Monday, October 28, 2019

10 days in, and some general observations. (Using primarily for anxiety)

I went to a CBD store on the 19th after having some really bad anxiety episodes and needing to start to seek relief. I bought a 750mg tincture of broad spectrum CBD, and at the instruction of the employee, I began taking 12.5mg under the tongue twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. She instructed me to give it about a week and assess how I feel. And, I just wanted to share my experience.I was not sure what to expect. What I have noticed is that I have the same worrying thoughts throughout the day that I've always had, however, the physical affects of anxiety have been significantly lessened. Usually, my thoughts are accompanied by symptoms like a tight chest, shaking, rapid breathing, urge to cry, stomach pain, loss of appetite, fatigue. All of this makes me unable to focus off of my thoughts because I feel crushed by them. When I have a bad anxiety episode, after work I usually hyperventilate and start crying once I get to my car, and then come home and lay in bed and sob until I sleep. always unable to eat, or do much of anything. In the past week, I have not experienced any of these sensations. I still worry. But, I am able to focus on other things because the physical symptoms aren't overpowering me.

It's been hard for me to assess this all though. Because, I didn't know if the lack of those symptoms was just because I did not have a big enough cause of anxiety. I thought it could've just been a generally mild week.

But, today I had a major stressor. That at first did cause me some discomfort and anxiety. However, it was lessened to an extent to where, while uncomfortable, I was able to better get through my work day. However, once I got home from work I took my evening dose early. It calmed me down greatly. While overwhelmed, and still a little emotional, I was able to do laundry, make and eat dinner, and focus on some netflix for the evening. I wasn't completely normal. But I was coping, and I was functioning.

I had hopes that it was working. But today really showed me that it is.

Submitted October 28, 2019 at 06:17PM by gonenow94

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