Monday, November 25, 2019

Should cannabis , mushrooms , ecstasy and other relatively safe drugs be legalized ?

I think there is a paradigm to industrialization and modernization that is inherently bourgeois . How can we build a communist society if everybody is keeping up with the Joneses ? I think the answer lies in artistic , non materialistic , and esoteric expressions that people have always had, but have been weeded out of humanity by tyrants through history .I made a post earlier about supporting all drugs being legal. I don’t support all drugs being legal , but I support the idea of people being social as the utmost importance and social lives for a well functioning society. How do we achieve this without religion ? Drug culture . Outdoors culture . Bohemian culture . Instead of video games , television , other strange things , people should be partying . We should have a party society . Not a society where everyone strives to have better cars and better jet packs , but a society where people dance and have fun without expensive wasteful technology .I think drug laws are really , really bad for the working class , and things like cannabis,mushrooms, and ecstasy can really improve society . What do you think ? via /r/communism

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