Wednesday, October 30, 2019

I got crazy high off cbd flower last night

I've been using cbd flower for a couple months now so I'm not a newbie, but this was by far the most intense and honestly scary experience I've had so far using it. Just trying to see if anyone else has experienced the same or if something is just wrong with me??

CBD flower has been helping a lot with my anxiety and overall mental health, so I use it pretty regularly. I normally use a vape pen to smoke it, but just the other day I bought a small bowl to try it with. That night I got it I smoked a bowl and was completely fine, it made me feel really good. Then yesterday morning i smoked a bowl felt good, then did another in the evening, then another right before bed (this is the one that truly fucked me up). Not sure if it was the amount I smoked in a 24 hour period that caused me to have such an intense reaction, or the strain of CBD (kush hemp is the one I used before bed). But I legitimately got high. I haven't gotten this high since the last time I smoked weed which I can't even remember when but was definitely over 2 or 3 years ago. I didn't notice much difference at first but about 10 minutes into the session I started feeling SO out of it, like everything moved in slow motion and I didn't know where I was. Then I kinda started freaking out about how I felt which only made it worse, I started shaking a lot and started having an anxiety attack, pretty much felt like it was the end for me lol. May sound dramatic, but for anyone who has experienced anxiety while smoking weed can probably understand. I know I was fighting it and just making it worse, but I literally felt like I couldn't relax and just go with it. When I used to smoke real weed I normally would get high with someone else but this time I was alone which just made me more anxious that something bad would happen. Thankfully my boyfriend came to my rescue when I let him know how badly I was freaking out and I felt a lot better having him there with me.

Anyway, I really wasn't looking to get high, like I mentioned I only use cbd to get rid of my anxiety and to relax. This flower is something I LEGALLY bought from tweedle farms website, and it got me high to the point where I had an anxiety attack. I didn't use any at all today so far, and I'm definitely not going to smoke 3 bowls in a day ever again. But I'm wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience?? Or if I got a bad batch of CBD? It's supposed to have minimal thc so I still don't understand how I could have gotten so high from it.

Also for those of you that do smoke regular weed and get high, what do you do to keep yourself from getting anxious and freaking out?? I definitely don't want to feel that way ever again if I do accidentally get high again.

Submitted October 30, 2019 at 05:29PM by vn1711

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