Monday, November 25, 2019

Should communists support a Labour government in the UK?

The title is self explanatory. I am asking because the party I'm a member of - the Communist Party of Britain - and it's youth wing the Youth Communist League (of which I'm also a member) recently announced that their goal first and foremost is to try and have a Labour government in the next general election.Of course, I view Labour as by far the best party to vote in, even if they aren't aligned with my views totally, and the recent move leftward in Labour is certainly promising, but I just don't know if we should be actively supporting an (albeit much more left wing) liberal party.And in fact, on the last part of it being a "liberal party", is it even a liberal party anymore? Or has it been pushed to the point of being a Democratic Socialist party, at least in a moderate form?And finally, would me supporting the SNP in Scotland (I support them only for the end goal of Scottish Independence, as I believe that is the best for Scotland going forward, I wholeheartedly disagree with them past that but they are simply the only party that is likely to get us independence) effectively be supporting Labour, as it is in the SNPs interests to back a Labour government (as I believe they have said they will)?Sorry if these questions are not suited for this subreddit, if they aren't I will move them to communism101 via /r/communism

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