Sunday, November 24, 2019

My husband makes $240,000 per year and I don't know how to feel about it.

Let's get this straight. I've been very far left my entire life and I have considered myself a communist for most of my life. My husband joined the military 4 years ago and was able to get a very good MOS (job) in the military and it furthered his career. We both used to work minimum wage, but now he works as a contractor and is making almost a quarter of a million a year after taxes. I never knew how frustrating taxes were until I recently got a mid level position myself making about $40k a year and giving almost a quarter of that into taxes. After qetting my own career and seeing my husband accelerate in his, I find myself disagreeing more and more with communist doctrine, speakers, and think pieces. Am I a bad person? Have other people who have pulled themselves out of poverty still find a way to support collectivization? via /r/communism

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