Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Questioning Sexuality


as the title states I'm questioning my sexuality, I'm 17 and I know it's normal but I'm really scared, to be honest. I know I'm in the best situation for this but nevertheless the feeling doesn't go away, like, I know I'm fortunately not apart of the bible belt or a country that legalizes murder of the LGBTQ2S+ community. I just find some people extremely attractive, girls or boys (Cis), then extremely attractive trans and non-binary people come out of the woodworks and makes me feel things I never felt before. Like, I can't decipher yet is these feelings are just like, 'Oh, hey. That's an attractive person.', or like a 'please date me.'. Another thing is that with the pandemic and quarantining could just making me 'lonely', as well as I just came out of an extremely repressive Christian community. So, I'm trying to account all the feelings I have but at the same time, I feel like I'm drowning. I just want to ask what other people have experienced as 'signs' they were pan, as well as anything I can try to relate to try and pin this down.

Many thanks, from an anxious but somewhat excited person.

Submitted September 02, 2020 at 09:29PM by Zacharie-Art

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