Saturday, October 26, 2019

Love❤️ me🤗 I👁 said yeah🤤 yeah💦💦

Under⬇️ the bridge🌉 downtown🏙 Is where I shit💩🥴😂 some blood💉😳😂 Under🙃 the bridge🌉 downtown🌃 I could not🚫 shit💩😖😂 enough😫🤤😂 Under👇 the bridge🎢 downtown🏢🏬 Forgot🤔😑😤😂 about my shit😰😱😂 Under⬇️🙃👇 the bridge🌁 downtown🏙🌃🌆🌇🏢🏬🏦🏥 I gave🤗 my shit💩😬😂 away👉👋🤝 (yeah😅👍 yeah😚👍) Ooh no🚫 (no🚫 no🚫 yeah👍😀 yeah👍🤓) Here I stay🥳🤗🤠 yeah😍👍 yeah🤪👍 Here⬇️ I stay😃😂😂😋🤩🤣😛💦🌟🌚🌚🌚

Submitted October 26, 2019 at 09:23PM by imabitchiseled

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