up in the union hall. The fucking irony of a company honoring Mao like that and having such brutal working conditions and hours with little pay is insane to me. Like if landlords and their deaths weren't shunned by Mao given the conditions landlords placed on peasants, it's not a stretch to think that he'd similarly feel resentful to how this capitalist is treating his workers. It's like socialism isn't an alternative to capitalism, but instead some national characteristic of China (flags, murals, pictures, etc.). The entire documentary was so depressing and heart breaking to see a country and its people that ostensibly prides its revolutionary socialist history advocate against basic union representation abroad that would have lifted up workers (A FUCKING GOAL of socialism/communism). Have any comrades seen the film and want to share your thoughts? via /r/communism

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