Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The surge of nazbols shows class reductionism is the greatest "internal" threat to the left.

Internal is in quotes because they are just reactionaries with left aesthetics.Putting racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia as secondary to class struggle and not an integral part of fighting capatalism is not only reactionary, but let's them fester to the point where white straight people sacrifice all others well beings for their own and desend into facism wiith only a thin venir of socialist aesthetics.Intersectionality is not a dirty word and you should listed to POC and LGBT+ comrades when they call out brocialist reactionaries in the ranks. A pure class based analysis will only lead to a repeat of ML governments past repression of minority groups, something all comrades should wish to avoid in new ML governments. These problems will likely go away faster post revolution, but no one should have to wait for the revolution for basic human rights.As proof that brocialist and nazbol reactionaries are widespread look no further than the CPGB-ML (a transphobic party from the UK of all places), and stupIDpol (a socially reactionary subreddit with 40k subscribers which is linked in the nazbolgenz subreddit sidebar).Idpol is not a liberal idiology and is not just wanting more female drone pilots. It is supported by Lenin himself in Soviet Power and the Status of Women that women's liberation Is not secondary to class struggle and must be integrated into theory or else you will only have freedom for some workers. via /r/communism

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